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#36817488Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

(What the HELLLL have I missed??) [Dramatic Greyscale coloring] I thought about this for quite a while. If I join Specter, then maybe I could become stronger. Then again, that would lead to the end of this reality... and my short-time ally. If there are good spoils for this... I finally said, "What's in it for me?"
#36820191Thursday, November 11, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

Lord Daemon Specter: Immortatity! The power to control time! You'll be able to rule over your own kingdom! I will creat the ultimate world that will never end. You, and I- Shadow Master: Me to massster! Lord Daemon Specter: Yes. Us three shall have complete control over everything in the universe! Even I thought about this for a minute, but then I dismissed the idea. "Don't do it Ace! Everyone in all the realities will die!... Including ours!" Lord Daemon Specter: Ha! They are nothing, but figments of our imagination! They aren't real people... Even I'm not. I'll make you a deal. I'll keep your reality, and destroy the rest. They are nothing. Join me... We'll be heroes!
#36820967Thursday, November 11, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

[More Dramatic Greyscale Coloring] Wait. Did he just say he'll destroy the rest? What if all the existing realities were connected to one prime reality, and that prime reality was destroyed as well? Everything in existence would cease to exist, especially mine. [End Dramatic Greyscale Coloring] "I reject your offer. I'd rather exist than waste my time with your army." I drew my longsword and got into fighting stance.
#36823605Thursday, November 11, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

Specter shook his head. Lord Daemon Specter: What a pity... I was hoping could keep at least one of you alive, but it look as if I'll have to kill you both. Specter stood up out of his throne, and his arms changed into extremly long swords. His legs grew longer, and turned into a black substance that had smoke emitted from it. The same happened with his chest, and nech. Then his head was slightlu elongated. It eyes changed shape, and became pure white. His hair became black smoke, and the virus spread to his face. When he opened his mouth rows of jagged black teeth were there. He pointed one of his claws to Ace. Lord Daemon Specter: You will die! He rushed forward with a speed that would rival Saber's. He slashed with his claw with lightning fast spped. Nothing could have survied, but something blocked the attack. Saber was there. His scimitars were ready. Saber: Who are you? Lord Daemon Specter: I am Daemon Specter... You must be Saber... Give me Fate's Diary! I need it to destroy these realites! Saber:...Over my dead body. Lord Daemon Specter: That can easily be aranged! Saber: You two! Run! Thats when I woke up.
#36824162Thursday, November 11, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

I opened my eyes, facing the ceiling. I sat up. This dream is starting to get to me. For some reason I felt something on my back. When I touched it, I recognized the shape. It was my sheathe. Well, that solves the reality mystery... sort of. I still don't get why Specter would want to destroy the realities we live in. I looked outside to see morning rays shining over the garden.
#36826502Thursday, November 11, 2010 3:04 AM GMT

I woke up with a start. I look out the window. It was overcast. I lived in New York City. The were cars going up, and down the street. Everything seemed so... Normal. Hard to belive an evil being was on his way to rule the universe. ~~Lord Daemon Specter~~ Saber was on the ground bleeding. "Give it to me..." Saber:...Never. My claw struck him, and he was dead. Now I have the Diary. All I need is the pen.
#36829016Thursday, November 11, 2010 3:57 AM GMT

(I wanted to be part of the whoel dramatic scene. ;_; But I was told to guard the diary, so once he finds that Saber doesn't have it with him, he's gonna come to murder me, right?) I just sat on the floor of the cave. I wonder what Ace and Tren and Saber where all doing. They'd probably come back to tell me about it, or something.
#36835134Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:45 AM GMT

(Its day. We can't stay that long. YOU'RE in the real world too.) Specter went to the cave. He picked up the diary. Now all I need is the wishing pen.
#36836924Thursday, November 11, 2010 1:12 PM GMT

(Oh. Really? I need to follow along better...)
#36837392Thursday, November 11, 2010 1:32 PM GMT

(Yes you do.)
#36854616Thursday, November 11, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

(Read what you've missed to get up-to-date.) Ontario. My home. I hid my longsword under the bed to make sure my parents won't see it. I got out of bed and walked to the window. What a beautiful day.
#36858379Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

(Let it die...)

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