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#35743097Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

Welcome to the city of Ren'Vale, Or as some call it, "Hell". Its a large scrappy slum, filled with trash and bandits. Also home to our species, the Rammna. For some, they cant wait to get out of here, But for others, its home. We are extremley protected here, The guards do they're jobs pretty good. But its still hard. We hardly run out of food because of the commonness of the animals here. But all hasent been well, These strange beings have been attacking recently. But we're sure it aint a problem.. Like i said.. Welcome to hell. --BELOW MUST BE READ-- The Rammna are a humanoid species, they wear only fur and armor, they usually have dark grey scrappy plates on them with thick atrificial fur coming out of the cracks in between. They have helmets that conceal their faces, But some only wear masks that cover their ears and mouths. The only difference between genders is the visible body shape. Under their armor they look extremley humanlike, but they're skin is a dark gray and their eyes are completley black. They have somewhat of robotic voices. RULES: No trolling, Flamming or Spamming of any kind. Godmodding or Ubering is FORBIDDEN. Romance is allowed, Just keep it between your two characters. A kiss is the maximum level. --ABOVE MUST BE READ-- Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Occupation: (Civilian, Soldier, Guard, Scavenger, Engineer, Etc) Equipment: Weapons: Only minor things like light plasma pistols and knives. Biography:
#35743906Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

Name: Carsoz A.ge: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Average Rammna, has a mask that conceals face, but also has a goggle lense sticking out of a crack in the left side of the mask. Occupation: Engineer Equipment: Monkey Wrench, Toolbox, Etc Weapons: None Biography: The most famous mechanic in Ren'Vale. He has his own shop in the city.
#35744179Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

#35744769Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:25 PM GMT


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