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#35827057Friday, October 22, 2010 8:22 PM GMT

The military hired us to fix something in one of their submarines. The repairs were going to take a while, so we had to spend the night the sub. In the middle of the night an explosion went off shaking the sub and waking everybody. When we went to investigate what had happened, we found the engines damaged; we were stranded in the sub, Then, Another discovery. The pressure would soon get too much, The sub would implode, Leaving us, Dead.. We were in a ticking time bomb, Each tick, We were closer to death. Rules: No romance. No ubering No god modding 'It's not in the rules' Is not an excuse. If you read all of this, Put 'Submarine' at the bottom of your CS. Normal ROBLOX rules. No saying 'FIXED IT!' And making the sub float to the top. Humans only. CS: Name: A.ge: Why did you decided to go on the sub?: Job?: (E.G: Cook, Engineer...) Appearance Physical: Clothing: Personality: Good or Bad?: Bio: ADMINS: SuperStella Vibhut/Kyundi samski11 ShockvoltX Bloxette Rox159th CS: Name: Darren McAmill A.ge: 25 Why did you decided to go on the sub?: He was already on it as the head chef. Job?: Head Chef Appearance Physical: Darren is quite thin especially as he likes to test his food, he is of average height for his age, He's got short ashy black hair and dark brown eyes, his features are made up of subtle toning and rounded facial aspects. Clothing: He usually wears a standard white cooking apron, a Dark brown shirt that is very warm as the sub is quite cold, Black suit trousers and Black leather shoes. Personality: He is friendly, helpful, creative. he is quite a joker when he can be but he gets very angry and defensive if anyone is ticking him or his friends off. Good or Bad?: Good. Bio: He was in the kitchen cooking when it happened and was scared so he grabbed a basic cutting knife about 10cm long and he carry's it around untill he can find a better weapon, there may be terrorists on this mission is his idea so he might have to defend himself.
#35827677Friday, October 22, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

(Even though I was kicked out of the project of making this, I'll just play it then...) Name: Keith D. McNear A.ge: 28 Why did you decided to go on the sub?: I came here to break the sub. As I am a Russian spy. Job?: Radio transmitter Appearance Physical: Strong, but has a little fat. Clothing: A blue jump suit. With head phones and has blond hair. Skinny. 5'10. Hiking shoes. Black gloves. Personality: Silent, aggresive. Good or Bad?: Bad Bio: As I am Russian spy. But, they do not know this yet. But, I was raised in Brittian. Till' my parents died. Then a Russian couple adopted me. Then when I was 15 I found out they won't really married. They were part of the Russian goverment. I was being trained all my life to learn how to kill, break, and how to act like your not a Russian spy.
#35827738Friday, October 22, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

(I will talk to the others before accepting you.)
#35827768Friday, October 22, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

#35827890Friday, October 22, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

(Accept him It's a pretty good CS.)
#35827969Friday, October 22, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

(When do we start?)
#35827983Friday, October 22, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

(When I make my CS.)
#35828064Friday, October 22, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

(You heard her. Accepted.)
#35828283Friday, October 22, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

(I only been on the RP fourms for 2 weeks. I'm some how good at this. I use to me a CGer.)
#35828376Friday, October 22, 2010 8:45 PM GMT

#35828439Friday, October 22, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

Name: David Rogers A.ge: 23 Why did you decided to go on the sub?: To repair the damage. Job?: Engineer Appearance Physical: Brown hair, green eyes, american, 5 ft. 9 in. Clothing: Cargo pants, muscle tee, brown leather boots, protective goggles Personality: Kind, helpful, and always ready to get the job done. You can count on him to help get out of this alive. Good or Bad?: Good Bio: He became very good with tools and electronics when he was a kid and is now a young engineer that was hired to fix the damage in the sub and is now stuck with everyone else.
#35828479Friday, October 22, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

Name: Sky Rhodes A.ge: 20 Why did you decided to go on the sub?: For her apprenticeship university experience. Job?: Stand by and watch.. :P Appearance Physical: Black hair with blue tips, Sweeping fringe. Straight up to her chest line. Brown eyes, 5"4 Clothing: Normal submarine suit with Black boots. Personality: Nice, Bubbly, Gets distracted easily, Scared of sharks. Good or Bad?: Good. Bio: Is a student at a university. ADMINS:
#35828658Friday, October 22, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

Name: Lunabelle Leiheart A.ge: 19 Why did you decided to go on the sub?: She was a trainee for the military, and was brought along on this mission as a practice run. Job?: Military Appearance Physical: Curly and wavy burgundy hair with layers and a silky texture that reaches her shoulder blades with lighter natural highlights that blend in, cut in a cleopatra type cut but with side bangs that reach down and curl around her face along with the square bangs, one of them covering part of her left eye. She has big and beautiful light brown eyes, with thick darker brown rings around the rim and the pupil in the eye with long, dark eyelashes that give a mystical look to them. She has a thin nose and full well defined lips that is a natural pinkish red color, and cheeks that have a natural blush. She has groups of light freckles on her cheeks and the bridge area of the nose, and a couple on her arms. She is slim and slightly curvy, being tall [5'11 1/2"] and she tends to be light on her feet [94.7 LBS]. Clothing: She wears a fitting black t-shirt with U.S.A writen on the front of the chest area, under a thin jean jacket colored in urban camo with black. She also wears a pair of black jean shorts that reach to just above the knee and black and white converse with neon pink laces tied neatly, and socks. Se didn't bother bringing her military clothing since it was a practice run. Personality: Tends to be selfless, kind and sweet, but she knows how to be mean, and isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She also has an extremely smart side she's picked up through-out the years, and she has an imaginative mind that nobody can stop from soaring. Good or Bad?: Good Bio: Lunabelle, nicknamed Luna or Belle, graduated High School two years ago as valedictorian, after skipping two grades, going for a year of college and then she joined the military soon after. She's agile and playful, usually hyper. Lunabelle was born as the middle child out of five children, and was raised by a loving father. Her mother had died in a car accident of which her father managed to escape with only a couple broken body parts and a minor concussion. She carries the Leiheart name with pride. Submarine
#35828706Friday, October 22, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

(Girl,wern't you Sky Rhodes in another RP?)
#35828708Friday, October 22, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

(Start then , you guys are accepted.) I get up I had fallen over at the blast and hit my head of the ceiling I look over at the pot of spilled stew, I'd fix that later. I pick up the pot to stop more from spilling out then grab a knife I had been using to cut the carrots and slide it into my black backpack lying at the side of the door I shoulder the pack and step out into the corridor "Hello?"
#35828752Friday, October 22, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

(Nice character sheet Youshi.)
#35828800Friday, October 22, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

(@SG wait, you didn't read all of it.)
#35828865Friday, October 22, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(@SG Until you read all of it, You aren't accepted.) I scream, Almost falling over. The submarine stops s uddenly.
#35828878Friday, October 22, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(Thanks ;)) (Gimme a second to write my opening... paragraph thingie.)
#35828962Friday, October 22, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

I was finishing up with my repairs for the night and was heading to my room when a thundering blast knocked me off my feet. "What the he\\ was that?!" I got back up and went to check on what had happened.
#35829031Friday, October 22, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

I looked outside, " Were not moving, The machinery we need to fix is still about 1 mile away. " I say.
#35829205Friday, October 22, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

"Everyone alright?!" I call out my voice ringing through the halls of the sub. I begin to realise the sub is basically intact because we aren't tipping yet and there is no flooding surge of water trying to drown me yet.
#35829237Friday, October 22, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

My eyes flew open when I heard the crashes and the sounds of a few shouts and cusses. I had been taking a nap in a chair when I had been talking to the other trainee, 'Butch', as most people called him. I looked down at the small sleeping bag and saw him still sleeping, his mouth still open from the last word I remember him saying. I stand up, and slipped on my jacket, and slipped out the doorway to investigate. "What's going on?" I call. "What happened- woah..." I examine the litter on the floors.
#35829251Friday, October 22, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

(I forgot the submarine part didn't I...'Submarine'. Wait, do we live on a Yello Submarine? =3)
#35829339Friday, October 22, 2010 9:00 PM GMT

(Yes, you did, Accepted. No, The sub is black.) I ran to the control room, " Engine failure.. " I say tapping the screen.

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