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#35895469Saturday, October 23, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

Welcome to Kingdom Hearts RPG, a "project" by Lightning27 & Xtornado. Please read the basic information & rules before roleplaying. Thanks! :3 Story: Years have passed since the destruction of Organization XIII, and the monsters known as Heartless that once plauged the Realm of Light, and the Realm Between have disappeared. However, peace does not last, when strange occurences begin affecting those of the Realm of Light. With the heart of all worlds known as "Kingdom Hearts" weakened from countless years of destruction and recreation, a evil emperor seeks to obliterate the heart of all worlds once and for all. Elsewhere, facing countless attacks from the emperor's forces, a civilization known as Starlight City trains recruits to battle evil across the Realm of Light. It is here where a new chapter of the Kingdom Hearts saga begins... Rules: 1. No original characters from the Kingdom Hearts Games. Your characters CAN be related to original characters if you want, you just can't USE original characters from the games. 2. We have a story. Please, at least TRY to stick with it. 3. Please, no god-modding or spamming. 4. No keyblades. Try and come up with your own weapons. You can have fun with this, but please no overpowered weapons. :D 5. Just have fun! :D Character Sheet: Name: (First name, last name if you want.) A.ge: (Self-explanitory) Appearance: (Outfit, hair color/ eye color, etc.) Weapon: (Weapon(s) of choice.) Abilities: (Any kind of special moves) Magic: (Any magic spells?) Bio: (Information on the character. Personality, history, etc.)
#35898278Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

Name: Riff A.ge: 17 Appearance: Has black hair, and blue eyes. Wears a t-shirt and a red jacket. Pants are tan, with red lines down the sides. Weapon: Standard Issue Starlight Corp. KL23X Laser Blaster Abilities: At the time, none. Magic: At the time, none. Bio: Is part of a defensive force that fights to protect their city. Is rather adventurous, and carefree. However, he lacks patience, and tends to act without thinking. He's rather skilled with a blaster.
#35898458Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:13 PM GMT

(Can I be a Nobody of my own fan-made character(I'll put both sheets.)?)
#35898526Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

Name: Thadd A.ge: 17 Appearance: Dark brown hair, green eyes, brown jacket, white T-shirt, blue jeans, skinny. Weapon: A medium sized mallet. Abilities: None, yet. Magic: A basic fire spell. Bio: Has lived in Starlight City most of his life. He also protects Starlight City from Nobodies. Thadd is fairly courageous, he could also be considered clever.
#35898778Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

* The camera pans upon a view of a vast sky of stars, that seem to stretch for miles. The camera then pans upon a brightly lit city, with skyscrapers that seem to almost touch the stars themselves. Above these buildings, a gigantic, blue forcefield covers the length of the city. On the outskits of the city, lies a massive field of green grass. However, movement is soon seen in the grass. Turrets stationed outside the neon gates of the city begin firing wildly into the grass. Smoke and ash rise into the air, as alarms ring across the city. The camera soon pans to fase a large, grey, and tall building in the center of the city. The words "Starlight Defense Force" are painted on the building in crimson red. * * A man stands atop a balcony of the building, watching the smoke rise from outside the city. He sighs, and turns to face several dozen troops, armed with blasters and other various weapons. *
#35898846Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

@ Slinke Sure. :D
#35899014Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

Thadd:*standing awkwardly with his mallet* ... .__.
#35899377Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

Name: General Jason V. Drakon A.ge: Unknown Appearance: Wears a Black battle outfit, complete with utility belt and numerous weapons, concealed to all. Weapon: Uses a electric-powered sword. Abilities: Tapped into the power of darkness many years ago, and as a result, has increased speed, and power. Magic: None. Bio: Is the powerful, and agressive captain of the Starlight Defense Force. Is very agressive towards nobodies, and commands a small unit he refers to as the Darkness Squad.
#35899545Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

Thadd:*drops his mallet* o_o *picks it back up* Uh...What are we doing right now again?
#35899554Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

Name: Daniel "Danny" Fey A.ge: 12 Appearance: Blue Shirt, Blue Pants, Black Shoes(Red velcrow), Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Peach Skin Weapon: Spear Abilities: Triple Doom(Three quick slices, each with a different element. Element changes when he uses it.) Magic: Fire, Blizzard, Lightning, Cure Bio:Pateint, Nice, and Timid, Daniel is a good kid. He can just pull his spear out of pretty much nowhere. Name:Daxinel Fey A.ge:11 Appearance: See Daniel's appearance, except sometimes wears an Org. XIII coat, even though the Orginization has fallen. Weapon: Spear Abilities: Triple Doom, Magic: Same as Daniel. Bio: Daniel's Nobody. (People call Daniel Danny.)
#35899559Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

Jason: LISTEN UP! The enemy is pressing their attack! I want you to show NO MERCY out there! Riff: * Refilling a bird feeder * :D Jason: If backup is needed.. * Chuckles * You'll all get to see the Darkness Squad in action. * Several soldiers mutter to each other * Jason: Now, get out there, and show those nobodies who's in charge of this city! * Soldiers salute * Riff: * watching a bird eat bird seed out of his hand * :D Hey, that tickles! Jason: * Glares at Riff * ... Riff: ._.U
#35899671Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:31 PM GMT

Thadd:...Um, Sir? How many of the nobodies are there? o_o''
#35899797Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:32 PM GMT

Jason: * Closes eyes * 15... no... 30. Riff: * Punches Thadd in the arm * Oh, don't be such a wimp, Thadd! We can take 'em! Jason: * Scowls * You'd better. The numbers are getting even higher. I think we may be looking at at least... 200. Riff: WHAT?! O_O
#35899887Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

Thadd:...And..Uh...How many are there of us? ^_^
#35899933Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

Jason: About... 50. Don't worry. The odds are even. ^_^ * Created a dark corrider and walks through it * Riff: ._. Were screwed.
#35899947Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

~Danny(I am reffering to Daniel as Danny.)~ I walk to the bird cage and put in some more food. ~Daxinel~ I was ready to start attacking if needed.I didn't want to fight, but would if needed.
#35900020Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:36 PM GMT

Thadd:...We're going to die...So...Where do we start? ._.
#35900083Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:36 PM GMT

* Suddenly a blast of energy is heard. The forcefield around the city begins to spark and shimmer * Riff: Woah. o_o... I don't think the forcefield's ever done that before. * Picks up blaster and takes elevator downstaris *
#35900145Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

~Danny~ I follow Riff. ~Daxinel~ I see a forcefield thing spark and shimmer.
#35900333Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:40 PM GMT

Thadd: Oh crap...I think the forcefield broke. ._.
#35900392Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:41 PM GMT

* Meanwhile, outside the main gates * Soldier 1: * Readies Blaster * ._. Dude, I'm scared. Soldier 2: Oh shut up. We'll be fine. Soldier 1: No, man. This time feels different. Soldier 2: I've told you this 15 times already, IT'S JUST. GAS. * Suddenly a grey arm bursts through the forcefield * Soldier 1: AHHH! * Starts shooting * * A single dusk slips through the hole in the forcefield. (Picture of Dusk: http://bit.ly/cCbOBh )
#35900545Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

I see a hole in it. I decide that means I can corridor in now, if I couldn't before. ~Danny~ "Fire!"I say, destroying the Dusk.
#35900769Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

* More Dusks burst through the forecefield * Soldier 1: I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOOU! D= * The soldiers begin backing away while firing at the dusks * Jason: * Appears * EVERYONE! FAN OUT! WE NEED TROOPS ON ALL SIDES OF THE CITIES!
#35900925Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:46 PM GMT

~Daxinel~ I corridor inside of the city. ~Danny~ I turn around, seeing someone who looks like me, except in a black coat.
#35901051Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

Riff: * Crouches behind a crate, and shoots at a Dusk * Dangit! Hold still so I can kill you! >_<

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