#38931045Saturday, December 18, 2010 9:47 AM GMT

ok if your need the be moden in the game then here it is. WindTurbine One of the only way to get electicity but you'll need a battory. It is not very wide but very tall. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Stock Wood Stock Wood Circuit Board Wire Solar Panel Another way to get electicity but again your need battorys. Its just the same the windturbine. It is wide but noot very tall. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Stock Wood Stock Wood Circuit Board Wire Electic Fence You need wire and a battory to give it power your put the wire on the fence, then place the battory on the wire. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Stock Wood Stock Wood Circuit Board Wire Tesela Water Fiter You get unlimited water from this its one of the things i say BUILD IT. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Stock Wood Circuit Board Wire If your need any help message me and ill post more about it. Ow and heres an epic tip: If you dont what a noob to burn down your walls and gates, then instead of using "Wooden Barricades" use "Stone wall" and instead of using "Stock Wood" use "pile of bricks". this will make then stone walls and stone gates which CANT BE BURNED BY NOOBS MUHUHUH. I have given you the know how now get out and PLAY!!!!
#38931120Saturday, December 18, 2010 9:52 AM GMT

=- TOOLS -================================================ Use the create tool function on the craft tool to create these items. The items must be in order as listed. The items are listed with their COMPLETE NAMES, so no confusion may accure. TOOLS INCLUDES BUILDINGS -------------------------------- Metal Bar You can use the Metal Bar to pry open crates...It is better then a Rusty Metal Bar as far as damage goes, but for prying open crates they do the same thing. Be sure to aim the mouse at the top of the crate, to open it. INGREDENTS: Burning Metal -------------------------------- Rusty Metal Bar You can use the Rusty Metal Bar to pry open crates. It will not deal as much damage as a Metal Bar. Be sure to aim the mouse at the top of the crate, to open it. INGREDENTS: Scrap Metal -------------------------------- Pistol You can use the pistol to hit somebody at a long range. You get 6 shots with the pistol, and to reload or add shots to it, step on some ammo. You can find this at the gun shop. INGREDENTS: Pistol -------------------------------- Rifle This is supposidly better than a pistol, you can find both at the gun shop. You can reload this by stepping on a box of ammo. INGREDENTS: Rifle -------------------------------- Hammer Hammers can be used to hit pieces of burning scrap metal. This is commonly refered to smithing. This should create a metal blade, but as 10/23/10 it doesn't change the name of the object, and thus it acts like a piece of scrap metal. You can find these in crates. To open crates see "Metal Bar" in the tool section. INGREDENTS: Hammer -------------------------------- Fishing Pole Use to fish. This can be an easy way to get food, if you have the nack for it, plus the patients. You must use this in water....As before, aim the mouse at the water. Instructions are included in the tool. INGREDENTS: Fishing Pole -------------------------------- Bucket Quick, easy, unlimited drinking water. Get water off of a water bottle...since it doesn't decrease the amount on the water bottle, you have unlimited water. Rope can be made out of a stalk. Stalks grow when you plant wheat, they are the green part on the bottom of the plant. INGREDENTS: Burning Metal Rope -------------------------------- Nailed Board I believe this is a joke...but it is pretty much what it says. A nailed board with limited damage. I would suggest that you ignore this recipe, as a nailed board is very ineffective. Find a nail in the WareHouse, which is one of the spawn spots. INGREDENTS: Stock Board Nail -------------------------------- Faulty Lighter I forgot the chances of this working, but I believe it's 1 out of 5 trys. That means you have a 20% chance rate. NOTE: You must point your mouse at the flamable ingredent, THEN click...just randomly clicking will not light any object within the range (30 studs) of the lighter. Discarded Plastic can be found in a trashcan (looks a cylinder) INGREDENTS: Discarded Plastic Gasoline -------------------------------- Small Shelter I can't believe you would bother to build this. It doesn't stop people, and it might stop a zombie. You can hardly fit in it, and it only protects your legs. The only use I could see for it is to trap a zombie in it. Tied metal is created by combining 2 scrap metals, and a wooden Barricade is created by combining 2 stock woods. INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Med. Shelter Please note: the Med. does not stand for medical, it stands for Medium. This shelter like the small shelter is fairly useless. It doesn't stop people, it's only slightly bigger, and it's not that great. Glass Panes can be created by combining 2 glass. Glass can be created by making a fire and heating sand. Sand can be found at the beach, or in the sand box. INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Tied Metal Bar Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Glass Pane -------------------------------- Large Shelter Now we're talking, if you build any shelter, it's got to be this one. It's fairly impressive, though it still doesn't serve any useful purpose. You might be able to stop a few more zombies with it... INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Stock Wood Glass Pane -------------------------------- Plastic Lighter A must, remember the command store/[insert tool name here] can store tools in your backpack. Use it, store it, reuse it. This is your permit to fire, and advanced survivial. Get Pure Plastic by heating up discarded plastic (found in trashcans) over a fire. It get's all shiny then. INGREDENTS: Pure Plastic Gasoline -------------------------------- Gas Container Before V.1.5 you needed this to drive a vehicle once it ran out of gas. Unfortunently, they reduced the speed of the vehicles to less then the walkspeed of your player, and removed that function. Now this is useless... INGREDENTS: Pure Plastic Pure Plastic Gasoline -------------------------------- Warehouse This is slightly impressive, and a good way to organize your goods, though it's essentially 2 small shelters combined with a shelf, it's easy to make. INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Dock This is how you get a fishing pole. There is no advanced type of dock, and there are 2 slots on this one for your makeshift raft. Comes with 5 fishing poles. INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Stock Wood -------------------------------- Makeshift Gate YES...Finally a way to stop noobs from coming into your base. Unfortunently This canstop your team mates from coming in. To let your teammates in, use a Stable Gate. Unfortunently also...this is flamable...don't like it? Build a brick one. (Recipie unknown as of 10/23/10) INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Makeshift Wall Same as a gate, but a wall. A strategically placed metal beam stops people/zombies from jumping over it. Like the gate, it is flamable, and noobs like fire. Alot... Brick one does exist, but the recipie is unknown as of 10/23/10 INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Ladder A way to climb your opposers wall, get on top of a building, climb the mountain, and block a hall way. I give you the LADDER! Yes it is easy to make, and easy to use. I would suggest a few of these for your colony. THEY ARE FLAMABLE! INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Stock Wood Stock Wood -------------------------------- Makeshift Mill This is how you make flour, you drop a wheat bundle through the top...and out comes a piece of dough. There is no difference besides looks between a Makeshift Mill and a Stable Mill. This is an easy item to make, but is fairly useless unless you farm. It is flamable. INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Stock Wood -------------------------------- Makeshift Raft Want to get out to the ocean? Use a Raft? There is only one vehicle you can make as of 10/23/10, and this is it. I would suggest only making one. Note: They pieces of it are unlocked, so any noob can take it apart. If gasoline is ever needed in a car/truck again, take the seat of the raft, and attach it to the truck/car for no gas driving. I forget if this is doesn't matter though, these are cheap. INGREDENTS: Stock Wood Stock Wood -------------------------------- Sand Water Filter Creating this is only worth it if you are really close to sand/metal, It gives you 50 servings of water, once used up, this building can't be retooled. If noobs see this, they will usually take 15-20 servings, believing it has unlimited water. INGREDENTS: Tied Metal Bar Scrap Metal Pile of Sand -------------------------------- Forge This is the first thing you should make. It is your only way to make unlimited fire. Bricks can be found in blocks by the warehouse, and scattered around the map. INGREDENTS: Pile of Bricks Pile of Bricks Scrap Metal Stock Wood Stock Wood -------------------------------- Small Stable Shelter Ahhh...I forgot what this looks like, but I don't think it was that impressive. I wouldn't suggest making this. Make a gate instead. It isn't flamable. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Stable Warehouse Like a warehouse, but double storied. Still no roof. Just a box...with one side open. Why the heck would you want that. MAKE A GATE OR A WALL OR A DOCK. Not this. You shouldn't have that much stock piled anyway. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Stable Gate YES....Still flamable, but you can let people IN. And believe me, bonded metal isn't that hard to make. Just get a fire next to a metal container, and you've got unlimited Bonded metal. These are only necessary in colonies where multiple people need to get through the game. INGREDENTS: Bonded Metal Bar Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Stock Wood -------------------------------- Stable Wall YES AGAIN...Still flamable like the game, but it has this cool roof/fortified thing...just looks cool. No other use. I think that a ladder can replace the fortifed part, but oh well... Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade Wooden Barricade -------------------------------- Stable Mill Bonded Metal Bar Wooden Barricade Stock Wood -------------------------------- Machete Man, I always loved easy killing, and this is the way to do it. By the way, this looks nothing like a Machete. To get a metal Blade, hit a piece of burning scrap metal. Due to a glitch, you can't get this at the moment. I'm sorry (10/23/10) INGREDENTS: Metal Blade ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =- ITEMS -================================================ Use the create item button on the craft tool to create these items. The items must be in order as listed. The items are listed with their COMPLETE NAMES, so no confusion may accure. -------------------------------- Wooden Barricade Basis of almost all buildings INGREDENTS: Stock Wood Stock Wood -------------------------------- Tied Metal Bar The second Basis of almost all buildings. INGREDENTS: Scrap Metal Scrap Metal -------------------------------- Bonded Metal Bar This is used for advanced recipes. Burning metal comes from heating a piece of scrap metal over a fire. (15 -30 seconds, may be more) INGREDENTS: Burning Metal Burning Metal -------------------------------- Glass Pane Needed in extreme recipes. Glass can be made by heating a piece of sand over the fire. Takes time to create (15-60 seconds) INGREDENTS: Glass Glass -------------------------------- Wheat Bundle Wheat Bundles are created by combining 2 wheats. Wheat can be grown by farming. Put the wheat bundle through a mill to create flour. INGREDENTS: Wheat Wheat -------------------------------- Rope There is only one use for this, and that is a bucket. Stalks are from wheat. It's the green part on the bottom of the plant. INGREDENTS: Stalk -------------------------------- Uncooked Bread Just as it says. To cook it, but it by the fire. 1 in 3 chance it turns out well. Don't eat burned food. INGREDENTS: Dough -------------------------------- Uncooked Corn Bread Just as it says. To cook it, but it by the fire. 1 in 3 chance it turns out well. Don't eat burned food. INGREDENTS: Dough Corn -------------------------------- Uncooked Pumpkin Pie Just as it says. To cook it, but it by the fire. 1 in 3 chance it turns out well. Don't eat burned food. INGREDENTS: Dough Pumpkin -------------------------------- =- FARMING -============================================== This is the hardest part of the game, and the least needed/known. Mostly needed for cooking, it just creates food. There is talk of hunting, which also uses the prccess item. Mostly this function will go unused. There is also talk of a green house, but I don't know if it exists. -------------------------------- Fertile Soil I'm sorry, use the process item to make this. I don't even think that this is possible, so rest your mind. It was in the script though. INGREDENTS: Small Leaves -------------------------------- Fertile Soil Same as above...I don't think this exists. Sorry but it was in the script. INGREDENTS: Large Leaves -------------------------------- Beef Jerky One of the wierd parts of this game. I say ignore it. INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Beef Jerky Seed -------------------------------- Wheat INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Wheat Seed -------------------------------- Corn Creates Corn. Nothing special... Also corn seeds create corn (lol) INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Corn -------------------------------- Grape You can replant grapes. How great is that. INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Grape -------------------------------- Pumpkin You can replant these to. INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Pumpkin Seed -------------------------------- Pumpkin Seems like a repeat I guess. INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Pumpkin Seed Pack -------------------------------- Corn Makes corn...replantable INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Corn Seed Pack -------------------------------- Carrot Carrots..mmmmmm INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Carrot Seed Pack -------------------------------- Grape Replantable...grapes INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Grape Seed Pack -------------------------------- Wheat Wheat is good for you. This creates wheat, which can create rope and flour... INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Wheat Seed Pack -------------------------------- Carrot Carrot Flower?? What was Garnold thinking?? How old is he anyway? INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Carrot Flower -------------------------------- Apple I think this makes apples...don't you? INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Apple -------------------------------- Blue Berry Num..Replantable INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Blue Berry -------------------------------- Grown Zombie INGREDENTS: Fertile Soil Zombie Seed -------------------------------- ???? (Tanning??) Part of hunting, but it could be active. I doubt this exists. It was in the script though. You know that Garnold used Survival 303 to create this game. Survivial 303 was created off of Survivial 202, which was based off Survivial 101 o the game the colony is a copy of a copy of a copy. Lol The colony is a complete irony. Bento Hide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ELECTRICITY INFO Metal Blade+Pure Suppodidly = Metal Plyers, For electricity you need Plyers. The plyers contain all the information needed. You must use the plyers to connect the batter through the wire to the object. You must charge batteries with a solar panel/windmill. The solar panel/windmill probably use compter chips or somthing in them. Whatever the item is that isn't the batter or wire. You can get the electricity supplies from crates which are usually located by the ship. Use a Metal Bar or Rusty Metal Bar to open up the crate. Not much is known of electricity. ================THE MAPS================================= These discriptions were copied. Just know that. Currently there are six maps. (I know most of them but not the names, so if I am wrong, correct me.) The maps are: Garn Harbor: As the very first map, Garn Harbor is shown on the map. It consists of mainly two or three areas: Under the Stairs, The Gun Shop and its area and the Rest. Easily recognizable for the map shows the same thing.Best area for lazy-bones is the Cargo Ship as it has infinite food and water just outside, but it is a good barricade against zombies too. Desierto de los Muertos: Meaning “Desert of the Dead”, this map is recognizable from…it’s a greeeeat desert. And so, there are a few building and a HUUGE area around them. Best area for lazy-bones is the gas station, has both food, water, gasoline, scrap metal and stock wood. Wuh. Seaside City: Recognizable from having a grocery store, Seaside City is a city near the sea. (Obviously.) Best area for lazy-bones is the grocery store because of the infinite food and drink over there, just make sure you close the door with a gate and burn any ladders that are made to help people come in. NO ONE SHALL ENTER THE MAGNIFICENT STORE BUT YOU. And it has stock wood and scrap metal too! Sunset City: Recognizable from looking like Seaside City, BUT IT ISN’T, also having a small shop with gasoline/gas staion with a shop, Sunset City, as mentioned above, is roughly the same color and shape as Seaside City, but it has many different opportunities. Best area for the slothful is the grocery store. Port Arthur: Recognizable from starting mainly from a small area with an apartment and a gun shop that is leading to a great area by means of a bridge, this is one of the newer maps made by Arthur258. There is a cargo ship AND a grocery store, so the slothful have a variety of places to settle at. Farmers’ Valley: Recognizable from being a great, grassy city with hills and a river not being crossed by anything, Sunset City is a real place to live. Unaffected by the apocalypse’s “concrete-maker” abilities, its grassy land is available to all. Unfortunately, the zombies came here too. Best area for the slothful? The cargo ship and the area near it. Believe me, it is. Read this far! gasp... INFORMATION Since Garnold put this game on open-source many people, including me have his old version of his game. Thus, games like the-colony. The colony has many things on it, and is essentially Survival:Apocalypse with easier everything. At the beginning of the game you get to vote on the map. Your biggest enemy won't be zombies, it will be other people. Rumor: Bucket can fire proof items. I don't think it can. COLONIES: A colony can be good/bad. If you invite everyone on the map into your colony, it's fine. But noobs will burn, destroy and invade your colony. You must either recruit all, or ditch all. Don't set up a colony by a major sloth area. People will attack you. The best way to create a colony is to make about 10 buildings, put them together, build a wall around them, then invite tons of people. PEOPLE: (copied) 1. Arsonist - People who set fire to others bases 2. Terrorist - People who make a fire put it near a base and put a oil drum on it *BOOM* --oil is extremly hard to find in the new maps. THis is from the old version of maps. 3. Raider - Some one who enters your base and takes it over or steals your stuff 4. Hijacker - Some one who steals a vehicle that you are in possesion of 5. Beggers - annoying people who beg to join you and stop at nothing to do it 6. (NEW) Admins - annoying jerks who misuse power because they are bored. You want to be an admin. Post noobish comments on the game for a week. There you go. There you go....Might add more later...
#38943771Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:47 PM GMT

Are there any Tall Electric Fences that you can build? And i'm not talking about the small ones
#38959065Saturday, December 18, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

how do you make plyers
#39002475Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:57 AM GMT

Destroy all recipe givers mode on. {Program: Destroy.Recipe.Givers} [TARGET: TheLordofChaos105] {Destroy Plan: Search, Stalk, Kill.} {Tip: Don't give away major recipes/lots of them}
#39002685Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:09 AM GMT

#39019482Sunday, December 19, 2010 5:33 PM GMT

to make a solar panel you need tied metal bar or bonded metal bar?
#39019552Sunday, December 19, 2010 5:34 PM GMT

because you need a battery connected to the white box using wiring plyers
#39022836Sunday, December 19, 2010 6:20 PM GMT

@ Et: f you read the guide, it will tell you( the only recipe that Garnold has ever given out)
#39028734Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

Does anyone know the engine recipe!?!?
#39172432Tuesday, December 21, 2010 5:11 PM GMT

does any1 know how to make dough its one thing that all the recipe lists are misssing and its not wheat put over a fire or just 2 wheats or one wheat
#39257277Wednesday, December 22, 2010 5:42 PM GMT

Okay for bread: Put 2 wheat topgater and put in mill, then use water on that flour, then click create item when u select the dough, then u should have uncooked bread
#39360462Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:27 PM GMT

what does a cart frame do does it make a cart or somthing?
#39387042Friday, December 24, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

message me so u know what recipies are i know them
#39413345Friday, December 24, 2010 7:04 AM GMT

Bad People: 1. N00bs/Newbies = the basic n00b whom trying to do stupid help on your colony.. he even doesn't know how to make rusty metal bar and don't know where the guns is.. the worst part of N00bs/Newbies is killing you , stealing , wasting talking , where/how to build for no reason.. 2. Terrorist = bad guys has explosive oil drum to put near inside your colony and B00M!.. the worst guy on Garn Harbour.. also sometimes can steal and attack you for no reason.. that twice a n00b to do that.. 3. Killer = Twice as n00b.. these killers come upon attacking you every time and spam killing..only wanted to kill thinks that BADGE WORKS.. n00bs ever don't like to read description more than just asking spam creator's messaging box.. 4. Arsonist = the people who like to burn everything in his path..(unless better build your non flammable to avoid these).. burn breads,pies wooden buildings and some other stuff ruin your colony.. that twice a n00b actually. 5. Spy/Robbery/Stealer = The most baddest and stealing all your precious goods and waffle-z too.. these guys sneak into your own colony and steals what you have.. that my friend is 3 TIMES AS N00B.. that wasting your goods to build houses and forts..(better keep most of items or will lose anything or making a private warehouse if you can). Good Guys: 1. Most came from his Guide.. so go back at no.1 and see what that has..
#39455096Friday, December 24, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

wow this must have taken for eve to wright it all down type it and edit it
#39455124Friday, December 24, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

wow this must have taken for ever to wright it all down type it and edit it
#39485675Saturday, December 25, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

Is electric fence do anything better then stable wall defense wise?like does it kill any playerrs beside owner who touch it?
#39516216Saturday, December 25, 2010 6:32 PM GMT

Nah.. sorry at CAPT253.. The owner who own electrical fence get shocked too.. One problem that you need 3-4 batteries to make the electrical fence functional..(works also other building that require power..)
#39574505Sunday, December 26, 2010 6:04 PM GMT

The green house exists and is built from the following: 2 bonded metal 2 stock wood 2 glass planes
#39594029Sunday, December 26, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

CAR RECIPE ----------------- 2 BOND METAL 1 WOODEN BARRICADE 1 ENGINE 1 STOCK WOOD 1 SHAPED- RUBBER -------------------- ENGINE( if your asking) 2 burning metal 1 rope 1 wire 1 gas -------------------- shaped rubber make a makeshift skateboard and burn it and get the torn rubber get another and burn the rubber and craft it now don't ask me anymore
#39663805Monday, December 27, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

Does anyone know how many batteries it takes for the tesla water filter to not kill you when you drink?
#39742121Tuesday, December 28, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

It's glitched and will always do that.
#39754483Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

dude iv tryed to do what u did but he always sys no
#39768189Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RECIPES___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------—---FOOD---——---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wheat Bundle- 2 Wheat Uncooked Bread-1 Dough Uncooked Corn Bread-1 Corn+ 1 Dough Uncooked Pumpkin Pie-1 Pumpkin+1 Dough Canned Meat-Found in food crates Botteld Watter-Found in food crates Flour- put wheat bundle into makeshift mill wheat bundle- 2 wheat create item Dough- use bucket to water flour —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUILDINGS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— —Begining Buildings— Makeshift Wall-1 Tied Metal Bar 3 Wooden Barricades Stable Wall-1 Bonded Metal Bar 3 Wooden Barricades Small Shelter-2 Tied Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade Stable Small Shelter-2 Bonded Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade Medium Shelter-3 Tied Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade 1 Glass Pane Small Brick Shelter-2 Brick Walls 2 Bonded Metal Bars 1 Stock Wood Medium Brick Shelter-3 Brick Walls 2 Bonded Metal Bars 2 Stock Wood Makeshift Warehouse-2 Tied Metal Bars 2 Wooden Barricades Makeshift Mill-1 Tied Metal Bar 1 Wooden Barricade 1 Stock Wood Makeshift Raft-2 Stock Wood --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rest Of Buildings -Brick Gate 2 tied metal bars 1 brick wall 1 pile of bricks -Brick wall 1 tied metal bar 3 brick walls -Makeshift Gate/Dock-2 Tied Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade 1 Stock Wood -Small Shelter-2 Tied Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade -Stable Small Shelter-2 Bonded Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade -Medium Shelter-3 Tied Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade 1 Glass Pane -Ladder-1 Tied Metal Bar 2 Stock Wood -Stable Wall 1 Bonded Metal Bar 3 Wooden Barricades -Stable Gate-2 Bonded Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade -Forge-2 Piles of Bricks 1 Scrap Metal 2 Stock Wood -Stable Warehouse-2 Bonded Metal Bars 2 Wooden Barricades -Sand Water Filter-1 Tied Metal Bar 1 Scrap Metal 1 Pile of Sand -Greenhouse(huge credit to Dragon5293!)-2 Bonded Metal Bars 2 Stock Wood 2 Glass Panes -electric fence- 2 bounded 2 stock wood one circut board one wire -Skate Board 1 stock wood 1 scrap metal 1 Barracade -Wired Brick gate-2 bounded 1 brick wall 1 circut board 1 wire -Wired Brick Wall-1 bounded 2 brick walls 1 circut board 1 wire -Solar Panel/Wind Turbine-3 Bounded metal bars 2 wood barricades 2 stock wood 1 circut Board 1 Wire -Telsa Water Filter-1 Bonded Metal Bar 1 Scrap Metal 1 Stock Wood 1 Circut Board 1 Wire -motorized car-2 bonded metal bar 1 wood barricade 1 engine 1 stock wood 1 shaped rubber -Motor Boat-2 Bonded Metal Bars 1 Burning Metal 1 Engine 2 Metal Blades -Caravan-2 Bonded Metal Bars 1 Wooden Barricade 1 Engine 1 Stock Wood 1 Shaped Rubber 1 Cart Frame -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tools--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ = create tool for the tool part -makeshift skateboard (normal)-1 stock metal 1 scrap metal 1 wooden barracade-^ -Makeshift skateboard (black wheels)-1 stock wood 1 scrap metal and one barracade made from 1 burning stock wood and one not burning stock wood-^ -Bucket- 1 Burning Metal+1 Rope-^ -Machete- 1 Metal Blade-^ -Hamer- 1 Hammer-^ -Wiring Plyers- 1 metal blade 1 pure plastic-^ -Rusty Metal Bar- 1 scrap metal (used as wepon and to open crates) -^ -Metal Bar- 1 Burning Metal (used as wepon and to open crates) -^ -Plastic Lighter- 1 Pure Plastic 1 Gasoline-^ -Faulty Lighter- 1 Discarded Plastic 1 Gasoline-^ -Pistol- 1 Pistol-^ -Shotgun- 1 870 Combat-^ -Rifle- 1 Rifle-^ -Nailed Board- 1 Nail 1 stock wood-^ -Metal Bucket- 1 Bruning Metal 1 Stalk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFO----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Bruning) -Cart frame-3 wooden barricades 1 tied metal-used for serten items like mortorized caravan -torn rubber of a skate board- 2 molten torn rubber off a skate board = one shaped rubber -Rubber-get it off of cars burn the car wheels then drag them off into fire again untill multen then create tool for shaped ruber -engine 2 burning metal 1 wire 1 rope 1 gasoline-(used for motorized vehicals) -Nail- found in main base on garnharbor/ and for other maps im not takeing time to find out exactly were but nail is only used for nailed wood and is usealy found near wood i dont sugest makeing nailed wood it does VERY little damage only good if you dont have any other weps but i would suggest to run and not fight with it -Metal Bucket-used on walls and anything wooden to make it fireproof NOTE(if retooled you have to water it again)also used for drinking NOTE (to FILL click Botteled Water)note(if you use bucket on botteled water and drink useing bucket you wont ever run out of water! -Stalk-Found when farming ether grapes or corn i sugest corn -Forge-unlimited Fire Sorce(MUST BE LITE WITH LIGHTER) -Hammer-Found in crates use-metal bar/Rusty Metal Bar-click lid of crate untill it opens -Tied Metal-2 scrap metal-create item. -Bounded Metal-2 Bunring Metal-Create item. -Rope-1 Stalk-Create item. -Metal Blade- (Need Hammer and scrap metal) take out hammer and click on burning metal click the burning metal until it say succeded on the tool spot on bottom of screen then use craft on it if it says metal blade you only got short time before it glitches so do what you need fast. -Wooden Barracade-2 stock wood-create item -Glass Pane-2 Glass-create item -Glass-Burn Sand -Pure Plastic-Burn discarded Plastic -Discarded Plastic-Found in white bins-(look like white trash cans) -Pistol-Found in brown rectangles in gun shops-create item -Shotgun-Found in Crates use-metal bar/Rusty Metal Bar-click lid of crate untill it opens -Rifle-Found in crates use-metal bar/Rusty Metal Bar-click lid of crate untill it opens -Electrical Equipment-Found in crates use-metal bar/Rusty Metal Bar-click lid of crate untill it opens -Metal Bar-1 Burning Metal-Create tool -Rusty Metal Bar-1 Scrap Metal-Create tool -Brick Wall-2 pile of bricks-Create item -Scrap Metal-Found in Green Trash Bins -Stock Wood-Found in BIG Brown Blocks -Pile of bricks-Found in tan Blocks -Wires/Circut Boards/Batterys-Found with electrical equipment! ----------Basicly thats all you need to know for this part---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Descriptive info---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To farm just simply click on a Fertile Soil and then on seeds then Click, Process in the craft tool. forum adress =