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#36137779Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

-I- I ran down the sidewalk. I cannot take this anymore. Not anymore. All this attention. Negative attention. I run, hoping to find something new. Somewhere to start over. I shriek as I trip, a truck rushing to my direction. I try to get up, but the ground is too wet. All I can do is watch as the truck nears... closer and closer... I feel a faint pain, then nothing. I wake up in a hospital the next day. But... I watch my mother crying at my feet. "Mother, I'm OK! I'm alive!" I try to say, but she doesn't hear me. The doctor walks over to her and puts her hand on her back. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Lemmington. We couldn't save him. Shall I call your family?" My mother nods. I follow the doctor, shocked. I'm not dead! I'm right here! Why are they acting like I'm gone? I watch as she talks on the phone. "Mr. Lemmington, I have bad news. He didn't make it. We tried our best. I'm really sorry. Your wife is here now. She says to bring the family." I run back to the room, my mind racing. No! This cannot be happening! I turn to see a ghostly pale body lying in the bed. It's eyes are clouded over; it's skin cold. I look at my hands. They are the normal tan color they always are. I feel them; normal. I glance in the mirror. I see my normal self, same red-brown hair, same brown eyes. My clothes are what I was wearing when I was hit, a white T-shirt with "Mindbreaker" across it and a red jacket. Blue jeans, white Nikes. I touch my face. I feel solid. I push my hand to the wall. It is solid. I push harder, and my hand seems to fuse into it. I pull my hand out. Strange. Wait, where's my family? My question is pretty much answered when I hear my little sister shout "Why is he not breathing?" My father and sister just walked into the room. They did not see me. Does that mean... I'm a GHOST?
#36139014Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

Wow... Not even an TL;DR?

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