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#36264034Sunday, October 31, 2010 1:20 AM GMT

•Present day has changed drastically. The cities and towns are gone, leaving only villages. The helpful paved roads, highways, interstates, etc... are all things of the past; now they're just dirt roads. The controlled terrain is now out of control and is lush here, dead there, or sandy in another place. The world isn't as present as it should be any more. There are no wars or battles, let alone any government. The people who live, live only for themselves and the people they live with. Technology has been lost as well, leaving only modern transportation and modern skills. •What has really changed are the animals that now roam the Earth. When people in the old days read books and stories, they read what could only be a fantasy. Having brilliant creatures that could defy so many laws or even abilities that made no sense at all. Now those fantasies have become reality. ---------- +Section: 1 Rules and Information:~ •No Inappropriate Behavior •No Killing •No Ubering, GModding, Flaming, Etc... •NO Guns, Missiles, Rockets, Whatever. I'm Only Allowing Swords, Knives, Daggers, and Bow and Arrows. •This is Present Day, So the Clothes are up to Date. •Like I Said, There is no Technology. Period. •There Are no Paved Roads, Only Dirt. •For Transportation, One Either Walks/Runs or Uses a Horse/Horse Drawn Carriage. •There is NO Government. •No Being a Creature. •Up to Four Characters Per Person. I'll Add More Stuff Later. ---------- +Section: 2 Admins:~ •Sigurd •Nathanael I'll Add More Later. ---------- +Section: 3 Creature Types:~ •There are no Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Zombies, or any of those ridiculous things. •There are regular animals that you would find today. •Other creatures that you would find are Mythical Creatures. List of Allowed Mythical Creatures:- •Basilisks •Centaurs •Cyclops' •Dryads' (Talking Trees) •Elves •Faries •Fauns •Giants •Grendels •Griffins •Hippogriffs •Merpeople •Minotaurs •Ogres •Orcs •Pegasus' •Phoenix' •Trolls •Unicorns List of Rare Creatures:- •Cerberus (Only One - Location Unknown) •Dragons (I Might Introduce These Later, It Depends on How Things go.) •Hydra (Only One - Location Unknown) •Jabberwocky (Only One - Location Unknown) (Appearance: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/063/2/8/Jabberwocky_by_EgyptianDragon1.jpg Except the wings are black feathers.) •Manticore (Only One - Location Unknown) (Appearance: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/109/d/e/Manticore_by_Kipestshin.jpg) •Sea Serpents (Only a Few) •Sirens (Only a Few) Extra Creature Info:- •No Hunting Down Any of the Creatures. Especially the Rare Ones. •No Instantly Finding Rare Creatures. •No Keeping a Farm of Creatures. •No Killing Creatures. I'll Add More Later. ---------- +Section: 4 Time, Place, Etc... Information:~ Starting Location:- •Nikya (New York) Starting Date:- •August 7, 2019 Current Terrain/Habitat Type:~ Grassy Plains I'll Add Something Else If Someone Asks About it. ---------- +Section: 5 Terrains/Habitats:~ •Grassy Plains •Thick Forests •Heavy Jungles •Vast Deserts •Ice Caps •Swamps/Bogs •Mountains •Caves/Burrows •Oceans/Rivers/Ponds/Beaches Say Something if I Missed Something Obvious. ---------- +Section: 6 Occupations:~ (There's a Lot I Know, But I'm Giving People Options.) •Architect •Blacksmith •Cook •Farmer •Fishermen •Gravedigger •Innkeeper •Jeweler •Messenger •Miner •Painter •Sailor •Scribe •Shoemaker •Tailor •Weaver ---------- Character Form:~ (Finally Got To This Part.) Name: A.g.e.: (20+) Gender: Appearance: (Remember, the Clothes are up to Date.) Personality: Bio: (Optional) Occupation: (Choose From Section 6.) (Optional) Weapon: (Only One) (Sword/Knives/Daggers, Axe, or Bow and Arrows.) (Add Its Appearance.) Favorite Mythical Animal(s): (Optional) (If so, Refer to Section 3.) Extra: (Optional) ---------- My Character Form:~ Name: Kassandra Whisper A.g.e.: 21 Gender: F Appearance: Has wavy, raven black hair that reaches her shoulders and partially covers her grayish blue eyes. She has a pale skin tone, yet flawless. She is also slender and well built for her a.g.e. and her type. She wears a black tank top, an open white button-down t-shirt over the tank top, a black and white lace mini skirt, black and white striped leggings, black heels, a black choker, black nail polish, and dark black make-up. Also has a black tribal snake tattoo that runs around her left wrist. Personality: Intelligent, Talented, and Caring. Bio: She has a twin brother, Adrian, and they may not look a like, but they have the same tattoo. The rest is TBR. Occupation: Painter/Messenger Weapon: Dual Swords that are held on her back. Favorite Mythical Animal(s): Griffins, Pegasus', and the Jabberwocky. Extra: Owns a white stallion. Name: Adrian Whisper A.g.e.: 21 Gender: M Appearance: Has long shaggy blond hair that covers his right eye. Has silvery blue eyes and a regular skin tone. He's slender and very well built. Wears a white button down t-shirt with the top two buttons undone, red jeans, a white belt, white shoes, and a simple shark tooth necklace. Also has the same black tribal snake tattoo as Kassandra's on his right wrist. Personality: Brave, Kind, and Considering. Bio: Look at Kassandra's. The rest is TBR. Occupation: Architect/Messenger Weapon: Has a dual bladed axe that is kept on his back. Favorite Mythical Animal(s): Basilisks, Sea Serpents, and the Hydra. Extra: Owns a black stallion.
#36264366Sunday, October 31, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

Well, it is original and thought through. It just got the Word-Wall syndrome, mine aswell.
#36264495Sunday, October 31, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

(Better to explain things than to not.)
#36264653Sunday, October 31, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

(Yeh, I back you up on that one)
#36268210Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

(Can people seriously read? Wow... Short attention spans.)
#36269655Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

I would join...If I didn't have to be a grown up.
#36269750Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

(I take it you prefer to be a teenager? Do you want me to move the starting point down to 16 or something?)
#36269777Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

Yes please :D
#36269849Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

(Lol alright. Go ahead then. I'll leave it at 16+)
#36270109Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:57 AM GMT

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#36270161Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

(...Seaserpants? Explain please ._.)
#36270205Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

Name:Blossom Lina A.g.e.:17 Gender:F Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/My-last-resort-item?id=37906427 Personality:Nice,Caring Bio:N/a Occupation:Weaver Weapon:N/a Favorite Mythical Animal(s):Pegasus Extra:She has befriended a Pegasus when she was a kid..It still lives and shows itself at night only to the worthy.
#36270220Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

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#36270298Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

(Lmao ohh sorry. You two are accepted.)
#36270330Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

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#36270497Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

(Yes we start.) ✝Kassandra✝ I keep a firm grip on the reins of my horse as I race my brother through the trees, heading back to the village. We had just finished delivering a few messages and so, like usual, we galloped through the forest at high speeds. Just our usual routine it seemed.
#36270639Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:06 AM GMT

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#36270796Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:08 AM GMT

~*Blossom*~ I sit in the upstairs of my house weaving a sweater for the winter.
#36270933Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:10 AM GMT

✝Adrian✝ "You're slowing down!" I laugh at Kassandra as I pass her. ✝Kassandra✝ "Ha!" I shout back before leaping off of a small cliff and landing in front of him. I guess one could say that our actions towards one another were more... amusing.
#36271118Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:14 AM GMT

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#36271161Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:14 AM GMT

(You don't have to Meisda, I do just because I have more than one character.)
#36271243Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:16 AM GMT

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#36271320Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:17 AM GMT

Ooc; Can we have contact with a mythical animal now?
#36271383Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:18 AM GMT

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#36271385Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:18 AM GMT

(Yeahhh. I'll bring something in with my next post.)

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