#37270671Saturday, November 20, 2010 2:53 PM GMT

Katie(Has a mine/craft and is the only rana out there and shares a account with a person) I all the sudden look over to the side and see My house exploded,I started crying.
#37271372Saturday, November 20, 2010 3:10 PM GMT

Kaleb I examine the damages, and then has an idea. I pull out my staff and book (after making an attempt to calm Konata) and start chanting. All of the blocks slowly start to rise, and then slowly return to their original places. After a couple of minutes, the house looks, although a bit cracked looking up-close, like it was before the explosion.
#37271533Saturday, November 20, 2010 3:14 PM GMT

Konata I stop crying and start saying yay (can I be back later on soon,Have somthing to do,AFK)
#37271594Saturday, November 20, 2010 3:15 PM GMT

#37276216Saturday, November 20, 2010 4:51 PM GMT

Sora "W-W-W-W-ait!" I screamed, chasing them.
#37289517Saturday, November 20, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

oh cmon! you get do do a giant fight whithout me?!?
#37290937Saturday, November 20, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Kaleb "It's not what it looks like really. If you took one step towards it you would've been caught in the line of fire. Literally."
#37347289Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:08 PM GMT

*meanwhile i have been standing there gaping as the events unfolded* "Wha... ... ... ..."
#37357709Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

Kaleb I look back and see cow with his mouth open. "*ahem* Uh... heheh..."
#37359537Sunday, November 21, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

"anyway, the further away we get from bloxtown the better cmon. were goin' to have to go and keep walking.
#37399422Monday, November 22, 2010 7:57 PM GMT

"oh, sorry" i say as i realise that my mouth was open."umm... can i follow you guys cause your kinda going in the direction of my house"
#37403383Monday, November 22, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

Kaleb "I s'pose."
#37405077Monday, November 22, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Sora "Well." I see a giant lump of bricks and a sign that says: Help. Needs build house. "YAYAYYYYY!!" I screamed. I started building a mansion and I finished in a quarter second. The man who had posted teh sign said,"HERE'S A KATRILLION ROBUX AND TICKETS!!!!" I started jumping around and ran to teh shopping mall.
#37407063Monday, November 22, 2010 10:07 PM GMT

(T_T" That's kind of a lucky event there...)
#37416078Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:10 AM GMT

"hey! kid! wait!" chib said as he ran after Sora
#37416398Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

Kaleb I sigh and slowly follow.
#37449084Tuesday, November 23, 2010 7:23 PM GMT

( i always seem to come on at different times to everyone else so ima stop after the next post)
#37449127Tuesday, November 23, 2010 7:25 PM GMT

"Bye" i shout as i give u all my stuff, "you will probably need this on your adventure"
#37455994Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

(Aw... you don't HAVE to go... heck, I come on at different times too but it doesn't stop me.)
#37467770Wednesday, November 24, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

"um... tnx? i think... HEY! a sword, candy a new backpack. and... oh my admin... THE GOLDEN CROWN OF TELEMON!"
#37522225Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

I ran to a store where they sold anime stuff. I bought all of their DBZ,Kingdom Hearts and Final fantasy stuff. "YAY! KATRILLION ROBUX LEFT!" I shouted.
#37523917Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

Kaleb "Well, ya better hurry up and spend it since it looks like we'll be movin' pretty soon. Wait a minute, when'd I have this here accent? Bah, doesn't matter."
#37539613Thursday, November 25, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

" oh well.. at least we have the GOLDEN CROWN OF TELEMON! it should help last time i checked it should be magical.."
#37560232Thursday, November 25, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

Kaleb When Chi said the word magical, my ears kind of looked like they perked up, like a dogs does. I look over at the crown, trying to think of a way to get it.
#37564556Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:50 PM GMT

" wait... this isn' evan my crown, kaleb, it's telemon's in fact im going to go ahead to find the robloxian creative director himself." and off he marched, on a quest to find telemon himself.