#39358076Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

(More like very end of Episode IV.)
#39358565Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

(In-between, perhaps? During the time of Star Wars: Rebel Strike? When the Imperials were invading Yavin 4?)
#39359160Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

(No, the Death Star was destroyed literally a few minutes ago.)
#39359647Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

(Ohhhhhh, ok)
#39359901Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

(You can have him do whatever, he wasn't even meant to live this long anyway.)
#39360315Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

Ethan "Maybe I do need family but then again i might not. Darth tinoi wants me dead thats all I know."
#39362778Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

Galak "Toya, how would you like to rule the galaxy?" I ask him.
#39363587Thursday, December 23, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

N@me: Nengh Tresh @ge: 21 Jedi rank: Knight in-training Species:Human Lightsaber: Silver with black handles
#39363997Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

Nengh *Is in chamber training force powers* *Lifts up stone* "My power is strengthening..." *Bang outside* "Huh?" *Turns head round and accidentaly flings rock outside* OW! (From outside) *Goes to see who is outside...*
#39364001Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

~Toya~ "I guess I would."
#39364142Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

He regains balance, running at me. I pull out my other lightsaber, blocking Grievous, barely. He kicked me into a box, then started running at me.
#39364387Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

~Nengh~ "Who are you?" Im a stormtrooper, you twit! ~Nengh~ "Oh..." *Turns round and walks to door* *stops and waits* "Wait a minute..." *Turns round a pulls out lightsaber as stormtrooper pulls out blaster* "You're going down!" ~Stormtrooper~ "Dont be so sure!" *Fires* *Nengh blocks and deflects* "You're tough for a padawan..." ~Nengh~ *Cuts off stormtroopers arms and forces over* *Points lightsaber to neck* "What were you doing here anyway?
#39364492Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

Re: New Jedi Order Posted: 12-23-2010 01:05 PM He regains balance, running at me. I pull out my other lightsaber, blocking Grievous, barely. He kicked me into a box, then started running at me. (Didn't grievous die in Epi 3??)
#39364779Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

(THIS ISN'T THE ORIGONAL STORYLINE, JOHNSOD!) Galak "Well, with my training, you shall be able to kill the Emporer, just as I was Darth Vader, though it appears the Emporer has brought him back to life.
#39364947Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

~Toya~ "But what of Tinoi?"
#39364974Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

~Stormtrooper~ "I was sent here b-by... Can you point that thing somewhere else?!" *Nengh points lightsaber away* "by a sith lord's apprentice" *Stabs in chest* *Goes to hangar and takes his A-6-A Speederbolt out into space* ~Nengh~ R3, set co-ordinates for Hengersmith...
#39365283Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

~Nengh~ What R3? I cant hear you! We're going off course? Where to? What do you mean u dont know!! *Crashes right behind Galak* "What a bumpy ride!" *R3 Bleeps* "Other jedi? Where?" *R3 Bleeps in Galaks direction*
#39365478Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

~Nengh~ Offering the universe, he cant do that... Can he? ~R3~ Bleep bleep bleepy bleep bleepidy bleep ~Nengh~ Oh... Erm... What do you want me to say? ~R3~ Bleep ~Nengh~ Erm... Ok... Galak you cant do that?
#39366212Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

*At that moment thousands of stormtroopers run round me* Oh snap... Um... *Flings hand in any direction* Erm..? *Radio turns on and Sith lord walks in* ~Sith lord vane~ What is that racket?! *Nengh forces vanes lightsaber to him, chopping off several stormtrooper legs aswell* ~Nengh~ Great, combo! *Starts stabbing insanely at anything he can find* *Leaps to stab Galak but gets shot in the foot and misses* *Vane forces lightsaber back* *Nengh forces blaster* *Starts shooting and stabbing (lolwut?)*
#39366502Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

*gets shot in lots of places and is eventually taken prisoner* OH GO ON THEN HAVE YOUR LITTLE PEACE TREATY! But Toya, if he offers any universes, ask for the mars bar instead! Its much more worthit!
#39368312Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

*Wakes up being dragged through long mettalic corridors* ~Nengh~ UUhh... I recognize this place... not from memory, AH! *Is hit by tazer* ...from books, from history books... *Is slung into a room completely opposite to the long corridor, this room is dirty, wooden and filled with nozzles...* ~Voice on Audio~ Hello dearest friend, long time no see... I will not explain who I am but I will explain where you are, this is the death star torture room, all these 35 nozzles u can see are filled with radioactive gas, we will question you and if you happen to lie you will be sprayed with it... Let us begin... ~Nengh~ What? I'm not being a part of your stinking clown show! ~Voice~ Oh, I think you'll find that this is no show, this is life my friend... ~Nengh~ Stop calling me that! *Is gassed* ^Coughing, choking^ Now will you co-operate?
#39369348Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

~Nengh~ Ok I'll do it! Please dont gas me again! ~Voice~ You are doing it whether you like it or not, there is no decision in the matter! ~Nengh~ Ok, questions? ~Voice~ First off, to test the machine on you, what is your name? ~Nengh~ Nengh, Nengh Tresh... ~Voice~ Hmm.. Everything is clear, good... Where were you at the fall of the first death star?! ~Nengh~ In training on mustafar! *Gas comes out* ^Choking^ ~Voice~ LIAR! Let's try this again, where were you at the defeat of death star I? ~Nengh~ On the front lines, my ship crashed when the bomb was released and I was flown home in the Millenium Falcon! My dearest friend Luke, he died in the explosion, he planted the bomb and saw my crashed ship, he went down to help and found I wasnt there, it was too late for him... ~Voice~ Good... Now you have someone on your communications device, lets find out who it is shall we? ~Jedi master Teno~ Tresh, whatever you do, do NOT go to Hengersmith, a tractor beam will send you to an imperial guard post planet, its crawling with hostiles and the death star is in its orbit... I hear they have a new gassing torture machine, lets hope you get this before they do...
#39370418Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

~Voice~ HAHAHAHAHA! Too late now! Now tell me Nengh, where is the secret location of the new jedi temple... I believe you filfthy jedi scum call it, the new order I suppose? ~Nengh~ WHO TOLD YOU ANYTHING ABOUT THE JEDI ORDER! ~Voice~ That is what I was waiting for, now I know there is a new jedi order... Where is it? ~Nengh~ *mumbles* ~Voice~ Where is it? ~Nengh~ Ill never tell... ~Voice~ Tell me... ~Nengh~ No ~Voice~ ...Do it... ~Nengh~ NO IM NOT TELLING YOU THE LOCATION ALRIGHT! GAS ME ALL YOU WANT IM NOT A TRAITOR! IM NOT A FREAKING TRAITOR LIKE YOU MIGHT BE! *Is gassed* Thanks... Thats what I was waiting for... You see you gave me ideas when you told me it was "radioactive" gas... Because its true what they say.. No pain... No gain... *Breaks free of chains* Im outta here! *opens unreleasable doors...* Thanks for the gas mate! *Runs off*
#39371247Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

(Thoughts: Gotta find Galak and Toya, gotta stop them...) *Runs into corridor filled with half a dozen troops and flings one of them into the others* *While running looks back* Sorry guys! No time! *Runs into elevator* *Doors shut* Oh, never put yourself in an elevator in enemy ships... Bad thing to do, they know it better then you do... *Elevator doors start burning* Great, elevator doors with in-built flame... *makes water out of force* *fires it at fire* *nothing happens* Great... Its waterproof elevator doors with in-built flame... *Starts cutting floor with lightsaber* I think I shouldve gone up but no time now... *Troops with fire-proof armor walk in elevator just as Nengh jumps out* Now this... This is a proper freefall! *hits lower elevator ceiling* wait a moment... This elevator has stopped, so wheres that elevator moving sound coming from... *Looks up* Uh-Oh *Jumps up onto side of the wall just as elevators crash into each other* *Jumps on elevator debris going up* Gotta self-destruct the death star! *Jumps into open doors* No troops, thats lucky...
#39372561Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:33 PM GMT

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