#36506875Thursday, November 04, 2010 10:57 PM GMT

(Dammit....I guess SAIDE will have the ONLY memoir of the Vestige...)
#36506888Thursday, November 04, 2010 10:57 PM GMT

#36506935Thursday, November 04, 2010 10:58 PM GMT

(Someone has issues....)
#36507228Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

(oh crap didn't put in the CS) Name: Tristan @ge: 60 (looks like a 25 year old because of the better medical technology humanity has and some evolution humanity has undergone in the last 3 billion years) Race: Human Appearnce: dark brown hair, blue eyes, white. Weapons: M82 pulse rifle and a Skralorian energy sword (Super can I have the energy sword, please) Items: PDA. (Ill think of more later) Bio: A experienced solder who has been in the UEE military for 40 years. Took part in several conflicts against a few rebellions over the years and against a minor, hostile race that attacked the UEE. (I kind of went fast when I made this.)
Top 25 Poster
#36507263Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

(Supercommander, would the Skralorians still be the allies of the Arcadians?)
#36507353Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:03 PM GMT

CS: Name: Ham S. Gosa (He-ae-m S Go-saa) @ge: 196 Race: Exudose (Ex-U-dose) Appearence: Blue jumpsuit, green gloves, long black boots, short black hair, and of course a air breather. Weapons: Lazer pistol, with plasma MG4 with shattering shell burst. Items: Ammo packs, a 1st aidkit, 5 throwing knifes. Bio: Raised with a evil mind. He hate life it's self. At the education center he was the 'bully'. He killed kids for cash. He was dreaded. He was named leader of his race after assassinating the former leader. No one found out, no one will. RACE: Name: Exudose (Ex-U-dose) Appearence: Greyish, lips are mostly chaped. Homeworld: Safiey (Sa-fie-ry) Personality: Normal most of the time...dosen't really get angry or happy easyly. Sentience: ? Average life span: 0-200 years. History: After the moon of Earth crashed into each other. A part of land drifted away. They were mutated by the 'surprising' nuclear reaction to humans. They are known as muntants to the human race. Other: N/A
#36507363Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

(Red, Can I keep SAIDE?)
#36507661Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

(Halo, accepted. Sgt, accepted. Sky, ONE super-intelligent-hyper-energy-amazing-uber-AI at a time, please.)
#36507739Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:09 PM GMT

(But I want SAIDE to eat him!!!!! Just like this: "Nom nom nom")
#36507814Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:09 PM GMT

I was assigned to a UEE fleet of 100 ships going to protect the Fox Fire. The fleet was still in warp, just 10 minutes.
#36507899Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:10 PM GMT

(What is SAIDE exactly, Sky?)
#36508256Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

The lift arrived. One of the doors slid smoothly open. The other stuck. Jarek kicked it, and it too opened. "What's happening?" he asked. The Mission Controller, Saret, replied "We are under attack from some trading scouts. But they're no match for us. They will have been destroyed within five Bales." Jarek gave a sigh. "Good. Carry on."
#36508302Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

(A Hyper Intelligent, All powerful "AI", in some sort, energy life form, That was created by a race over 300,000 years ago. She COULD be classified as an AI, but she surpasses AI status)
#36508362Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

The UEE fleet sent to protect the Fox Fire arrives.
#36508396Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

(Artificial Intelligence. Just because she's not a computer, doesn't mean she's not synthetic.)
#36508749Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

(Yes, but an Artificial or not, Shes more of an Artificial Life form now, for an AI would mean she is not totally sentient, she was ONCE an AI, Meg and Andromeda could become sentient, but they would have to go through rampancy, to reach meta stability, where they could be considered Sentient Life forms)
#36509481Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

Hey check out my new clothes.
#36509718Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

(D:< APPLE IS NOT AM USED! -1,000,000 Ipod's Aim in on him MUAHAHAHA!!)
#36511070Thursday, November 04, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

(Sorry, I can't join. I'm already in 5 RPs.)
#36513492Friday, November 05, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

#36527232Friday, November 05, 2010 7:28 AM GMT

The Company acknowledges the fleet's arrival. They semd a standard greeting, and instructions on where to take civilians.
#36527923Friday, November 05, 2010 9:58 AM GMT

Vlathox turned the switch. The ZH-44's engines were running, and it lifted off the ground. Vlathox steered his ship to the nearest Skralorian planet, as he hoped they have some resources to help the Dratgorths. They needed everything. He checked the colonized planets, and took the tax from them. Some metal and some fuel....not much, but the flourishing planets were already occupied or were too far. Looks like the Dratgorths were born on the wrong side of the galaxy. (RedDwarf, I thought that our scientists are very intelligent and could build a ship that resists a massive gravitational anomaly, but they lack the resources because we need a lot of materials to build it and we haven't got it. So we got the design only.)
#36528255Friday, November 05, 2010 10:52 AM GMT

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#36528529Friday, November 05, 2010 11:21 AM GMT

(Character Sheet.)
#36528780Friday, November 05, 2010 11:37 AM GMT

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