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#36583401Saturday, November 06, 2010 1:52 PM GMT

Sadfaic, amirite? happyfaic, amirite? Almost all the forumers call it "Faic". ROBLOX mods, tell me one thing, why call it faces over faices? Faices is a lot more "ROBLOXy".
#36583515Saturday, November 06, 2010 1:54 PM GMT

OK...... That's kind of pointless.
#36583605Saturday, November 06, 2010 1:56 PM GMT

Stupid or st00p1d? Fail.
#36584065Saturday, November 06, 2010 2:03 PM GMT

Because "faces" is a REAL WORD, dipwad, and faices kind of sounds like... Er... ~Awright, who gave the zombie the TNT?~ © robloxkid08 2010

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