#37024738Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

#37024745Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

(Fine. But this is a stealth operation, vehicles are fairly noisy.)
#37024795Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(@jip, I know right.)
#37024809Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(Yeah they are.) I want me vehicle though. D:)
#37024827Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(Are ghost's noisy?)
#37024848Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

(Very.I want mai banshee.NAO.)
#37024909Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

( They can see with thermals. ) I got in a warthogs passenger seat, before it sped off with the other vehicles towards the target.
#37024953Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

(Wait,covenant have warthogs?Can Ihave a banshee? :D)
#37024958Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

O'Ryan I get out and head back to the squad. "Outpost down." I say, before sprinting off again to look for the least defended area into the base.
#37025046Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

(Imafighter's sneak skillz level-negative 999999999999999999999999999999999999)
#37025072Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:28 PM GMT

I finally get to the depot, but i find a grav lift hidden within it and I go flying through the air towards the mai base. " Holy crap! Help me guys!" I scream into the COM as I careen through the air, coming upon the main base rather slowly.
#37025089Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:28 PM GMT

(They wouldn't see us, because the blizzard is thick. You can only see people about 10 meters away. Or 30 feet. Plus my MA5B has a sound supressor. I assume your guys's guns have them to. It also has a heart beat sensor.) I walked into the Vehicle Depot. This was one of our objectives. We had to destroy the base. I took out some C-7 charges and put them on 3 Large fuel tanks. A grunt walked around and saw me. He almost screamed before I grabbed him. I stabbed my knife into its neck. I whispered into the COM "Charges set on fuel tanks".
#37025113Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

-Tristan- I leave the squad and get in a banshee.
#37025114Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

( Wtf are you talking about. Ima, its a AA battery not a fort. And were still far from the target. So don't give me this teleport crap that you're there. )
#37025144Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

(How do you know that covenant even have thermal/use it?)
#37025194Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

(househead he said it was closer to us than the objective. Lets stay with that.)
#37025200Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

The lifts de as the charges suck power. I fall to the ground in the forests, and set down a Nav marker. " Guys, come pick me up on the way to the target.
#37025234Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

( You made me lol. Night vision is thermal, so they have it. And you would be really stupid not to use a thermal in a blizzard. They would most likely have it on scanners. )
#37025256Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

(Explosives don't suck power.............)
#37025333Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

(Idc, i need a reason not to uber!)
#37025339Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

(Night vision isn't thermal. Thermal shows heat, night vision just helps you see better in the dark.) I walked out of the base. "Everyone out of the base" I said into the COM.
#37025448Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

( Are you serious? I had to study Night vision in science. IT IS a thermal vision. What do you expect the outlined targets are? )
#37025515Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

(Night vision just takes in the avalible light and magnifies it. But there is a special form of night vision that is thermal. So its not nessisarily the same thing.)
#37025533Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

-Tristan- I shot down a turret that saw me.The explosion might've alarmed the whole base. Tristan:Uh-oh.That's bad.
#37025538Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

I say into my radio again " Can anyone hear me?" I feel my radio, and its cracked its shell, the internals are rattling apart. "Ditto." I pick up my nav marker and walk towards the covie base.