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#366520Monday, January 07, 2008 2:34 AM GMT

Oh noes! Lot's of things are invading Robloxia! Zombies, Noobs, etc. It's up to you to fight these enemies from destroying Robloxia! Your Character : Name : (Pick one) Weapon : (Pick one) Region (Where you from *Not real*) Race : (Pick one) Info : (Write one)
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#366543Monday, January 07, 2008 2:40 AM GMT

Name : MSguy13 Weapon : Ultimate Weapon Region : Robloxia Race : Robloxian Info : The best Warrior in the Universe. His Ultimate Weapon is the most powerful weapon in the universe Name : MSguy14 Weapon : Dragon Staff Region : Robloxia Race : Robloxian Info : The best(Not really) Warrior in the Universe. His Dragon Staff is the second most powerful weapon in the universe Name : MSguy12 Weapon : Long Bow Region : Robloxia Race : Robloxian Info : He is still a newbie, but he's quite tough. He can pwn enemies with long range like a sniper. Name : MapleStoryFan Weapon : Pistol Region : Robloxia Race : Robloxian Info : Even though he is an assistant for MSguy15, he is still good, and willing to do anything to protect Robloxia. His weapon is a mere Pistol, but he's got good range and firepower. He's one of the best shooter in Robloxia.
#367046Monday, January 07, 2008 10:37 AM GMT

Name:Kira Nakamura Weapon:Katana and double guns. Region:Japan Race:Human Info:A 15-year-old Japanese boy who travel into many places.He is one of the best combat expert in every places he travel.One day,he was travelling to a forest and finds a strange portal.He entered the portal and finds a world of bricks,Robloxia.Robloxia has never have a visit from an outsiders before.Now it has one.No one in Robloxia know until the prince of Robloxia,Xal Neon accidently slipped at a stone and fell at Kira in a market.He also likes to make new friends in his journey... Name:Xal Neon Weapon:Broad sword,guns and magic. Region:Robloxia Race:Robloxia Info:The 17-year-old prince of Robloxia who likes to travel around his counrty. His parents were killed by MSguy15,the impersonator of the MSguy brothers since he is a young boy.He set off a journey to avenge his parents and defeat MSguy15,who is once Dave3965,a spammer who was permanently banned.
#367244Monday, January 07, 2008 2:37 PM GMT

matt noobian weapon: dual katana region: robloxia race: noobian info:The noob prince that now wants to pwn noobs nathan noobian weapon: royal dual uzi region: robloxia race: noobian info:matt's twin brother he worked for EBM then he became good kill1 weapon: boots and dual cursed soul edge region: robloxia race: robloxian info: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kill12 weapon: dual soul calibur region: robloxia race: robloxian info: my old account
#368490Tuesday, January 08, 2008 12:19 AM GMT

Hagee Urashima weapon: Six-shot revolver Region: Osaka, Japan Race: Human Info: The first day Hagee ever went to school, kids picked on him for his glasses. Those kids are dead now... Hagee possesses strange powers that reveal themselves whenever Hagee is in danger or is under great physical stress: Release lv. 1 (triggered by moderate wounds or moderate physical stress* Visual: A blue ring appears around hagee's feet Powers: Wave of darkness, Repel Release lv. 2 (triggered by Intense wounds or intense physical stress) Visual: Hagee begins to turn black Powers: Flight, crush, Blackout Release lv. 3 (triggered by near Fatal wounds) Visual: Hagee is completely black and glows white around outline of body. Eyes also glow white powers: Darkshot, rain of darkness, shadow beast summon Hagee wears glasses, as stated above. the disappear whenever he goes into Release lv. 3
#368637Tuesday, January 08, 2008 12:54 AM GMT

Name: Spiderpig Weapon: None (uses spider/pig skills) Region: Alabama City, Montana Race: Half spider, half pig........half human Info: Was bitten by a radioactive pig while at the Alabama state fair, after that was bitten by twelve bears. He had to go to the hospital and they accidentally gave him radioactive spider blood instead of human. go figure. what a coincidence his parents named him spiderpig.
#368712Tuesday, January 08, 2008 1:10 AM GMT

Name:Taren(OMG NEW CHARACTER I HAVEN'T EVER USED) Weapon:freakishly large sword. Region:EARTH. Race:Human. Info:he's 15 and is in training.while he was sent on a quest to do......something he found a freakishly large sword he still uses his normal fighting skills but if needed to use the freakishlylarge sword.once he picked up the sword he was teleported to ROBLOXIA.He goes solo MOST of the time.
Top 100 Poster
#368910Tuesday, January 08, 2008 2:11 AM GMT

MSguy13 : Oh noes... MSguy14 : What? MSguy13 : Zombies at the North of Robloxia... MSguy12 : Don't worry I'll kill them! MapleStoryFan : I'll come with ya! MSguy12 : Okay! Let's go! *MSguy12 and MapleStoryFan went to the north of Robloxia* MSguy13 : Small Noob Armys at Northeast and Northwest of Robloxia.... MSguy14 : I'm on it! *MSguy14 went to Northeast of Robloxia* MSguy13 : Roblox-Haters and Spammers at South of Robloxia!!! People, help us protect Robloxia! I'm going to signal where our enemies gonna attack!
#368926Tuesday, January 08, 2008 2:17 AM GMT

Taren:hmmmm this is a strange world.*hears something* Someone on the Radio:help..........enemies........attacking......robloxia.....help fight them off.the ...............pretend it's that sound a radio makes when it has low connection.back to the story. Taren:Robloxia?am i in a new world?i guess i should help.*goes to the south of robloxia*
#368945Tuesday, January 08, 2008 2:21 AM GMT

Hagee: *wakes up in a grove of blocky trees* Hrmm? Last i remember i was fighting off a mugger... and whats with all the squariness? *march march march* Hagee: *peaks out of grove to see a group of noobs* What are those things. Maybe they know where i am. *walks out of grove* excuse meEEEAAHH! *noobs start shooting at him* Darnit! *pulls out revolver* How you like meh now? *shoots 5 of the 6 noobs lined up*. one shot left... *shoots the last noob* hehe! That was great! *reloads revolver* *march march march* Hagee: Oh shirt! *ducks into grove*
Top 100 Poster
#368968Tuesday, January 08, 2008 2:26 AM GMT

*At the north of Robloxia...* Zombies : Must destroy Robloxia..... Must destroy Robloxia..... MSguy12 : If you wanna destroy Robloxia, you gotta ggo through meh! Zombies : Must destroy Robloxia..... Must destroy Robloxia..... MSguy12 : You asked for it! *MSguy12 headshot a zombie with a steel arrow and the zombie died* Zombies : Must destroy MSguy12... Must destroy MSguy12... *The Zombies shoot their limbs at MSguy12* MSguy12 : Ow... Dangit! Take this! *MSguy12 uses Holy Arrow Frenzy at the Zombies. The Zombie took tons of damage and died easily* MSguy12 : Guess holy beats undead....
#368992Tuesday, January 08, 2008 2:32 AM GMT

Name:James K. Killer Weapon:Demon Blade Region:The Death Regions Race:Hedgehog/Human Info:Has Red hair, wear black shirt and a grey hoodie and black pants and carries around Twin Devil Blade
#369141Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:07 AM GMT

Narrator Guy for Taren:Taren finally arrives at the south of robloxia and he finds umm what MSguy13 said their were. Taren:*sees the people*boring*goes to the southeast* Zombies:must destory new person......must destroy new person. Taren:finally something good.
#369176Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:18 AM GMT

Name: nWo4LIFE (Yes, it's the same) Weapon: Sword of Wisdom (cause I am the Chosen One of Wisdom) Region: Robloxia Race: Robloxia Info: Once a normal robloxian, I have discovered that I had special powers that made me unique. My powers introduced me to new experiences, but also new enemies. I'm not one to back away from a challenge. I take my problems head on. My abilities are ever expanding, so there's no end to my powers. Going back in time with RickyNolan, I have discovered parts of my past that I never remembered. I found out that I had my powers as a kid. Throughout my travels, I have discovered the source of my abilites. I found that a light energy (Yin), and a dark energy (Yang), swirl around my spirit. The reaction to this gave me my powers.
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#369237Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:41 AM GMT

MSguy13 : Darn.... Hackers at west, Spawn Killers at east, Shield Killers at southwest, and Noob Planes at Southeast.... Looks like we're gonna need a bunch of people for this!
#369279Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:59 AM GMT

plane leader:there seems to be an unecpected guest lets take him out. Other noobs:roger! *Taren jumps up and slices 5 planes in half then they explode and 10 more planes are caught i n the explosion and 4 planes rush up and are caught in the explosion and the rest but 1 noob rushes up with their plane and are cut in half or are caught in the explosion of the ones that were cut in half. Noob:i'm getting out of here!*retreats* Taren:*throws a gernade he found and killed the zombies* Taren:to easy.but that did have a combo when i faught those people in planes.
#369291Tuesday, January 08, 2008 4:05 AM GMT

Hagee: *runs away from the Marching noises* Hacker: There's one! Get 'em! *a barage of multi rockets fly into the grove* Hagee: Woah! Ahh! Eek! *dodges 3 rockets* Eat this! *aims revolver at leader's forehead and fires* Hacker leader: Ack! *dead* Hagee: WAAH! A big gorge! I can't stop though! Gotta.... JUMP! *jumps into Gorge, which has water at teh bottom luckily* Hacker: Hold it! He won't survive Hagee: *SPLASH!!!* OWW! belly flop! Hey, something's down there... *swims to bottom* it's... weird... i dunno what that is! It looks sorta like a downed jet, but it has an arm! WTFudge? Hacker: I can't see him! He's dead! Return to the path! *march away* Hagee: I can make out a cockpit... Maybe i could get it started!, but i need to get some air first! *Surfaces and gulps down a lungful of air, then dives again* Okay... there's a button marked Activate here. *presses button, display screen in middle of cockpit lights up, although it's cracked* WAAH! I need air! *Surfaces and gets another lungful, then the strange thing surfaces* O_o Hacker: He's ALIVE! Kill him! Hagee: Can't i get a break! time to die! *Fires a shot through Hacker's forehead* Hrmm... What's up wit dat? There are floats around it, and the arm disappeared! Now it just looks like a F-14 tomcat that's been roughed up! *climbs into cockpit* Here's the control stick, and here's the throttle... throttle up! *pushes throttle lever forward, but no response*... Silly me... no fuel O_o. Hey look! 3 levers! One has a picture of... err... i think a mech on it! another has a jet on it, and the last one has a weird combo of a jet and a mech on it! *pushes Mech lever, then the Jet thingy begins to transform into a mech (ROBOTECH FTW!)* Ahh! Hey... COOL! *mech stands up and grabs a gun on the bottom of the gorge* Hrmm... i'm gonna guess this peddle controls this leg, and this one the other... 8begins pushing the pedals and the mech begins to walk* kool! Hacker: ZOMG! WTHAMBURGERZ IS TAHT?!?! SHOOT IT! Hacker2: Imachargein mah lazerz! (2 b cont. 2morrow aftah skool)
#369682Tuesday, January 08, 2008 4:08 PM GMT

Name: Luke The Hedgehog Weapon: The Chaos Saber Region: Mobious Race: Hedgehog Robloxian Info: He Weilds The 3rd Most Powerful Wepon Ever. It is the source of his powers and he is the only one who can hold it. One Day His Friend Tails Built A Machiene That Can Send You To Different Planets. He Was The First One To Test It And He Was Sent To Robloxia. He Has The Power To Transform Into Anything, The Power Of Chaos Control, Super Speed, and telekenisis. He Has Saved The World A Number Of Times. He Has All 7 Chaos Emeralds With Him. Name: Sonic The Hedgehog Weapon: Nothing Region: Mobious Race: Hedgeog Robloxian Info: Sonic Was Worried That Luke Has Not Come Back To Moubios, So He Went Into The Machiene With Shadow. He Is The Second Fastest Thing Alive. Name: Shadow The Hedgehog Weapon: Hands Region: Mobious Info: He Went With Sonic To Go Get Luke. He Has The Power Of Chaos Control And Chaos Blast and is the 3rd fastest thing alive.
#370175Tuesday, January 08, 2008 9:22 PM GMT

Hagee: *presses button on joystic, and gun fires at hacker who was CHARGEIN HIS LAZERZ!* Woah! Hackers: RETREAT! ZOMG! *run* Hagee: 1337! If only it weren't so damaged... i can't even read what that says on the control panel...
Top 100 Poster
#370220Tuesday, January 08, 2008 9:31 PM GMT

Name:legotown44 Weapon:2 chaos emeralds(Do sonic and shadow know?) And one of stealthpilot's planes Region:Robloxia race:Robloxian Info: Just got bored and decided to join to protect robloxia.(It might also have something to do with being surrounded by noobs)
#370619Tuesday, January 08, 2008 10:51 PM GMT

lego town I have The emeralds. Can You Change Them To Sol Emeralds? There like the chaos Emeralds But There From Blazes Demension because My Person has all the emeralds
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#370641Tuesday, January 08, 2008 10:54 PM GMT

weapon change:7 super emeralds(sonic 3 and knuckles),master emerald, and stealthpilots plane. legotown44:There is always a way around small things like this.
#370656Tuesday, January 08, 2008 11:00 PM GMT

Thanks. Luke The Hedgehog: The News Is Always Booring News Reaporter: There Are Noobs Ad Zombies Attacking The city! Luke, Sonic, And Shadow: WHAT?! Luke The hedgehog: Lets Go! Chaos Control! *Teliports To City* Shadow The Hedgehog: Lets Do This *Luke Brought Out His Chaos Saber* Luke The Hedgehog: Hiya! Take That! And That!! They Each Killed About 500 Noobs And 500 Zombies Luke The Hedgehog: It's Good To Be a Hero MSguy13: Nice Job! Luke And MSguy13 knew Eachother before
Top 100 Poster
#370714Tuesday, January 08, 2008 11:08 PM GMT

Name:Tails Weapon:Laser cannon,tornado 2, and the cyclone from sa2b. Region:Mobius Race:fox info:Tails is teamed up with legotown44 and Knuckles to find sonic and defend robloxia. Name:Knuckles Weapon:His knuckles and a jeep. Region:Angel Island(I think) Race:echidna info:He also teamed up with legotown44. Him and tails are working on a secret weapon to protect robloxia.
#370747Tuesday, January 08, 2008 11:15 PM GMT

Luke The Hedgehog: More Enimes? Time For Me To Wrap This Up! Luke Then Transformed Into Goku And Put His Hands In The Air Goku (Luke): Universe.. Lend Me Your Strength!!! Then Above Luke A Giant Blue Ball Apeard! Luke Then Threw it Luke The Hedgehog: Still More Noobs!!! Time For Me To Use My Second Best Move! Luke The Hedgehog: Ka...... Me....... Ha..... Me...... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All The Noobs And Zombies At The City Died

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