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#36723907Monday, November 08, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Hi,i'm the first ever actor from Loganwolverine Productions!We want you to join!I star as Dastan in our first and upcoming movie:Prince of Persia,the sands of bloxxing time.We are always looking for new actors!We post all,and i mean all,movies on youtube.Don't worry we'll make it worth your while because everyone that joins will become a cast memeber and be in a few roblox movies!you may become famous on Youtube!I will be posting sneak peek links,bloopers,and more about the movies we make so you know as much as you can!Meet new friends in this group!If you are thinking of joining heres what we're looking for in our actors:Nice,Friendly,Can act as something they're not,Able to come to rehersal or the final taping knowing your lines,Not complaining for the part you get,and Listen to the director at all times. If you don't have these qualities then don't worry we can train you to!If you join and have the qualities you will immediatley become and actor,if not you'll stay in the training rank that you get in when you join and we will train you until you are able to! If your not looking to join thats fine,we understand.But if you are here's the link: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=184449
#36740091Tuesday, November 09, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

I am the director and our epic actor dink is starrring as DASTAN

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