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#36811273Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

You wake up,but all you vaguely remember is walking down the street one day,then its a blur. You find yourself in a small,single-person cell. A guard. tells you your in the "Roman Colliseum",but it really isin't Roman or anything,thats just a nick-name. He also tells you the only way to live here is to make your opponets die. This is an arena where you're pitted against whatever the "Master" creates,and you may or may not live to tell the tale. Character Sheet: N.ame: A.ge: G.ender: W.eapons: P.owers: A.pperance: Personality: Bio:
#36811431Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:18 PM GMT

N.ame:John "The Master" King A.ge:22 G.ender:M W.eapons:Martial Arts P.owers:Unknown...no one has ever dared challenge his authority. A.pperance:Red eyes,all-black clothing,ghost pale skin,black hair. Personality:Multiple Personalitys;A comedian,A murderer. Bio:Kind of a "Black Aura" type of guy...doesn't talk much.
#36811660Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

#36811797Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

N.ame:Aarod A.ge:17 G.ender:M W.eapons:Hidden sword, crossbow P.owers:none A.pperance:Black hair, Black robe Personality:Unknown Bio:Captured not long ago.
#36812225Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

A guard comes to Aarod's cell. "The master says its time for your first match." The guard opens up Aarod's cell,cuffs his hands,and takes him towards the arena.
#36812566Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

(Ugh,don't die!!!!)
#36812925Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:41 PM GMT

#36813234Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

N.ame: Sienna deRona A.ge: 19 G.ender: F W.eapons: Whip P.owers: none A.pperance: Long, tangled jet black hair, pale as paper skin and Amber coloured eyes. She wears a long cape over her dark purple ripped pants and shirt. Personality: Quiet, Mysterious, shy, but very intelligent. Bio: UNknown.
#36813843Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

N.ame: Artemis Graywood. A.ge: 20. G.ender: F W.eapons: Bowie Knife, massive recurve bow. Steel arrows. Martial Arts/Karate. P.owers: Unknown. A.pperance: Artemis has dark, but bright, green eyes that kind of glow at night. Her hair is jet-black, and falls straight to her waist. The tips are pure white. Her skin is completely flawless, but unnaturally pale. Artemis has a tall, slender build. Her legs are thin, and long, giving her a very graceful look. She stands at 6'0", weighing in at around 125 pounds. Artemis is wearing a black, tight-fitting t-shirt with a picture of the ancient Don McLean. She's also wearing black skinny jeans that hug her legs, and her black and white All-Star High-top Converse, caked with mud and dirt. Over her shirt, she wears a black hoodie. On her jeans, she has a chain in her belt loop that holds her wallet in her back pocket. Personality: Quiet, calm. Sometimes shy. Bold at times, and extremely stealthy. An amazing archer, though she is no good with guns. She is ill-tempered, and can be a little sarcastic from time to time. Bio: Ask her.
#36815082Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:15 AM GMT

A guard comes to Artemis'es cell,and guides her to the arena. "Master says its time for a match."

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