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#36915836Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:32 AM GMT

England, August the 19th, 1879 Although most of England has lost its forests to farming, one forest has remained in its original form. An old friend of yours, Jonathan Manchester, has invited you to his mansion. Although it was originally built in 1829, it was bought up in 1870, it was in poor shape but after years he has restored it into its former beauty. Restoration was completed only a few months ago, it was a risky move, although he is rich, his company isn’t making enough profit for a buy like that. Well, it could of been more, the house is located in a forest that has managed to remain in its original form, miles of trees, but it’s easy to get lost, so I won't be taking any walks off of the estate. He thinks the cost was worth it, the sun rise is amazing, but the sun set is even better, the beauty of how the light hits the trees and the mansion itself is almost enough to make you cry! Or so he said… The mansion has an amazing garden wrapping around it and a seemingly endless view from the top floor, in fact, the mansion has six floors! By all means did they have to make it so tall? Five stories are enough but six?! The upkeep costs are high, but as he said before and WILL say again, “It’s worth it.” It’s a good thing he bought the place when he did, just a few more years and it would have been too late! The windows were broken, and the roof was ready to give up and just collapse, but no, he saved it. We’re just outside of the last town before the mansion; it will be a long trip, ten miles! But he just had to have you over, “After all! It’s a Victorian mansion!” Is what he said. He also went as far as naming every room and telling you everything he knew about the mansion, which is not a lot. I have forgotten most of it, but I can name some of the rooms. A Library, a Kitchen, Greenhouse, about forty bedrooms and thirty bathrooms… I could go on forever! But I won’t… Not until I’m sure I won’t make a mistake by leaving out some of the mansion… Thinking about it, could this be too good to be true? P.S: Remember, if an emergency is ever to come upon me the next supply wagon will come every week. -RULES- Don’t ruin it for us all, don’t escape, if you try I will kill you by having a wild animal attack so I wouldn’t call it ‘escaping’ You will find more out about the mansion as we go along, don’t worry, it won’t get boring. Experienced Role-players would be nice, but all I care about is that you’re not stupid and go all over the top with drama. Normal ROBLOX rules apply. You may continue if I log off, I’m on vacation… But don’t try anything that will break this threads rules, I won’t be off THAT long. I will be playing as the person who wrote this in his journal, yes, it’s a journal. Don’t look at this like just words on a screen; imagine yourself as the character you have created. Thanks to Roxie192, hope this new title works! You’re a very wealthy group of friends; you can own a company if you want. As always, HAVE FUN! -Character sheet- Name: Ag.e: (20-30) Gender: Appearance: Skills: (Don’t go crazy here.) Items: (Again, don’t be stupid.) Personality: Like/dislikes: Bio: (This is truly my best work yet, I gave 100% on this one, and the idea is pretty much mine.) -My character sheet- Name: Raymond Chandler. Ag.e: (20-30) 26 Gender: Male Appearance: long sleeve blue button-up shirt, he normally wears a suit but this is not a meeting, long brown pants that look like they came right out of the store, short black hair (Ends halfway down the neck), blue eyes, 5’10, black shoes. Skills: (Don’t go crazy here.) He can make dinner and not burn it, and can operate a lantern, but that is pretty much it. Items: (Again, don’t be stupid.) Feather for writing, and a small glass bottle of ink, also a journal. Personality: Extremely smart, but he isn’t streetwise, cares more for himself and his own safety than he cares for others, his family is an exception. Do you work or own a company: He owns two candle factories. Like/dislikes: Hates leaving his factory, but he feels it can last on its own for a few weeks, really likes music. Bio: Grew up on a somewhat wealthy family, when he started his own business the money just started flowing in.
#36916673Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:46 AM GMT

#36916783Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:47 AM GMT

Okay, posting here. in about 5 mins.
#36917188Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:54 AM GMT

Just a fair warning to anyone that joins. If you go all crazy with drama, try to make a huge change in the story, or have horrible grammar I will find a way to kill yo off in the RP. Oh, one more thing, please, try your best to not use in-game text chat, like *Throws chair at window*. Write it like you would if you were making a book.
#36917638Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:01 AM GMT

(It says there was a new post but I can't see it...)
#36917758Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:03 AM GMT

(It's me! My character sheet, that I've already had to retype once, won't go through!)
#36917807Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:04 AM GMT

(What did you think of the story?)
#36917870Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:05 AM GMT

(Not the most original, but it's okay.)
#36917930Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:06 AM GMT

(Wow, that sounded bad. You did a really god job, dude.)
#36917938Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:06 AM GMT

Name: Sarah Hollian Ag.e: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Sarah is exactly 5'6, and has a small build. She wears a beautiful 1870's green victorian dress, and a hat with a large, pink orchid on the side. She is wearing an expensive pair of black boots. Her face is wonderfully round, and her lips are a bit large. Her eyes are an aqua blue. Her skin is very light, but not pale! Her most beautiful feature is her longe, shining, blonde hair that goes down to her lower back. A most beautiful woman, no? Skills: Sarah is quite switft, faster than most people. She also has a large amount of stamina. Items: Sarah has with her a chatelaine purse which holds a few dollars and a small box of altoids. Personality: Sarah is cunning and beautiful, and quite persistant. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and is easily angered. She is also very, very stubborn. Like/dislikes: Sarah likes money, honey, and diamonds. She also loves wine and grapes, and if she smells something nice, she will follow the scent. She absolutely hates bugs, especially spiders! Bad smells are one of her least favorite things, along with low lifes and beggars. She would rather cut of her own two hands than go on a long trip! Bio: Sarah was born into a wealthy family, and loved the rich people's society. Her parents died in a train wreck, thanks to the packed train schedule, and took over their trading empire. When she was invited to the mansion, she excepted, not knowing how far the mansion was! She is trying to act kind, but she just wants to cuss off everyone in plain sight for not telling her of the long ride to the manor.
#36917996Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:07 AM GMT

(Trust me, it will be original, by the way, make sure the word ag.e has a dot in it, ROBLOX blocked it.)
#36918020Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:07 AM GMT

#36918291Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:11 AM GMT

(Oh. My. Luh-ord. I had to retype the entire thing.) RpName: Auria Joyce Quiniry RpAge: 22 RPGender: Female RPAppearance: ht♦tp://brodsky.50webs.co♦m/image♦s/dress/64.jp♦g Skills: She can handle a needle and thread reasonably well and is very good with children, especially younger ones. Items: A black leather purse with two brushes, a mirror, a parting comb, hygeine blah, debit card, hairspray, collapsible curling iron, and a whole bunch of other random junk. Personality: She has a very strong superiority complex, and while thinking she is perfect in every way, she's surprisingly kind. Like, a nice queen, or something. LLikes: Children, surprisingly, curly hair, cats and dogs and rabbits, long hair on both girls and boys, and people who treat her like a queen. DDislikes: Very short hair, rats, people who are smarter or more perfect than her, and messy tooth paste tubes. Bio: She has never had to work hard, born into the extremely wealthy Breezy Days and OC Resorts. She works as overseer of the company, but does not make the final decisions yet. In three years, she inherits everything in the company.
#36918328Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:12 AM GMT

(WOW! VERY WELL DONE! It says you joined in 2010 but it seems like you have been on the RP forum for a while, ACCEPTED! Oh, and by the way, she must be going completely insane, the ride starts in London and goes all the way to the north part of the United Kingdom!)
#36918481Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:14 AM GMT

(Wait, roxie, huge problem. This is 1879, not 1999.)
#36918532Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:15 AM GMT

(? Are you referencing my girl's dress?)
#36918537Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:15 AM GMT

((Here's a few pictures of things you might know that she has on.)) Dress: ((Remove )'s)) http://i53.photo)bucket.co)m/albums/g57/minathegoth/antique%20fashion%201870/6963j.jpg Purse: http://blog.fidmmuseum.org/.a/6a01156f47abbe970c0133ed27c1ad970b-800wi
#36918697Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:18 AM GMT

(Roxie, listen closely, it is 1879...)
#36918736Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

(OH! Cuh-rap, my chars take so long I forgot about that part!!)
#36918853Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:21 AM GMT

(All you need to do is make a few simple edits... Remove anything that is from the age of modern tech. OH and guess what? I'm going out to dinner soon. -_-)
#36918931Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:22 AM GMT

(Soo..when do you think you'll be back?)
#36918991Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:23 AM GMT

(Ergh, I can't believe it. >_<)
#36919064Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:24 AM GMT

(Well, We can get the starting part up, they are getting taken over by a movie on TV. :3 We can start now.) I sit in the wagon, watching the trees fly by. I ask the driver when we will make it to the next town, he said only a few minutes now.
#36919212Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:27 AM GMT

I listened to the drivers answer, and cheered in glee. "Thank god! I was going to jump of this here cart if we didn't get there soon!"
#36919233Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:27 AM GMT

(Alright, time for dinner, bye, 30 minutes to an hour.)

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