#39365314Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

"That i would agree upon. Too arrogant...." Grimes said. The city began to come into view. "Negative on life, but watch out for traps or remnants of rebels." Grimes ordered.
#39365787Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:23 PM GMT

Mikey I crawl through the city, grunting with pain. I see three Pelicans fly overhead. Martian "Hey, look, down there!" I say, pointing down to a body on the ground. The clothes he wore were the ones of rebels.
#39365958Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:25 PM GMT

"Shred him with the mini gun." Grimes ordered. ( Hurry, we must kill him before halo does. :3 )
#39366682Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

Mikey I lift my Gauss Rifle up, and stop breathing. I see them get their minigun out and aim it at me. I fire. The shots speeds through the right engine. Martian "What the heck was that?!" I yell, stumbling. The right wing was smoking. I saw the guy crawl behind some cover. "Damn!!" I yell.
#39366986Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

"I've seen this failure before." Grimes said. He hefted a heat seeking missile launcher and locked onto Mikeys signal. He fired 2 missiles and they slammed into his position.
#39367271Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

Mikey I fly back, hitting a wall with a huge amount of force. My eyes begin to close, and I think about the things I was leaving behind. My family, friends, and world. I open my eyes, and send a final beam at the head of Grimes.
#39367440Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

The gauss beam hit Grimes helmet right off his head, not damaging Grimes besides a small burn in his hair. "I just got that helmet you idiot!" Grimes shrieked before reloading the rocket and firing 2 more at Mikey.
#39367899Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

Mikey I roll to the side, and start crawling, just as a screeching sound is heard down the street, along with those of a Longsword. I am launched into the air as Eight APCs, Two Scorpions, and a Longsword appear. The Longsword and Scorpions and 7 APCs open fire on the Pelicans. The final comes over to me. Three rebels get out and get me inside. Jake "You bas.tards!" I yell, firing my machineguns at the Pelicans. A rocket flies out, hitting my wing. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--" I cry, as my Longsword crashes. Joe I get out my medkit, and start tending to Mikey as the APC drove off. A Scorpion and three APC blow up behind me, credit to some Shortswords. The reamaining forces retreat.
#39368028Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

(You forget the marines were in armored vehicles, and would be spread out a bit. PLUS, the marines wear armor that can stop bullets.)
#39368079Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

Grimes grabbed another pair of rockets and fired on the remaining rebels, save for Mikey and Joe. "Set us down on the roof." Grimes ordered the pilot. "Yes sir." he replied.
#39368212Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

(Im goanna be playin Call Of Duty: Black Ops. bai)
#39368306Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

I get out, glancing behind me at Martian, Roberts, and O'Ryan. "Lets go" I say.
#39368564Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

( Of course, games are a priority over managing your RP. ) "Were here for recon and scouting. Kill any resistance you come across." Grimes ordered, before adding "human or not."
#39368732Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

Roberts "Aye. Galo has turned inta a nasty bugga" I say.
#39368947Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:57 PM GMT

"Moving out. Run into resistance call "Alpha" into the radio. Find something call "Bravo" into the radio." Grimes ordered before descending down the stairs that led into the building they were on.
#39369172Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

(So Daniels is with the rest of my characters, and you are with Patrick and the NPCs?)
#39369287Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

( Nope. 5 man operation. Your 4 spec ops and grimes. )
#39369479Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:02 PM GMT

I follow Grimes. "Roberts, take point" I say. He runs ahead. Martian is behind me, with O'Ryan closing up the rear.
#39369789Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

"And last thing. If you want to see your brothers who got brutally murdered by Tristan's "Wing it" tactic, go to the north." Grimes added. He walked over a rebels head, which collapsed as Grimes put one leg on it and used his full weight. "Oh dear, I made a mess." he grunted as brains were all over his combat boot.
#39370051Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

"Where is the fothermucker?" I ask.
#39370216Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

"On a pelican to bravo base. If we hurry up maybe we can catch him." Grimes said, adding a smirk.
#39370363Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

"I really woul--Watch it!" I yell, pulling Grimes back. There, in the middle of th walkway, unde some dead bodies, was a Trip-Mine. "Damn that was close.
#39370911Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

"Good eye jar head." Grimes said and punched him in the shoulder jokingly. Grimes unsheathed a knife from a dead rebel. "Stand back." he ordered.
#39371022Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

We get back a bit.
#39371262Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

Grimes threw the knife, and effectively cut the trip wire in half. The mines detonated, with only a small bit of shrapnel hitting Grimes armor. Grimes fit his black beret over his head before turning around. "And that is hoe you disable a trip mine." he said.