#38524554Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

Bumpity! Bumpity! Invite your friends, invite your friends!
#38525420Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

Mightyman, you could've made up your own character!!!!!!
#38549830Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:20 AM GMT

~*Raleigh*~ Black hair with red headband, mostly wears pink, dark purple, or black, sometimes red. ^-^
#38550054Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:24 AM GMT

#38570716Sunday, December 12, 2010 3:52 PM GMT

EP. 2, PART 1, SEASON 1 (In the courtyard with Emma and Will, drinking coffee) Will: (thinks) After all this hanging out with her, she still doesn't see my signs. Emma: (thinks) Does Will like me? If so, I should be the lead, I guess so he might be too nervous to do it. Will: (speaking) Hey, Emma, do you think you could...go to a concert with me this Saturday? Emma: Depends on what band. Will: Bloody Pig Guts (MADE UP BAND) Emma: That sounds...weird but okay. Will: All right, talk to you later. (Caroline and Gabrielle sitting on the volleyball court) Caroline: EWWW! This acne cream really sucks! Gabrielle: How so? Caroline: I feel so old and wrinkly! Gabrielle: (scans Caroline) Carol, you look old and wrinky! Caroline: (screams) Gabrielle: No need to be upset. I wouldn't tell anyone. Caroline: Preston will be sure of it. (Preston walks by) Preston: Hey, Caroline. Hey, Gabi. Caroline: (speechless) Preston: The proper response is "Hey, Preston". Gabrielle: (giggles) Hey, Preston. Caroline: You don't recongize my face? Preston: It looks...beautiful. (smiles and winks) Caroline: (faints) Gabrielle: Oh God! (In the hallways, Finn and Andrew) Finn: So tonight, we are going to kill Riverdale. Andrew: Heck ya, we are! (Kimberly and Brittany appear) Kimberly: Since I am now single from my hideous breakup with Derek and Justin, Andrew, would you give me your football jacket? Andrew: My football jacket? Kimberly: Yes, I just love quarterbacks! Finn: Dude, give her the jacket! Andrew: No one demands my jacket! Plus, I am ridin' solo the whole school year! Kimberly: You can't be Mr. Tough Quarterback if you don't have a "relationship". Brittany: Stop with him, Kimmy! He is obviously annoyed. Andrew: Plus, I am looking at other girls like Brittany. Brittany: (gasps) YOU LIKE ME?! Andrew: Yeah, I do. (smiles) Brittany: That's an opporunity not to be wasted. Kimberly: Are you serious?! Go out with Finn or something, Britt! Finn: I am single. Kimberly: Oh okay. (Oski on the school wall, drawing pictures and then Chad appears) Oski: Oh, hi, there! Didn't see you there! I don't think we ever met. Chad: Me neither. The name is Chad Jackson. Oski: Uh, hello, Chad. My name is Oski Hawthrone. Chad: Nice to meet you, Oski. You must love art. (glances at her picture) Oski: Yeah, but I never show them to anybody. Chad: You're showing this to me. I like it. Oski: Well, thanks. Chad: No prob. (glances at skateboard) I see you skateboard. Oski: It's no big-. Chad: I am a skateboarder too. I also do BMX riding. Oski: BMX? Oh my gosh, I love BMX but I am too scared to try it. Chad: How about you come to the skate park after school today before the football game and I will help you? Oski: (nods) Sounds like a plan. (Courtney and Selena in the auditorium with Justin, after play practice) Selena: That was awesome, Justin! You did great! Justin: Thanks, Selena, you too! Selena: (smiles) Justin: (smiles) Courtney: I thought it was amazing. You guys are a perfect team! Selena: Well, it was fun! (winks for Courtney to leave) Courtney: Lena, I don't wanna leave. I am...observing. Justin: It's okay, she can stay! Selena: (rolls eyes at Courtney) Courtney: What? Justin: (laughs) Selena: Oh, it's nothing, Court. May I talk to you for a sec? Courtney: Sure, anything. Selena: I really like Justin and you're BLOWING it. Courtney: How am I blowing you liking a senior? We had a deal to only go out with sophmores, especially Preston Adams. Selena: I don't want a relationship. I just him better. Courtney: How would you possibly do that? Selena: Maybe get a sandwich or something. Watch a flick with some other seniors. Courtney: So you want to be in the in-crowd? A prep? Selena: I am not saying that all. It's just that---. Courtney: No, don't tell me! You don't want to be friends with an MVP on the Junior Varsity basketball team. You rather hang with cheerleaders and bulky football players. Well, our friendship is over! (cries and runs away) Selena: Courtney... Justin: What happened? Selena: (runs away) (Fred hurries in the hall and then gets beated down by Derek) Derek: Freddy, Weddy, where's your lunch money? Fred: I am a lunch box boy! Derek: Not today! (punches Fred in the nose) (Zach is with Jenny and spots the scene) Zach: Hey, Derek, that ain't cool! Derek: SHUT UP, YOU LITTLE ROACH! Jenny: Don't call my best friend a roach, you scrub! Zach: Jenny, no, don't get involved. Jenny: I want to get involved. I have a black belt in Judo. (drops kicks Derek in the face) Derek: Oh, GOD! Jenny: Come on, Fred! Fred: Thank God, you saved my life. I was about to be some serious meatloaf. Zach: Yeah, I was forced to save your life. (Lindsay, writing a story in Creative Writing class) Lindsay: The boys here aren't even cute, Mom. (Caleb sits down by her) Lindsay: Mind changed, Mom. Talk to you later. Caleb: Hey. (winks) Lindsay: Wow, you're a boy. Caleb: (looks uneasy) Why wouldn't I be a boy? Lindsay: Oh, because there aren't any cute boys in the 11th grade. But you have potential. Caleb: Why thank you! TO BE CONTINUED
#38570769Sunday, December 12, 2010 3:53 PM GMT

Part 2 coming up soon...
#38572990Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:32 PM GMT

EP. 2, PT. 2, SEASON 1 (Caleb and Lindsay talking) (Mason, sits down next to Rachel) Mason: (glances over at Rachel's paper) You have very nice handwriting. Rachel: (snorts) It's nothing. My teacher never say I do. Mason: Well, I do. My name is Mason, Mason Gray. Rachel: Nice to meet you, Mason. (coughs) Sorry, I have a condition. My name---is Rachel Morrison. Mason: Oh, your braces are very nice. Blue and pink. Rachel: My two favorite colors. Mason: I love the color blue! It has lots of potential. (Spencer, Ty, and Candy outside the school with a dance circle with some other kids) Kids: GO CANDY! GO CANDY! GO CANDY! Ty: Oh, that's our girl, Candy! She's so fly! HEY! Spencer: Yeah, now, I am about to drop this beat on you. Hit me up, Candy! Candy: You got it, Spence! (spins records and plays "Just Dance") Spencer: (spins on head and starts spins on one hand and does a backflip and continues to dance) Oh yeah, I got it, baby! Turn it up! Everyone join in! (Candy, Ty, and the other kids mimic Spencer's moves) Ty: I love this school! (does a backflip off the wall) Candy: Okay, everyone! Freestyle! (dances alone) Spencer: GO CANDY! Ty: (does the robot) Oh, man, that's tight! (Ty begins to play "Club Can't Handle Me") Candy: Hey, that right here's my jam. Spencer: (begins to dance with Candy) (Hannah and Roger in a classroom) Hannah: Well, Roger, we are alone. Roger: Hmm...yes, we are alone. In a classroom. No responsiblities. Hannah: Yeah, no responsiblties. (Roger walks closer to her) Roger: Come with me. (holds out his hand) Hannah: Whattaya want from me? Roger: Nothing. Just come on. (Hannah grabs Roger's hand and they walk into the woods) Hannah: That is surprisingly beautiful. Roger: Yeah, I know. Hannah: (laughs) Roger: Our own little place! Hannah, I have something to tell you. Hannah: What, Roger? Roger: I know you like me and I just want to say. Would you like to be my date for the dance next Saturday? Hannah: YES! Roger: Oh okay, you going to the football game tonight? Hannah: Yeah, I might go. Depends if you're going. Roger: Don't worry, I'll go. Come on. (they run back to the school) (Raleigh plays her acoustic guitar in the bleachers while Amy and Nico practice for the football game) Raleigh: Hmm...A chord. (writes down notes in her journal) (Down on the field) Amy: Pass it, Nico, I am wide open! Nico: Here ya go, Amy! (throws it downfield) (Ethan comes behind Raleigh) Ethan: Raleigh? Raleigh Brooks? Raleigh: (turns around) Ethan Young? (runs to hug Ethan) I haven't seen you in like forever! Ethan: Wow, you look great after 12 years. Raleigh: Yes, I know. I have been changing my look...a lot. Ethan: Wow, I can't believe, it's you. Raleigh: Me neither. But about you. Ethan: I see you still play guitar. Raleigh: Yeah. but it is still the acoustic. Ethan: Well, I now play the electric guitar for my garage band. Raleigh: That's awesome! Ethan: Yeah, it is. May I sit with you to see what you're writing? Raleigh: Why, sure. No problem against that. Ethan: (listens to Raleigh singing, smiles) Raleigh: (sings gracefully) (finishes) What do you think? Ethan: It's amazing! Well, talk to you later! Just send me a text, I guess. Raleigh: Okay, will do. (Drew walk down the hallways and Anna watches with Faye) Anna: He's so hot! Faye: He's on the cheerleading squad? Drew: Hey, ladies! Are you guys ready for the big game tonight! (winks) Anna: Definitiely. Faye: What game? Drew: The football game against Riverdale, silly! Faye: Oh, that game. Well, I occasionally don't know what I do on Friday nights. Drew; Well, come to the game! It is going to be huge! Anna: I will be there. (smiles) Drew: Oh good. I am glad someone has potential to support their school team. (Rodrick appears) Rodrick: Hey, Faye. Anna. Drew. Drew: BIG GAME TONIGHT! Rodrick: Umm...okay, Drew, go annoy the crap out of someone else. Faye: (giggles) Drew: You three better be there. (does a "I'm Watching You" signal) Rodrick: That's one strange dude, I swear, he is. Faye: Yes, I agree. Anna: Well, I gotta get home so I can get ready for the game. Bye, Faye and Rodrick! Rodrick: See ya! Faye: See you at the game, later on! Rodrick: Um, Faye? Faye: Uh-huh? Rodrick: There is something I have to ask you. Faye: What is it? Rodrick: Well, I have mixed feelings for you, and I made you this. (gives Faye a portrait of her) Faye: Oh my gosh, it's beautiful! So, what are you meaning to ask me? Rodrick: Umm...would you like to go to a movie with me tomorrow night at 7? Faye: Sure, why not? Rodrick: Okay, see ya around. (Kasem and Bethany) Bethany: Well, then, Kasem, you could go with the best of them and hang out with the highly sophiscated girls and leave me behind! Kasem: Maybe I will! 'Cause you have no respect for me! Bethany: Did you real mean what you just said? There you go always, saying things but you never mean it! Kasem: Listen, Beth, you are about the most challenging girl.friend, I ever had! It makes me sick! Bethany: Makes you sick? Think about me and your selfish ways! Intense glances, I hear? Giving Amy Kowalski intense glances? Kasem: None of that is true, babe. If you had faith in me, you would know that! Bethany: Well, I have zero faith in you and all that you do! (begins to cry) Kasem: (looks sympathetic) Do you really want us to end this way, Beth? Bethany: No, I don't, Kase but it seems tough. Kasem: (hugs Bethany) It'll be okay, I promise. (Nathan playing basketball in the gym and then Natalie walks in) Nathan: (attempts a shot and makes it) Yes! Awesome! Natalie: Hey, Nathan. Nathan: Oh hi, Nat. What's up? (moves over near Natalie) Natalie: Oh, just randomly walking around, bored. Nathan: Yeah, me too. That's why I am in the gymnasium, hooping. Natalie: How does it feel to be in a wheelchair? Nathan; Well... Natalie: Sorry if I put you in a comfortable position. Nathan: It's okay. It's hard but fun at the sometime. I get to pop wheelies, dance like a maniac and won't get made fun, and I am highly popular. Natalie: It helps you move up in the social rank? Nathan: Yeah. Natalie: Well...since I am on crutches with a broken leg. Would I be in a wheelchair? Nathan: Depends on your injury. TO BE CONTINUED....
#38573941Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:46 PM GMT

Part 3 tomorrow, my computer isn't doing nothing good.
#38575113Sunday, December 12, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

Aw I'm only in episode 2 for 4 sentences. or 3..
#38592193Sunday, December 12, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

The episode isn't over yet
#38601013Sunday, December 12, 2010 10:33 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#38601085Sunday, December 12, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

Yes, he is.
#38601272Sunday, December 12, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

You mustn't have read the script close enough. You were talking to Oski.
#38603775Sunday, December 12, 2010 11:10 PM GMT

I only have 3 lines.....
#38618094Monday, December 13, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

He not done with it yet
#38620775Monday, December 13, 2010 3:07 AM GMT

I am not even done with the script yet, be patient people, I am going to finish next week.
#38656376Monday, December 13, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

i cant decide between Brittany and Summer .... Can i be both PLEAASSSEE If i cant be both pick one for me either brittany or summer WHICH ONE D:
#38657849Monday, December 13, 2010 10:42 PM GMT

#38658242Monday, December 13, 2010 10:46 PM GMT

GARH! I'm not THAT Sensitive 3:
#38682612Tuesday, December 14, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

Okay, okay, senstivity describes Bethany
#38707169Tuesday, December 14, 2010 8:23 PM GMT

#38715728Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

And btw u might have to change my name again i might get a bc account named rashad409 but no fr yet
#38716072Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

Procrastinitating the next 3 parts of the 2nd episode until December 28th
#38717060Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

(BOYS) Finn-the popular football player who everyone knows and loves-BESTPLAYEREVER Fred-the nerdy boy outsider boy-SKATER1787 Roger-the jealous goth kid who hates everyone-LOLOMAN Adam-the video game addict and they one who is more tempted by peer pressure-TANKE9 Ethan-the one who has many life-changing problems and he is a straight D student-DOMOKUN556. Derek-the dumb bully who always picks up on Fred-FLAMEBOY3241 Preston-the rich, popular kid who has the shiny teeth-PAPPY911 Chad- the daredevil-JOHNSTAGS Austin-the rich, popular kid who everyones knows-RESERVED FOR COOLSTER900 Drew-the one who tries to fit in and then ends becoming a male cheerleaders-STEELKIRBY1 Will-the middle-class boy who is the water boy for the football team-SHRIMP12 Justin-the talented one who always impresses the girls and has a girl.friend named Kimberly-MIKAVERLETH Kasem-the one who is intelligent and a smart-aleck and is Bethany-6630EX Nathan-the dude with the sick mohawk and he is in a wheelchair.-MTNCAL95 Rick-the rock n' roll and usually the kid who skips school occassionally to see K!$$!-BENWHAT Brayden-Rick's best friend and they have been friends since sixth grade when they got into a fight together-JOEYTHEMAN0519 Nico-the Hispansic one who is popular because of his accent-CONFLICTS Rodrick-the creative one who usually wins art contests-POWERBLUERABBIT Mason-the intelligent one who finds Rachel attractive-LOLMASTER556 Andrew-Best Buds with Finn and he is a ladies man and he is the quarterback for the Raleigh Redhawks-TATE4542 Ty-the softspoken dancer from the streets of the Bronx-WHATHEKICKBOXER21 Spencer- Ty's childhood friend who is a breakdancer who usually wears beanies and has a high voice-DEANMCBLOX Zach-he is best friends with Adam and he loves video games. He is a sci-fi fanatic and he is currently in a weird relationship with Jenny-WILDBUNCH7 Caleb-the All-American running back for the football team-FLAMINFIRE69 (GIRLS) Kimberly-Justin's cheerleading girl.friend. Kimberly is rich and snotty-KIYA1212 Bethany-Kasem's challenged girl.friend who is very senstive-HANA123 Anna-the one with divorced parents and she is always sad-MJANDJBLOVER1232 Jenny-the one who is obsessed with science fiction-MILEYISAWESOME (Jenny is 15). Candy-the party-lover who usually gets invovled with the law-SUNBURST1031 Natalie-the outsider cheerleader and the volleyball player-RICECRISPYYUMYUM Brittany-the Homecoming queen and Miss. I am All That and BFFs with Kimberly(also cheerleader)-WEEZIE1232 Rachel-the intelligent one who has braces and acne and then Rachel got her complete makeover after she got her braces off.-GIRLYGIRL88 Faye- the simplely nervous one who barely talks-LILLYFAYE Hannah- the Goth girl who has a crush on Roger-DELIHLAH Amy- the peppy one who is on the football team-SKYANGELPUPPY Gabrielle-the one with the amazing singing voice-SOCCERBABE10M Michelle-the "new" girl who is best friends with Faye Lindsay-the social butterfly who befriends everyone she meets-JULIET204 Sadie-the snotty cheerleader who is with the Mean Girls, Kimberly and Brittany Selena-the one who is a great actress-HYPERBABY13 Caroline-The outgoing bestfriend with Gabrielle-BOO4BETTZ Oski-the sk8er girl who doesn't care what other girls think about her.-AAB1234567890 Raleigh-the girl who loves country music and is friends with Oski.-AELITA8788 Summer-the peppy cheerleader who is friends with Lindsay and she is also a social butterfly.-ALISSIA10 Daniela-the silent cherleader who is friends with Summer and Lindsay. She is a bit shy but not around Summer and Lindsay Emma-the photographer who loves takes picture of everything-LITTLETTO Courtney-the basketball star who loves to play basketball and she is friends wtih Selena.-GKKO
#38789007Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:08 AM GMT

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