#37136404Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:45 PM GMT

~Robyn~ I then noticed that Lilic had popped up. I reply; "HiyaLilic!xx". I click send, checking my iPhone. 1 new text; Dear Robyn, I know where you live and i know who you are. You better keep an eye out, otherwise you might not make it to the morning. Unknown. I start shaking, I check all the doors and windows are locked, I turn the light on full brightness. I then text Jamie and Lilic, OMG, You will never guess what! I just got a text and it said: Dear Robyn, I know where you live and i know who you are. You better keep an eye out, otherwise you might not make it to the morning. Unknown. What do i do? I'm in the house alone, Olivia has just been murdered, what happens if its the murderer?! My besties are ill so i cant go to theres and theres nobody else who can help!
#37136450Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:47 PM GMT

~Robyn~ I got my popup back from jamie, I reply "How are you?xx". I say, clicking send.. I then get Lilic's popup. I reply, "I dont know Lilic! I just had that scary text, but hes outside your window...You should have got Olivia to help..." I say, clicking send. "Gosh, shes such a nerd sometimes". I mutter.
#37136512Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:49 PM GMT

I get a little afraid I type back *Robyn come down my house we need to talk....wait a sec..* 1 new message on my phone I check it Lilic You better stay with her or your going to die...tonight.. Unknown I sent that on facebook to Robyn *Robyn come to my house right away
#37136552Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:52 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "Shes not even a close friend". I mutter to myself, I post back on facebook, "I'm coming Lilic, Do i need to pack my things to stay? Or just to come!xx?". I send, quickly.
#37136591Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Name: Dana Marx A.ge: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Tall and skinny with dark hair and pale skin. She has heavy eye make-up and dark blue eyes. She has a barbed wire tattoo going round her waist and a rose with thorns on her back. She has a pierced eyebrow and lip. Personality: Dana keeps to herself. She has a few friends, but doesn't really enjoy anybody's company. Costume: Not go one, she's staying at home with candy for the trick-or-treat-ers.
#37136606Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Lilic *You can pack your things and stay for a couple weeks...or you can just come..we need to talk* Mike Myers: Stares near Lilics window...Knife in hand..Walks back down the street...waits for Robyn
#37136629Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:55 PM GMT

((Okay Dana Come in whenever))
#37136829Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:01 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "Coming!xx". I send, then shut off my laptop. I pick up my huge bag, I put in my laptop with charger, Iphone, Ipad, Ipod, a small makeup bag, hair curlers and straighteners, nail varnish and afew other essentials. I pick up my house key, turning off the lights. I unlock my front door, walking throught the back alleys, where nobody exept me knows. I arrive at Lilics house, I knock on the door, three times. "Let me in! Its Robyn, I dont know where he could be". I say, gulping.
#37136848Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:02 PM GMT

Dana sat at home with a bowl of popcorn, watching a scary movie. She twirled the tip of the knife on her finger, watching a bead of blood appear on the tip.
#37136897Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

I open the door and quickley let her in I throw her on the seat *Robyn guess what* I gulp and start breaving heavily *He was just outside my window with a knife in his hand and he pointed at me....I am scared Robyn* *We are next* I look around and hear somthing in the kitchen
#37137045Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:10 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "Im not next". I say, trying not to show my fear. "I come here to help you, Not to die myself". I say, hearing the russle in the kitchen. "W-whats th..that". I say, worried.
#37137090Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:12 PM GMT

ooc this is so mary sueish im talkin to u play girl
#37137097Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:12 PM GMT

* I don't know go check I will come with you or I could stay here and you go check Robyn* I look around...I here a rubbery mask getting took of somones face..I look back and mike myers has a knife in his hand and nearlly st abs me and Robyn...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
#37137219Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:17 PM GMT

~Robyn~ I duck, and stand up. I kick him where it hurts. "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!". I say to Lilic, shaking. I open the door, Grabbing my bag and lilic. "We need to get to the airport!". I hear the TV say 'All the airports are shut due to this murderer'. "Oh great". I mutter, "We need to get to the police station then!". I say, I go through the back alley into the forest, "He wont find us here, The police station is through this forest, Only people who live here know where it is, He does not live here". I say smiling, as we slowly walk through the forest.
#37137290Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:19 PM GMT

*Robyn I am really scared what if he followed us here* I stepped on somthing..Somones glove with blood on it Whats this Robyn its somones glove...Wait it is Olivias...I gave it to her when I was younger..We had good memories....I heard somone shout..And a loud scream...*MOM* Robyn we have to go in my house my mom is there...she is in the shower when you came*
#37137433Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "I dont want to break it to you, But if he's in there...We wont make it back". I say, frowning. I look at the glove, "If she ment to much to you, why dont you just join her". I say, feeling as if she dont care about me. A tear drops down my face, trying to hide it i shut my eyes.
#37137516Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:26 PM GMT

I smile and see the tear drops in her eyes *whats wrong...* I stop and see Mike Myers at the bottom of this forest..Oh my * Robyn we have to leave now *... We need to get Jamie*...((I know he is gone))...Come on I put the glove in my back pocket.
#37137674Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "Nothing". I say, wiping the tears out of my eyes. "We can only go deeper, He is at the enterance". "Jamie will be okay till tomorrow(When hes back on)". I say. "If we go straight through, we will come out at the police station". I say, as we walk forward, "And do you really need that glove? I mean, It's covered in blood, and mike smells blood..". I say, looking at him at the enterance, You can only see him slightly as we are so deep in.
#37137737Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

I shout at Robyn* course I need this glove its Olivias she was my best best friend and this is the only memorie I have got* I look down at the floor
#37137961Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:40 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "Well, Your on your own then". I say, a tear faling down my face, this time it's noticable. I had a secret that nobody else, Exept me, my family and Olivia knew. "You dont know somthing, Only, me, my family and Olivia know..If you knew you would know how i feel". I say.
#37138047Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:43 PM GMT

*sorry Robyn..Tell me your secret..* I am really sorry..We need to get going come on..you are like a better friend then Olivia..She used to argue with me all the time..Now lets get going
#37138207Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:48 PM GMT

~Robyn~ "I was Olivia's cousin". I say frowning. "You and her was bestfriends..I always felt left out, I may be popular but i still feel left out.." I say frowning, "Lets get going, We both need to be safe". I say, giving a small smile. "Oh, I almost forgot". I say, looking throught my bag. "Have this". I say handing her a Iphone, "I got it for you when they come out". I show her mine, "There the same". I say, giggling.
#37138351Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

I suddenly feel a little depressed and sad..I have never been there for Robyn I would always be there for Olivia..I hugged Robyn and told her...*Even if Olivia died just now..I woulden't just forget about you Robyn..* I had tears coming down my cheeks.. I looked at the phone and turned it on
#37138693Wednesday, November 17, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

~Robyn~ I hugged her back, "I wouldn't forget you, I couldn't". I say, trying to smile. "We need to kill this, thing". I say, worried. "We could use one of us as bait and the other one set a trap". I say, thinking.
#37138790Wednesday, November 17, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

*Yeah I will be bait..he will come after me while you do that trap and I will lead his to the trap* and if he stabs me then...kills me..well it won't matter...I don't care anymore* I don't care because Olivia died..it just makes me sad*