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#37202440Friday, November 19, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

here is the first one please no tl;dr, if yer gonna do tht press the "Back" button (name unknown, if you know it please tell it to me) well it was like some parody/mix of "Snakes on a Plane" "Legally Blonde (i think)" "Lord of the Rings (again, i aint good at guessing movies so i dont know)" and i know for sure, "Narnia" and sorta "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" well main characters from those movies (excpet narnia and charlie and the chocolate family) got a golden ticket (like charlie and the chocolate factory). They used it to open the closet of Narnia. Then... well i was like 10 or something (i am 12 now) and i noticed it was for people 15... yeah... but it was short and had absoutly NO story line Kite Runner I can tell you what this snailbag of a movie is about... well at the beginning they were like chasing kites or whatever and then it was some kids BFFs birthday or something and he was getting beat up and the kid was afraid and his BFF was mad and then a war happens and they run away to America and then he gets married, i zoned out after that but i remember his wife or mom or whatever for some reason with a white blanket over her in a coliseum and they were throwing rocks at her which turned the blanket red and they put her in a truck and then he was in a bar at the end the bad thing is it has NO traits of a good movie. Brothers short, stupid, and VERY confusing well like her husband went to war so she was fine... then he got inprisoned and he was all mad and schtuff and he had to kill the prisoner he was with or he got killed, i think it was the other guy that was supposed to hit him. they looked alike so it was confusing well the wife thought he was dead she went all wa-wa and met his brother then the daughter like acted like she was possesed and like went all crazy depressed temper tantrum like "WUT ABOUT DADDY" or something and she got in trouble then the brother got back and he went all King Kong with a bat and ruined the house like "TAKE THAT I AM RUININ YER KITCHEN HAHAHAHA" and he was screaming at her and she was liek "WTF????" and then it ended
#37202581Friday, November 19, 2010 12:50 AM GMT

The first one I think is called epic movie and all parodies or bad.
#37202672Friday, November 19, 2010 12:51 AM GMT

Are* Quarantine was also terrible. It's like they couldn't afford a camera man so they made an actor carry it and do a terrible job.
#37203418Friday, November 19, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

Dont forget James Cameron's Avatar. God that movie sucked so much.
#37203824Friday, November 19, 2010 1:11 AM GMT

it was called Epic Movie, and i hated Quaritine, forgot about that its just like people killing zombie diseased people. STUPID
#37212944Friday, November 19, 2010 3:51 AM GMT

Epic Movie was terrible. Scary Movie was 'kay. But just the first one imo. Vampires Suck well, sucked. The people who made these movies should not be allowed to touch a camera.
#37346370Sunday, November 21, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Master of the world: the movie. Don't get me wrong, the book was O.K. Effect O-Meter: Amazing Okay Bad Laughable Intolerabley Awful <--------- Act-O-Meter: Great Good O.K Cheesy Pukingly bad <------- Basically, these people are captured in an airship run by a person who looks like cross between george washington and a klingon.

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