#40562016Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:00 PM GMT

The Megalith is done, and It is MASSIVE. ============================ New Perth continues to expand. It now has a Military Base Present. ============================ Pacifica also Launches a program to build space Carriers, with Space fighters. ============================= The Pacfican Part of the Space station locks its doors, resricting access to their part od the station.
#40562165Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:03 PM GMT

Indian armies deploy massive armies as India moves into Europe and fills into Europe like fire set on gasoline.
Top 25 Poster
#40562356Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:06 PM GMT

Aaron, your move into Europe is attacking Russian possessions. We rush 5 million men to the border with Russia, in case of an Indian onslaught. Egypt falls and we have a way to cut their communications in case of war. Our 100,000 men in Great Britain finish the work and head to Egypt. 2 million men on the coast, 5 million on the Russian border, 1 million men on the border with you in Egypt, and every citizen prepared to defend their city. (Let's not have a massive godmod war like this seems to be. You're meeting no resistance to anything.)
#40562472Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:08 PM GMT

Pacfica develops a small, Armoured Assault Car. Its main weapons is a Flamethrower the shoots fire hot enought to melt steel. ======================================= The Megalith Is Mass produced.
#40562605Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:10 PM GMT

(When Did I Attack Russian Possition? And besides, could a nation like Turkmenistan really stand a massive army? Residstance into Europe will be hard.) Indian main army and the Turk Army meet at the city of Van in eastern Turkey. --- Syria, Greece, and Lebonon declair war on India.
Top 25 Poster
#40562739Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:12 PM GMT

Greece wouldn't declare war on you, it's my nation. >When Did I Attack Russian Possition? You said you attack Europe through Turkey. I believe that any modern European nations there where part of the USSR, so Russia has them.
#40562991Saturday, January 08, 2011 8:15 PM GMT

The Pacifican Army tests the Megalith on the South Africans. It Devestates their main army, and spear heads the Invasion of South Africa. ======================== 3 Assult cars are being sold to any nation for 1M per car. 5 MCVs go for sale for 500K per MCV.
#40568184Saturday, January 08, 2011 9:35 PM GMT

- They never owned Turkey, and I never remembered Greece was yours. Anyhow, most Middle-East declared war. ======== India will buy 1 assult cars and 2 MCVs.
#40568346Saturday, January 08, 2011 9:37 PM GMT

Sold, and they are being shipped.
#40571919Saturday, January 08, 2011 10:26 PM GMT

RUSSIAN NUKES! RUSSIAN NUKES! That's all it's about in this war.
#40577370Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:40 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
Top 25 Poster
#40578532Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

We hear rumors of Russian nuclear weapons, and secretly start on an atomic bomb program.
#40579242Sunday, January 09, 2011 12:06 AM GMT

Then, North Korea invades the South
#40584951Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:29 AM GMT

Country Name: Hove Country Size (km2): 15,160,780 Leader Name: Shawn Carter Country's Currency: US Dollar Country's Governmental System: Democracy[But the leader can stay if the change of the constiution] Country's Population: 75,068,340 Country's Military Size: 6,870,340[Active.] 1,456,789[Reserve.] Country's Colonies: 2, Congo, Papa New Guinea Country's Total Colonial Size: Combined=4,320,678 Country's Total Colonial Population: 250,678,390
#40586444Sunday, January 09, 2011 1:49 AM GMT

The General of the Army addresed soildiers on Hoves version of Don't Ask Don't Tell.
#40587317Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:03 AM GMT

India successfully pushed behind the first city of Var, but only with mild losses. The Turk army is on the retreat. They station their soldiers along the nation's central river. India sets up operational airfields and begins raids using the mass produced MiGs- which were first taken from a shipment of Russian MiGs. ===== Also, the canals between the Indian Ocean, Caspian Sea, and Black Sea are completed. Trade in the regions connected have boosted 100+%.
#40588747Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:21 AM GMT

Shawn the leader boards a navy ship to vist india to ask them for a alliance. [Hove is in Africa. It was orginally a colony made by the US until the US gave hove to its first colonist and funder.]
#40590221Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:39 AM GMT

India (The Greatest Nation in the World....), accepts the invitation and invites the leader into the city of Delhi- the grand capital.
Top 25 Poster
#40590344Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

We now truly are Europa, controlling all of Europe but Russia and the former Soviet Republics.
#40590627Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

(Kdog, Pacifica Controls Papua.)
#40591182Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:50 AM GMT

Indian armies use the new canals to launch naval landing near the city of Zongdul, less then 50 miles from Istanbul. Massive soldiers rush the landing and push into the city and gain a supply line. India conflicts the Turk naval fleet off of Istanbul. Massive resistance accrued. Air raids and conflict makes this one of the bloodiest battles of the war. The Turks, after many days of fighting, fall back to Istanbul. As the Greater Middle-Eastern Army crushes Turks in the east. Turks are ordered to pull back to Europe. Turk Losses So Far (Military): 59k Indian Losses So Far (Military): 37.5k
#40591488Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:53 AM GMT

The Megaliths are shipped home.
#40591568Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

[Aww, um New Zealand then.] Shawn Carter docked in a country near India and took a presidential limo guarded by armored car toward India. They were only 20 miles from the border though.
#40591749Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

We each practically own a continent... Asia - India Europe - Europa Pacifica - Pacific Russia - Ur...Russia. ===== India crushes retreating Turks, and begins the Siege of Istanbul. Indian soldiers land on Europe side of the nation. This is the first time in history India has ever stepped on Europe soil. Naval fleets blockade remaining Turk ports.
#40591827Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

(Sorry, Pacifica controls all of the Pacfic, outside of Hiwaii, and Japan.) The Coffie havest comes in from Yemen.