#37717842Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

athirius i walk down the hall of gods then see a door with somebody talking maltese. i open the door and see a weird creature "whos place is this?!
#37718025Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

(oops he was in the crowd and he saw the creature i didn't read much)
#37724203Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:13 PM GMT

"I ikunu ġlied fil-arena, hekk leave me jkun, kaptan tiegħi projbizzjonijiet lili biex jitkellem ieħor god twil wisq." I snapped. Three colums rose. A winged creature stood on the highest, a million tailed creature on the medium, and a snake made of fire on the smallest. The king of all gods, who also spoke Maltese, spoke: "Eeirk, inti ser ġlieda Mana, Kusa u Fuyu. Kun lest, huma ġellieda Onorevoli fix-xena, jekk tnejn huma defeated f'ħames minuti, inti tista 'ħruġ, wieħed, mewt, tlieta, ta' kura." The winged one, I guessed Mana, insulted: "Inti die ftit biċċa puny 'l-ħażin." I looked at it: "Thats it inti winged, denbu u Freaks SLIM" I attacked.
#37727923Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

(i dont understand and plus i dont have google translate)
#37763570Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:38 AM GMT

(there's other translators)
#37763706Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:46 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#37765694Sunday, November 28, 2010 12:38 PM GMT

athirus "fine." i walk back to pick up feroraptor from his training. but see him with flesh around his teeth, but his tail longer...i snapped in shock, he...was gonna have a baby...
#37775849Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

I jumped at the winged one. "DIE!" I knew that in english. I ate its winged off. "Thats , I'll scrape your eyes off with my claws!" it snapped. Its claws aimed at me, but I grabbed both his arms, pulled myself up, knocked him unconcious and threw him into the snake, setting him ablaze and the snake dead. 3 minutes had passed. The tail one grabbed me with his tails. I kicked his face and ate it. The king of god spoke: "Għandna rebbieħ!"
#37776677Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

(what the king of gods spoke was. Ghadana rebbih!, thats what it translated)
#37780137Sunday, November 28, 2010 6:15 PM GMT

Eeirk is doing well.seems he was chosen for a match without my prior notice, again.I have created a new set of enemies for the abyss.I call them shifters.they read their opponents mind and take the form of the most powerful being they have seen.that should prove a challenge.I am holding them in seperate cells.they have seen almost all of my creations and would either grow too big or too powerful to be held.their true forms are small black balls of smoke with red eyes.I teleport to the arena and I am nearly trampled by a group of minor gods.I create a shadow field around myself and watch the fight.
#37785626Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

athirus i walk into a room with some creatures that look like smoke i studied them one of them shriveled, as thinking of what to change into, the smoke got scared and ran to the edge of the glass "heh heh heh..."
#37789968Sunday, November 28, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

i have a friendly shifter in front of me right now.i am trying to make it more powerful,perhaps allowing it to grow at will or absorb corpses to become bigger and more powerful. the possibilities are endless.what upgrades?how much power?how big?i use my powers to make the friendly shifter quadruple in is now slightly bigger than me.i take a sample of it so that i can reproduce it in this form if i need to.i give it some more is now about half as powerful as dna.continue.this is so very fun.
#37793683Sunday, November 28, 2010 9:25 PM GMT

i have expended nearly all my energy as of this moment.the friendly shifter is now 900 ft tall. it is the most powerful creation i have ever dna.
#37800809Sunday, November 28, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

athirus i look at a god modifying one of those creatures and making it bigger. "sir what is your name?"
#37825406Monday, November 29, 2010 7:29 AM GMT

"my name is ira.if you want one of these creatures I can give you a smaller one to manipulate if you want."
#37827970Monday, November 29, 2010 12:51 PM GMT

athirus "sure, i'll send you my baby feroraptor in return"
#37837800Monday, November 29, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

"sounds like a fair exchange."I imprint his DNA on the small shifter so that it will obey him and hand it over.I wonder what the feroraptor will look like.I have heard of them.they are frequently used in other arenas as gladiators.I split the massive shifter into several hundred new shifters.I give the god a few more and put the others into a new chamber."may I know my...'business partner' is what the mortals call it..may I know my business partners name?"
#37838800Monday, November 29, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

-A WEEK LATER- I noticed Ira had been ignoring me. I hadn't been called up since the arena fight. I climbed up the crack, then split the wall up. I escaped into the wild, when I came upon a temple. Little green things guarded it on each of the corners, and sides and blocks that bult it up, of its pyramid shape. One looked at me and charge. I grabbed it and squeezed, when the rest turned into fire. I ran and they followed me, then they melted the bars of my cage, I ran, but they escaped. Fire Balls were amuk in the gods arena, and when one was killed, the others got more powerful. This. Was. Bad.
#37840460Monday, November 29, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

situation bleak.viability negative.hold out for as long as possible! *hell march from red alert 3 plays* we have assembled into a warband.we are using our abilities to fight those monsters that have escape.i belive they are the fire balls.the water gods are a great help.i cant help but wonder where eeirk is right now.he dissapeared when the fireballs rebelled.i have been assissting the other gods in the fight ever since.the baby ferorapter has been a good help.i have been advancing it and making it bigger since i got it. i miss eeirk.he would have been good in the fighting though the situation is getting better.i have found a previously unknown temple complex.soon i am going to explore it.i do not need help.i can handle myself.
#37847070Monday, November 29, 2010 10:36 PM GMT

athirus (to tell you, a newborn feroraptor is as big as a horse :D) i sitted in my chairadmiring my mutation abilites, so far i have modifyed them so they can power up a creature in need, or breathe fire on and opponent, i've been taking good care of my mutated feroraptor (feroraptors arent usally as big as his, sort of like godzilla, a mutated one is bigger and more deadly) i've noticed he has trained him often, and took care of it. ive decided to actully name my feroraptor, 'akirus' it has a catch to it, as mortals say it.
#37874819Tuesday, November 30, 2010 8:47 AM GMT

Eeirik I squeezed a fireball, and the others turned into giant balls with spikes on, no fire. I quivered. Then, they tried to squish me.
Top 25 Poster
#37874833Tuesday, November 30, 2010 8:49 AM GMT

Krankheit watched the chaos, uncaring.
#37877277Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:09 PM GMT

athirus i take a walk outside and see a creature in trouble i call akirus "AKIRUS!" akirus i follow my masters call and see a creature in with fireballs i attack, jaws grabbing a group and poisoning it
#37883051Tuesday, November 30, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

looks like the last group of fireballs are feroraptor perished in the fighting but i can create a new one anytime i want.i am approaching the entrance of the temple now.there is an ominous presence in the air.i sence that eeirk is deep inside.i proceed up the steps.this temple remids me of a race called the...'aztecks'?they worshipped some of my ancestors and i praise them for that.i am several levels down by now.this temple contains large amount of power.eeirk's signal is growing stronger.he must be unwittingly siphoning the power into himself.i trip and cut myself."ouch!"15cm long?ha!tis but a flesh wound.golden ichor leaks onto the ground.i mop it up with my cloak.eeirks psychic signal is getting stronger.either he is getting more powerful or i am close.
#37892409Tuesday, November 30, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

eyes glow in the darkness of the temple. fire goblins surrond ira and a giant troll with three eyes walks into the light "you find little person in the golden temple, capture it, ready to eat it. you want to eat?"