#38164015Sunday, December 05, 2010 3:58 PM GMT

A couple more people fight, and then it seems that some others decide they don't want to get beat down by me, so they withdraw. "Black and Blue, your next victim is 6!" the guy says. Nathan "Ok." I say, walking in.
#38164179Sunday, December 05, 2010 4:00 PM GMT

Everybody looks at her. "Don't let him trick you, he always measures how strong a person is." one says. But he doesn't say how I do it.
#38164283Sunday, December 05, 2010 4:02 PM GMT

She steps in the ring, Rolling her shoulders "Sup tough guy? Probably getting soft from everybody just rolling over when you get to them." She waits for the bell to start the fight to ring
#38164402Sunday, December 05, 2010 4:04 PM GMT

(Going to go eat.) Nathan "Eh, you can say what you like." I say. Getting ready to let her punch me, in the arm of course.
#38164517Sunday, December 05, 2010 4:06 PM GMT

(ILl try to remember to check back in) She stays on the defensive once the bell rings, shes not a moron and has seen the other fights before. "You expect me to hit you so you can judge my strength? I dont think thats happening very fast." (We do this as if they havent fought before...)
#38164604Sunday, December 05, 2010 4:07 PM GMT

(Lol, sure.) Nathan "Smart." I say, throwing a punch, getting ready to withdraw it if she trys anything.
#38209739Monday, December 06, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

She moves to the side around the punch giving him a push to the side "Im just suprised nobody thought of it... weve been doing this HOW long?"
#38224397Monday, December 06, 2010 12:49 PM GMT

Nathan "Eh, I don't really know." I say, deciding to do a quick speed punch, nobody can dodge those >:D One second I was a bit to the side, next second I did a spin punching her in the arm. Everybody knew I was just warming up, but did she?
#38246248Monday, December 06, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

(Autohitting? Not very good rping >.>) She rolls with the blow, In a circle around him and giving him a solid kick to the back before retreating to the edge of the ring, Which is here favorite position, Because to get her they have to go to the edge as well.
#38280911Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:45 AM GMT

(Eh, my guy was showing off his speed, and you'll know when it's possible for me to get blocked. Which is just about never ^.^) Nathan I put my hand behind my back, letting her kick my hand, and I grab her foot. I then twist it to make it hurt a little. I let go and turn around, she then got to the edge of the ring. (That's what he did during yours, now this is what he did after.) He sat there and waited, knowing not to go to the edge.
#38303090Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:45 PM GMT

She taunts him "Oh come on Mr.Tough guy? Afraid to live on the edge are ya?"
#38303263Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

Nathan "I'm just not stupid." I say, and I didn't get tempted at all by her taunt. "And that never works, I am not like others. I don't care if somebody taunts me, for what somebody says to me, means nothing." I say, walking to the edge opposite of her.
#38303543Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:50 PM GMT

(As long as your not going to do some stupid "Knocks her out of the ring" or something im fine with whatever you do, And once we get to fighting actual covenant it wont be that bad. Also is your guys main abilitys basically strength and speed? I mean they were all fast but in the series most of the faster ones were snipers, So they could get around to good places to snipe) She shrugs "ive got all day, But one of us is going to get shocked if we dont continue to fight, And this is MY strategy so it wont be me."
#38304528Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:01 PM GMT

Nathan "Yeah, that's right." I said, as some kids start betting money... They know somethings big is about to happen. I start to get really energetic, and I walk forward and do a frontflip, landing about 2 feet away from her. "Let's do this." I say aiming a kick at her head, waiting for her to do something to stop it, or not get hit by it. All of a sudden a song plays, it was the Halo Theme Song.
#38304857Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

(awesome fight music!) She ducks grabbing his leg and yanking him forward, While rolling under him lightning fast Aiming a kick at the back of his leg before retreating a bit (Gotta remember were both now at the edge, Hope you can stop yourself from falling out somehow ^.^Shame for the fight to be over already)
#38305276Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:09 PM GMT

(Not for me :D) Nathan I quickly regained balance and did a flip ONTO her leg. (If the edge is behind you.) I do a back flip as soon as I land on her leg, and back to the center of the ring. "You make this to easy. (If the edge is behind me.) I quickly jump off her foot and land right infront of the edge, then I do such a fast punch, nobody saw where it came from. I hit her in the stomach, and then I edge away from the edge.
#38306000Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

(Im not sure you understand what happened, You kicked and i ducked under it, Then pulled your forward while sliding under you..Your about 2 and a half feet from the edge with forward momentum to carry you out or atleast make you fall over and be on the edge, And then i aimed a kick at your leg...)
#38306438Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

( Can I be a standard UNSC marine?)
#38306494Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

( Standard UNSC marines dont have a long lifespan in Halo games... I wouldn't see why not though...)
#38306526Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(Yes, but friction still exists, meaning I slid forward, and kicked the ground with the foot still in the air, and then I pushed off with my other foot, and I did a backflip. I got my balance back at the very beggining, for at first whenever I fought, I would always lose balance. I had trained for years on nothing but speed, agility, balance, and intelligence, along with some logic here and there. You will learn more about my character, trust me.)
#38306757Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

She calmly walks out of the arena "Im not going to fight him, Hes not even trying, Backflips in a fight? If i had any weapon he would be dead before he hit the ground." (Plus i just want to get this part over so we can fight Aliens that dont talk back when you insta-kill/hit them! not saying anything about you doing either >.> Just your char seems a bit OP, And you keep doing unblockable things. Were both the same speed and everything you know.)
#38307398Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

(BTW, The covetant died exept the brutes and elites but elites were killed off by elites. Also, Cortanna was a "Smart" AI, And they are only able to live nine years.)
#38308626Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

(Cortana is actually a combination of 3 AI's, and part of Dr. Halseys brain, and is connected to Master Chiefs brain basically, which means Cortana could live just about as long as Master Chief, and maybe longer.)
#38308780Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

(The Covenant. The Covenant keeps all of the species in its ranks, and none are removed really. Now, if you are going by the book, that's a different story.)
#38309127Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

Name: Aaron Surface Break 28 Weapons: Spartan Laser, Sniper Rifle, Magnum, Frag Grenade. Gender: Male Personality: Brave, Social, Smart. Bio: Grew up on Reach, was recruited by the UNSC Spartan Number: 7 Armor Ability: Armor Lock Appearance: White skin, Brown eyes, Black hair, Green Jump suit. Armor Appearance: Custom Designed High Altitude combat armor ( looks like the special edition reach Armor), Rounded off gas helmet with Transparent Visor.