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#37639747Friday, November 26, 2010 7:19 PM GMT

Slon seemed unfazed. "I need a weapon. Do you have any?" she asked.
#37639966Friday, November 26, 2010 7:22 PM GMT

"I do, infact. An old sword from my daddy. It turns out I'm not even strong enough to hold the damn thing, so what's the point? It's in the trunk at the back of the barn along with some of my other things." Lady Jasp guided in her soft voice.
Top 25 Poster
#37640061Friday, November 26, 2010 7:23 PM GMT

Slon gave a hm. "My thanks." she replied. She jumped back onto Juvenile, guiding the horse to the back of the barn cautiously.
#37640336Friday, November 26, 2010 7:27 PM GMT

Lady Jasp just smiled. Kavar was outfitting his horse in fine ebony armor for full protection in battle. He called out the rest of his band of thieves with Jadi at his side. "All of us will head out as soon as the new captain is satisfied with her equipment. Lady Jasp will be accompanying us as a healer, not a fighter. I want ten people to guard her at once while she is healing, she is something that we can't lose, our only healer," Kavar explained, "the raid will be in a small village near the border. Should be easy."
Top 25 Poster
#37640447Friday, November 26, 2010 7:29 PM GMT

Slon examined what was at the stump.
#37640700Friday, November 26, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

Just an open wooden trunk without a latch. There was a sword lying next to the trunk, and in the trunk itself was a tinderbox, a diary, and a few food rations.
#37640787Friday, November 26, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

Top 25 Poster
#37640812Friday, November 26, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

Slon grabbed the sword, testing how well-made it was in her hands. (EX: Poorly made, masterfully crafted, etc.)
#37641130Friday, November 26, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

The sword was noticeably VERY old, but, in contrast, it really was pretty good! It was fine steel, engraved with somebody's initials (G.J.), and finished with a carved black hilt. It was also very sharp.
Top 25 Poster
#37641629Friday, November 26, 2010 7:46 PM GMT

(Meant trunk.) Slon nodded with satisfaction. She mounted Juvenile, deciding to leave the other items for later use. She rode to Kavar and his group, keeping her chin high and her eyes blank.
#37641752Friday, November 26, 2010 7:48 PM GMT

Lady Jasp finished up and mounted her horse, Chestnut. She rode to the formation of nearly fifty bandits as Kavar and the others headed off.
Top 25 Poster
#37641882Friday, November 26, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

Slon followed close to Kavar, holding back the urge to outright glare and snarl at him. Instead, she glared at the land ahead, and steeled herself for what she was about to do.
#37642210Friday, November 26, 2010 7:53 PM GMT

"Charge!" Kavar's voice erupted. Suddenly, all of the horses went as fast as they possibly could, following Kavar to the nearby village. They were far from the farm by now.
Top 25 Poster
#37642331Friday, November 26, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

Slon sped Juvenile up, leaning forward with her new sword readied.
#37642665Friday, November 26, 2010 7:59 PM GMT

They were getting very close to the village. The villagers trembled in fear at the sight of the group of bandits. The village guards tried their best to defend, but they were quickly shot down by Kavar's men. The villagers had no choice but to fight back. They got all they had. Pitchforks, torches, hoes, rakes, anything that they could find. It was a horrifying sight, a poor village's inhabitants slaughtered with no possible way to win. It would make anyone but Kavar feel uneasy. Lady Jasp even puked at the sight of it.
Top 25 Poster
#37643049Friday, November 26, 2010 8:04 PM GMT

Slon did not hold back her tears as she unhesitatingly slaughtered the villagers that may have looked up to her at once point. She sent devastating strikes with her blade as she passed, blood splattering itself over her and Juvenile.
#37643448Friday, November 26, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

Kavar didn't care as he slaughtered the innocents. Infact, he enjoyed it. He even severed the head of one of them! Only one of the bandits were injured in the battle, but Lady Jasp didn't heal him. "I choose death over evil. I'm sorry." she said to the bandat who had been stabbed with a pitchfork. To Lady Jasp's dismay, Kavar had heard her. He walked over to Lady Jasp and shook his head. "When we get back to the farm, you are to be killed. By Slon." Kavar smiled and looked at Slon and his mood suddenly swung, "YOU HEARD ME! You are not allowed to disagree. If you disagree, we will execute the rest of your watchmen infront of you and hang you right after." Kavar ordered. He got on his horse and ordered Lady Jasp to ride back with Slon.
Top 25 Poster
#37643726Friday, November 26, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

Slon gave Jasp an apologetic look as she rode on with Kavar. "I am sorry," she whispered. "I will pray for you, for I know that there is no redemption for me."
#37643783Friday, November 26, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

As Kavar's horde rode off, the men who were on guard duty left their posts and went for the unguarded rum. at the same time, a large stump near the 'recruits' part of the fortress slid to the left, revealing a gaping hple in the earth, through which Kendor and Arnau emerged. The two revolutionists quickly set about their work, unshackling the oppressed and showing them to the exit. The drugged rum would keep the guards asleep and out of the way until our work was done. As Arnau helped some of the captives down into the tunnel, he noticed a perculiar object stacked among some of the other equipment: a war-scythe, one which obviously belonged to only one person: the famed warrior Slon. I grabbed the scythe and ran to Kendor, saying upon arival "Kendor! That tyrant has captured Slon! THE Slon! we need to come back after the raid to rescue him!" "Well, Why wouldn't he be with the other men at the rum?" Kendor asked. "If Kavar had any brains at all, he would have taken Slon to the raid with him." Arnau explained. "And Kendor also took this,,," Arnau added, shaking the distinctive war-scythe. " demoralize and break his new recruit. Therefore, we need to be back by nightfall." he said. All of the captives we coulf fit in the escape tunnel had been transfered, so Kendor and Arnau then climbed down the tunnel as well, replacing the stump to its original position and ataching a rope tied to an extremely heavy weight to the bottom of the stump, making it seemingly any other stump once more.
#37644054Friday, November 26, 2010 8:17 PM GMT

The Small army had arrived and they were already attacking the gate, The Army was made up of 200 Peasants, 50 Rhodok Seargants, 100 Veteran Spearmen. Most of the peasants used bows and arrows. The catapult kept firing at the gate, eventually smashing through, The Spearmen charged in first, and had heavy casualties, about 30 were killed and another 30 were injured, the Seargants had better luck and broke through to the keep, where Mordrid was going to now
#37644237Friday, November 26, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

(Slon is a she.) Lady Jasp begged to live. "Please! You can't! Don't kill me! PLEASE!" she screamed. Kavar got mad and told Slon to give her a decapitation death. The only way to save her was to push her off and say that she slipped off, but that was risky.
Top 25 Poster
#37644372Friday, November 26, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

(Hey RJ, can you try posting a bit more often? I know it's busy and all, but it slows down RP when we have to wait for a long time.) (They don't know that, Phone. Remember that Slon tries to keep her gender ambiguous, and succeeds for the most part. Kavar is one of the few to ever find out, and the only ENEMY to ever do it and live.) Slon kept her head bowed as she rode.
#37644510Friday, November 26, 2010 8:22 PM GMT

(I was waiting for Slon to leave, then made a huge post. Sorry!)
Top 25 Poster
#37644606Friday, November 26, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

(Kay. Just saying, it get's a bit boring when we have to wait for a long time. For example, Dungeon Crawl.)
#37644651Friday, November 26, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

(I forgot that.) Kavar looked to Lady Jasp. "It'll be a shame to waste our first and only healer." Kavar said, chuckling. The looters of the band were following far behind, after having taken all of the valuabe items from the village. (Would you rather Lady Jasp possibly live, die a death by getting trampled by horses, or decapitated? Remember that this is your last chance to push her off.)