#8119346Saturday, May 02, 2009 1:58 PM GMT

Heres a story. We where at the restroom with this obnoxious kid. He keeps on turning the lights off while the other younger kids(including my younger brother) are using the can. Kid: Ha! Ha! Me: Stop turing the lights off! Kid: No. He continued for about 5 minutes before I lost it. Me: What #%^*@ is wrong with you? Kid: Your swore! I still was pretty mad afterwards. Second story. Okay, so my little brothers birthday was coming up, he's 7 now(he has an account on this site, he's elisha92) There was an annoying kid who stole elisha92's party invitations and wouldn't give them back. Annoying kid: Ha! ha! Me: Give it back to him. Annoying kid: No, he won't let me go his party! My little brother: Thats because you stole my invitaions. Me: Give it back to him #^*%it. Annoying kid: I didn't wanna go to your stupid party anyway(he runs off crying) And the kid looked to be 8 or10 Yeah, I was pretty angry after that too.
#8121497Saturday, May 02, 2009 3:03 PM GMT

Any other stories?
#8122783Saturday, May 02, 2009 3:37 PM GMT

Me... Theres this kid at my art table and.. Heres the story(I am not Racist) Me-Do you think your smarter then me and my friends because your a certain race?? Kid-Indians are smarter then you dumb Americans!(This is just one person. One of my best friends is Indian) Me-You should go burn. Kid-Make me! Me-Whatever crakface Kid-Your Gey Me-WTF are you talkin about! Kid-You gey Me-no you are Kid-*Starts doing artwork* Me-*Chucks Eraser at his eye while he's not looking* Kid-HEY! Why did you do that?!?!?!? Me-What? I didn't do anything! Kid-My Special Indian powers tell me your lying and they always work! Me-How??? Kid-I just have to look into your eyes! Me-Your mom Kid-*Tears* Stop making fun of my mom! Girl Who sit's next to me(I'll call her Girl1 and girl Across from me is Girl2) Girl1-You have to get used to it, everyone in America says that. Also test me if I'm lying. I have two cats. Kid-Your not lying Girl1-See if I'm lying. I have 2 dogs Kid-Your not lying Girl1-I don't have 2 dogs. I lied. Kid-My powers don't work all the time At recess. Me-*Chucks ball at kid's face* Kid-What was that for? Me-?? Kid-I'm telling He is so annoying!
#8150067Sunday, May 03, 2009 2:24 AM GMT

hahahahaha liar i dont even know what awp is.... >_>
Top 100 Poster
#8150452Sunday, May 03, 2009 2:32 AM GMT

Hello policehater... rememebr me? the "Noob" who said Hi.
#8163071Sunday, May 03, 2009 1:55 PM GMT

So its true?
#26509128Sunday, May 30, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

This needs to be bumped, and it is now.
#26598977Tuesday, June 01, 2010 11:37 AM GMT

Rolf, I laughed pretty hard at Tomukia's story.
#26604881Tuesday, June 01, 2010 3:23 PM GMT

One time i chair raced my friend i was about to pass him when he rammed me and i flipped over my chair.... and the chair landed on me
#26623999Tuesday, June 01, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

Errr...we were playing football against another school and we lost by 1 goal....this fat guy came up to me and pointed at me and just said 'HAUHAUHAUHA YOU LOST THE MAAAATCH!' Then he just played games with his mom o.O
Top 25 Poster
#26635022Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:38 AM GMT

A kid on my bus is always annoying me and my friends, he acts like hes tough and sometimes he pretends we are friends with him!
#26635777Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

So these 2 annoying girls are bothering me and kicking me. So I punch one in the face, and kick the other in the shin. One of them whines "You arent supposed to hit girls!" So I reply "Well your irritating, so I really dont care!" so she goes "Your a jerk then", and not even looking at her I say "Well then I like being a jerk!". She gets angry and says "Go get hit by a car!" So still not looking, I tell her "Why dont you." She had nothing to say after that.
#26657877Wednesday, June 02, 2010 3:20 PM GMT

Thats sorta disturbing.
#26699451Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:46 AM GMT

I have two stories. Story number 1: So, you see, i had this friend in kindergarten, and then we became friends again in 4th grade. he was ok at the beginning of 4th grade, but then he went all psycho. he started randomly doing this thing where he randomly would shove his fingers into my neck. once he smacked me so i did that thing to him and he screamed as loud as he could. a few months later... well this next part is complicated, so i will make it simpler. i was hanging out with my friends and one of them didnt want me hanging around, so he freaked out and left. the next day he told the psycho kid to attack me on signal so he gave the signal, psycho kid attacked me, and we ended up in a fist-fight. that concluded to two days of in-school suspension. for all of the next year he called me obsesivly, thinking we were still friends. one day he said that he killed and [email protected] someone, and i hung up on him. my dad was asleep at the time, and when he called back and my sister went to answer it i told her, ahem, yelled at her, not to answer it. it woke my dad up and he answered the phone and yelled at him to stop calling. he tried to call several times and i continued to hang up on him. now he doesn't recognise my voice because of puberty... :P Story number 2: I went to a new school in 6th grade and made a friend... Lets call him "M". I thought i was his friend... but then he found out i didn't believe in God, and he is extremely prejudiced against athiests. Then, i found out that he is a creepy hard core stalker... he even carries around mini-binoculars so he can spy on whichever girl he is stalking that week. Major pervert. Here is a conversation with me and him that shows how prejudiced he is: Me: have you ever heard the song "Holiday in Cambodia"? him: I love that song!!! Me: I think the band that did it may be athiests him: Oh... I HATE THEM!!!
#26711211Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:05 PM GMT

yeah as people have said before this needs bumping, 'cause i wanna see some more peoples stories!
#26726967Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

Hmmm........ Idiot number 1: I was hanging around with my two friends, friend A and B. now, idiot 1 is mentally challenged[i feel pity for him but still]. he walks over and i can't remember how the conversation started. i started to say something,[bear in mind i used to be a nerd, so that was my rep.] and he says "yea, yea, whatever we don't need a whole scientifical explanation for it." i say "hey why don't you shut up. look who's talking. sides, i was going to make a joke not exp-" he interrupts "whatever i'm going away now" i say "what the h-" friend A interrupts "dude just go easy on him, he got his head cracked open." me "i don't care." Crazy number 1: Ok, me and my friends are playing CTF with some other kids. i stay on defense, and we have a about 3 offenseive people for every 2 defensive people. thus, we are weak. one particuarly big guy snatches the flag and runs. the crazy runs with her hands behind her back[like in naruto] and screams at the top of her lungs "ATTACK!ATTACK!KILL!KILL!" the runner dies of laughter and we tag him out. she screams that about 3 other times.
#26727031Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

idiot number 2: i'm in science, and the teaacher leaves to get something. the kid in front of me turns around and listens in on my conversation with my friend. i say something inapropiate, and idiot # 2 says "that's not apporiate." me "pff. i don't give a cra- what you think" him "i will not accept that kind of language" me "what are you my mom?" him "yes" [LOL IDIOT] me[on the verge of laughing] "so your a woman?" him "......" me and my friends just laugh.
#26727335Thursday, June 03, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

weirdo 1: i was walking home with my friend, we pass a house and a guy comes out. he approaches the group of kids behind us and says "hey, did you know you can power your hot tub[this is in the summer, so also, why would we use it?] with the power of jesus? isn't that pretty cool?" me and my friend burst out laughing, and he pretends not to notice. so does the kids he was talking to. he just walks away.
#27757302Monday, June 21, 2010 6:56 AM GMT

i have 4 idiots ,by the way im very popular at my school so 2 of them think that they are my friend so they always follow me and i thik they may be gey so one day i went to the bathroom and they were both in the same stall, ewwwww the next one thinks hes my friend hes also a very big nerd hes very sick minded and not very sensitive ' once he got hit in the groin with a baseball' OW!!! 'and he didnt say anything it was almost like nothing happened he also tells very nerdy jokes the last one of course loves to follow me around ,sad... i tell him to go away he says no and asks to play my ipod touch i say !#!@ NO! it happens constantly he also could be mental also has a very FAT LIP cant help but laughing at it
#27762639Monday, June 21, 2010 1:24 PM GMT

at ro-pictionary I forgot his name. It was Tower Master something something. I just finished drawing and this is how it happened. TowerMaster: Ur a Fail! Me: How am I a Fail? TowerMaster: I'm better at drawing Me: Prove it Later on he becomes drawer and he draws some weird scribble. The word turned out to be =D Me: That had NOTHING to do with the word. TowerMaster: I draw better than u Me: That was a bunch of scribbles and u didn't draw the right thing TowerMaster: Ur Poor Me: How can u use facts ur unsure of? TowerMaster: Ur an orphan Me: I'm sure Orphanages don't have computers with wi fi and ownloadable content TowerMaster: Go cry to ur fake Governing Uncle Me:??? What does that even mean??? TowerMaster: Ur a Fail Me: If I'm better than u wat does that make u? TowerMaster: Ur an Ugly Duckling Guy says weird things for about 30 minutes Me: Ur not even making sense TowerMaster: Dude, ur a fail. What a noob.
#27764542Monday, June 21, 2010 2:31 PM GMT

I'm pretty sure that Tower is trying to make you upset, and make you say somthing bad, and you will get banned. I'm happy you saw through THAT.
#27797600Monday, June 21, 2010 11:45 PM GMT

Uhm...In first grade some kid smashed my pinkie into a door and then the door locked and I couldn't open it to get my finger out.
#27799023Tuesday, June 22, 2010 12:08 AM GMT

well, this one happend today. heres what happend: i was at summercamp & we were playing dogeball right? so my friend gets hurt pretty badly, so i sit out with him. then this kid comes over & starts trowing rocks. me:stop kid:NOOOOO!!!!!!! me: dude really? wow real mature -_- kid; THX *chucks rock* me: *rock doesent even come close* nice job failwhale kid:SHUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDUPPPPPPP!!!!! me: ok calm down, failwhale * moves away* kid: *throws rock* me: * stand up & walks away out of reach* counsler: HEY! (my name) YOUR NOT SWIMING TODAY! me: but, why? counsler: DONT TALK BACK TO ME kid: HE HIT ME WITH A ROCK! counsler: OK THATS IT YOUR CALLING YOUR MOM! the next part happend at the pool ( i finnaly got it into there skulls that i was just moving away from him because he was trowing rocks at me) i was sitting at the changin room, ( i just got dressed and was out the door) then a sunscreen bottles hit me on the head HARD. i even saw stars. then the kid walks in with some little kid me: *throws bottle over fence* kid: YOU SUCK OMG IM TELLING THAT YOU HIT ME AND THAT YOU KILLED ME!! me:(lolwut?) kid: you trying to star sumthin? me: no, failwhale kid: *gets all up in my face, trying to act cool*ill beat your *** got it nerd? me: id like to see you try failwhale kid * grabs* me: GET OFF ME FAILWHALE! kid: NOOOO! me:* grabs his face & pulls him off into wall* kid: owch!*starts trying to swear* me: did you learn your lessen, failwhale? kid: im telling that you threw my moms sunscreen over the fance! * starts going threw peoples backpacks* me: go ahead, im no tattletaile, but ill just tell 'em that you tryed to start a fight, tryed to swear, & is going threw other ppls stuff. kid:ARGHGHGHGHHHGHG1!1!1!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me: calm down failwhale my friend: dude we gotta g- kid: SHUDDDDUP NOBODY LIKES YOU! friend:dude calm down kid: YOU CALM DOWN IM ALRADY CALM! IM TELLING ON YOU!*lunges at friend* me & friend: *tackles him starts to fight* kid: *crys* me: dude we diddnt even hit you that hard after that we just left, & the nickname "failwhale" stck after that
#27805506Tuesday, June 22, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

One day in 2nd grade this lady was at our circle lunch tables lemmie tell you the story...... One day at school an old lady was at our lunch tables.She was acting very bossy she said to me ,"Eat your meat" when i was!Then she went to my friend's table and said to this kid who was my friend,"STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR FOOD!!!!!!" when he wasnt. THE SECOND STORY IS FUNNY. One day, in first grade, after lunch,This crazy girl who i dont even know said to my teacher,"SHE IS TALKIN' ABOUT ME!". Then I thought "wtf? i dont even know you! go away! then my teacher asked me ," were you?" and i said no. "ok" said my teacher. then the girl walked away
#27816873Tuesday, June 22, 2010 6:55 AM GMT

A kid that was insane and inlove with knives.He was scary 0.0.