#37753172Sunday, November 28, 2010 4:45 AM GMT

(I mean, stop RPing alone...)
#37753197Sunday, November 28, 2010 4:45 AM GMT

(Oh yeah i guees)
#37754248Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:01 AM GMT

As more and more Morosians expanded into the galaxy, they began to mix and mingle with their customs. The Satara how ever, was becoming larger, after construction, and was home to many advances tech.
#37754540Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:07 AM GMT

The Namekians immedetly became battle ready and growing quickly they had thick steel wall around each town they all had armour and weapons. The biggest Towns had MAC guns at the ready to shhot down any unknown Vessel and healer sin every town. They could build stuff fast the planet was plentyful of resource no ther lifeform had ever used it.
#37754726Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:10 AM GMT

The Satara was decalered its own country. A goverment was formed. The Satarn Governemt, still under controll by the Vocinar Gov. They grew stronger and their technoliges more advanced. They also began to grow more friendly with the Humans and those natives they colonized in space.
#37754953Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:13 AM GMT

(This ur history?)
#37755016Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:14 AM GMT

(No, current)
#37755218Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:17 AM GMT

The namekians begin making Frigates incase of war but the Elder hated this the Namekians were peaceful but they had to be battle ready just in case Armament ■Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (1) ■Shiva Nuclear Warhead Missiles (1-3)[2] ■Archer missile pods (40) 30 missiles/pod ■Point Defense Gun (12) ■Twin Defensive Rail Gun Turrets (5)[3] (in some variants) Complement ■Marines ■ODSTs ■Albatross dropships ■M312 Elephant HRVs ■M274 Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicles ■Pelican dropships ■D77-TC or D77H-TCI ■M808B Main Battle Tanks ■M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicles ■M12G1 Light Anti-Armor Vehicle ■M831 Troop Transport ■AV-14 Attack VTOLs ■Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicles ■Clarion Spy Drones (3
#37755627Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:25 AM GMT

(The Morosians mass produce different wepaons, I couldnt possible name it all =p)
#37755718Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:26 AM GMT

(This is just one ship not all of them and i have more weapons on most this is just the easist one to make right now)
#37756257Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:36 AM GMT

(Ur copying Halo and CnC...why?)
#37757534Sunday, November 28, 2010 6:03 AM GMT

(I am only using them for that 1 frigate the rest will be mine but proably not as detailed as that)
#37761637Sunday, November 28, 2010 8:22 AM GMT

(Wardog, you are T-Skipping, ubering [the halfway across the universe] and generally being annoying. You can't have your empire suddenly envelop half of everything from a few lifeboats. Stop it.
#37771266Sunday, November 28, 2010 3:35 PM GMT

(-_- so I cant say that The Morosian race is dissolving and losing itself? And why would even care what happens in my RP? Or are just trolling?)
#37771531Sunday, November 28, 2010 3:41 PM GMT

---------------------Fabrication Facility of Gemini Alpha Ops Project Sidewinder Completed- AI is now in service. Laser Project is Almost completed, progress at this rate will take only (two pages) a few years. Cruisiers are completed Stealth Shuttles have been scrapped Current ships in service Frigates Cruisiers Attack Shuttles Fighters Bombers ------------------------------------------------ Commander's Log----5/7/2205 ------------------------------------------------ We have discovered a virus detected in sector 2-5-0-6 (Satara) We may need to engage cleanup or research it, all ships have been held from the 2-5-0-6 until further notice.
#37771648Sunday, November 28, 2010 3:44 PM GMT

The grand Elder passed away and now there is a new Elder Named Zolar. He is from the War Generation and grew up during the war and knew what had to be done. He also personally watched over ACT 1.
Top 100 Poster
#37780942Sunday, November 28, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

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#37781755Sunday, November 28, 2010 6:40 PM GMT

(I never said that. I said they were moving into the nearby planets. e.g: Earth colonizing Mars. The Morosians have no intsions of universal domination...)
Top 100 Poster
#37781877Sunday, November 28, 2010 6:42 PM GMT

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Top 100 Poster
#37782938Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:00 PM GMT

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#37783147Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:03 PM GMT

(well Im sorry, I meant to say Galaxie, honestly. You should, I tend to type fast when Im about to leave...)
Top 100 Poster
#37783543Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:08 PM GMT

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#37783666Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:10 PM GMT

(I said sorry, I didnt mean to post 'half-the-universe'. Its onl about half there galaxie, whci his very condensed..
Top 100 Poster
#37784052Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

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#37784641Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:23 PM GMT

(If i may help there is a esimated 20 other plabets on our galaxy that can support life so getting half a galxy would only be 10 planets or less according to some graph i forget the name)