#37570653Thursday, November 25, 2010 6:29 PM GMT

Reseasrch on improving ships is coducted rather then building a large scale ship.
#37582980Thursday, November 25, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

Several light years from the Discovery were stars which were noted to be oblong, and of strange shape, their mass being pulled away. Some form of black hole. This was being watched from Discovery One's primary space telescope, which was basically a huge camera which the crew could watch from screens on the inside. There was another thing on the telescope, as yet too small to be noticed by anyone with even eyesight as keen as the Haikovians, who could see 1.3 times better than the average human. It was a small, unnoticed meteor. Fifty minutes from the Discovery One.
#37583733Thursday, November 25, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

Th Tali decided they wanted to explore. They sent out 3 escort frigates and a battle carrier, full of colonists, Avian Marines, and scientists, off to the next system over.
#37584168Thursday, November 25, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

(Yay! Though in Galactic Dawn, the Tali come later.)
#37584356Thursday, November 25, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

The sytem next to the Tali was completely infested by small black insects.
#37586120Thursday, November 25, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

Name: Voice of Roksoon Type of government: Diplomacy Current leader: Sunama Insignia: A crown with two knives going through it. Extra info: They are Krazhen that decided to rebel. Capital: They use different headquaters History: The Voice of Roksoon are the main rebels in Roksoon. They are known also as Necron wich Krazhelian for 'destruction'. The Voice of Roksoon does not like that name for they do not destroy. They want to help REBUILD Roksoon the way it should be.
#37595462Friday, November 26, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

#37608668Friday, November 26, 2010 7:32 AM GMT

The meteor continued to hurtle, and was 45 minutes away from Discovery, which had turned its attention to one of the suns being sucked at by the black hole. The officers finished their board game, as it was the end of their shift. Using the computer's voice recognition, they told it to log them off. This, in a stupidly obvious flaw, also switched off the alarms.
#37622280Friday, November 26, 2010 2:50 PM GMT

(wait, is this a 1st person thing, or an account of the entire race?)
#37627144Friday, November 26, 2010 4:01 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#37627287Friday, November 26, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

(Is this like, where we RP as specific characters, or as the race itself?)
#37628718Friday, November 26, 2010 4:24 PM GMT

(Both. On an account of your leader, general, explorer, whoever you want, and as the entire empire.) The Tali were suspicious of the insects, but moved away. In the distance, they saw something immense - an asteroid? No, too large and purely metal.
#37629692Friday, November 26, 2010 4:39 PM GMT

Name: Morosian Phyisical appearnce: Foxlike people. Tail, muzzle, fur etc. Still stand up striaight and talk. Homeworld: Exoko Sentince: (animals or people) ??? History: (OPTIONAL) Ezoko was once ruled by the Morosians, but later the humans colonized it. The two races have lived in war since. Ships produced: (only 2 at first)??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Faction sheet Name: Vocinar (many countryes exiist in this contenet) Type of government: Democracy for some counmtries, Monarchy for others. Current leader: Many leaders and presidents rule the differnt contries. Insignia: The Morosian Milita's insignia is the sacred Wolf, howling in the full moon. Extra info: Not really. Capital: Nova(Country,) Vocaria(City) History: (OPTIONAL) War with the Human forces have erupted throughout there history. Some Morosians still dont mind the Huimans and there are some cases of Morosian-Human realtionships.
#37630094Friday, November 26, 2010 4:46 PM GMT

(Wardog, for 'sentience', you put how intelligent your race is. 'Ships produced (only two at first)' is asking you what major spacecraft your species have built, if indeed, they have built spacecraft. This IS a space thread.)
#37630545Friday, November 26, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

Down on the lower decks of Discovery, large rooms that sat in an ungravitated area held the anti-radiation housings of the meteor defense cannons. These were usually microwave based, however, due to the large size of Discovery One, they used gamma type ionization beams. Gamma waves are the second worst type of radiation, below Cosmic band, which is strongest, which was why it was most useful for a ship unable to manuevre in response to fast moving objects. It could destroy most asteroids and comets, and, if ever they might meet hostile aliens, they could be used as weapons. And they might have been able to. If the meteor wasn't half an hour away.
#37630572Friday, November 26, 2010 4:54 PM GMT

(k, for one, ive never heard that word, and two...why would a race be limited two ships? but ill post anyway) Sentiences: Highly intelligant Ships Produced so far: F64 Raven Dogfighter/ F0R1 DawnHawk trasnport craft
#37632069Friday, November 26, 2010 5:15 PM GMT

(Its limited to 2 ships because this is like early space, so your race can develop more as the rp goes on.)
#37632474Friday, November 26, 2010 5:21 PM GMT

(k, how start rp?)
#37632588Friday, November 26, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

(This thread is supposed to be focused on all races having comparable technology, which is to say, just before and around invention of FTL drives.)
#37632993Friday, November 26, 2010 5:29 PM GMT

(Everyone starts with projectile weapons and no shields. But you can make shields and energy weapons like plasma guns and lasers later.)
#37633107Friday, November 26, 2010 5:31 PM GMT

(Ik that much, but do I start with race's history?)
#37633130Friday, November 26, 2010 5:31 PM GMT

Two Modified Frigates and Fifteen Assault Shuttles approached the Tali system, unknown to them that there is life there, they are on a routine patrol when a pilot decides to go deeper into the system.
#37633185Friday, November 26, 2010 5:32 PM GMT

(The Haikovans get microwave [IE, electromagnetic radiation weapons] because A, I'm an admin, and B, the technology is easier to make than spacecraft. Magnetrons use the same principles as a motor.)
#37633353Friday, November 26, 2010 5:35 PM GMT

(Ya, because acorrding to you that tech is possible to make with 21st century tech.)
#37633498Friday, November 26, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

After the strution of the Chemical Factories, the Human race calimmed victory after the NAF's legendary Cobra Company saved the large Ginviction(The Human nation on Ezoko) citry, Falinder ALkindo. (This is all part of my book, it goes way deeper than this, but Ill just say the general stuff...) Bass, the fierce Commandor of the MM had died. A new leader came into play, Nosa. He was a much more relistic commandor and lead Vocinar to peace with Ginvic.