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#37574839Thursday, November 25, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

Heres a Lot of Complaints For reasons: Spawntripping Glitch Wallclimbing lag from Older Servers Overpriced Items Bad Community(Terrible Grammer,Spammers,Useless alts,Exploiters and hackers-The people who hack the site-) Bad Moderation broken event(wasnt suppose to happen on 2006-2010 events(end on halloween Event) Bots(rare manage to be undetectable) Unprotected Accounts(people with a Super Strength Pass,that is very protect pass can even pass through) TC is Way off Overpriced noobs(sell a 7 robux hat for a 29638960935596 robux) Exploiters Manage to get in banned Games(Removed Banned script) Gears didnt work(cards didnt work for some games) Offsite ad innapropiate(Evony,etc) Bad Moderation(noobs banned for no reason) Bad Images pass through the scan at night time Rules Arnt Enforced Focus on Money than Players More People who buy BC,TBC,and OBC arnt Banned(a OBC Spammer didnt get banned) Useless Spaces of accounts(inactives) Chain Messages Copy and Paste Messages(even Clockwork ones) More Glitches Cause by The updates Care about Cash more than Concern About Parent Protect Their Kids account Hoax on Contest(Rule said +5 if voted is There but some are Still isnt 0) Contests are Filled with Free models(copying people stuff and cheat) People Tab is Filled with Inactive alts No Updates about Forum(beside Games) Places arnt Content Deleted(the Username is Innapropiate while the place isnt Content Deleted) Careless about Events(begin on the thanksgiving Event)
#37575189Thursday, November 25, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

Online dating(People still Isnt banned for once for that) Hats and Gears with a paperand a X
#37575816Thursday, November 25, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

Theres a lot of complaints.
#37576210Thursday, November 25, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

@Dark But they are all true. CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPLAINT TIME
#37576550Thursday, November 25, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

Yea so are you gonig to support it.
#37588698Friday, November 26, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

Look at all of them and dont say TL:DR this is All True
#37589186Friday, November 26, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

all of those are real probloms. also, spawnkilling
#37589536Friday, November 26, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

Spawnkilling BC only TBC only OBC Only
#37591781Friday, November 26, 2010 1:22 AM GMT

#37592927Friday, November 26, 2010 1:40 AM GMT

How do I sum all of this up... Your ungrateful for all their work, and some of this can't be fixed. "Support for your Idea should never be support for you."
#37593487Friday, November 26, 2010 1:49 AM GMT

Basicly, it's just lag causing all these problems. They all have to do with the physics, whitch broke when mass lag occured.
#37594540Friday, November 26, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

Yes, and the Spawntrip is NOT a glitch, its if you move your arrows are WASD after dying.
#37603362Friday, November 26, 2010 4:50 AM GMT

Broken spawn Physic is way off the word block
#37606763Friday, November 26, 2010 6:24 AM GMT

About all the glitches. There will ALWAYS be glitches. Fixes lead to more glitches, Updates lead to glitches. And fixing the community. What, Do you want roblox to hit them with the bat of maturity? Though, They do need to fix lag.
#37606853Friday, November 26, 2010 6:27 AM GMT

on other site,they fix all the glitches and when i played it,it got no freaken glitch. New One: Error on Every area
#37607003Friday, November 26, 2010 6:31 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#37607370Friday, November 26, 2010 6:44 AM GMT

Without wall climbing, you wouldn't be able to use a simple ladder. And you repeated the same reason in different ways about 10 times.
#37612236Friday, November 26, 2010 11:17 AM GMT

I agree with things like spawntripping. I actually came up with the same name :D The event places are a bit messy, and this one is definitely broken. Grammar might need spellcheck. Overpriced noobs cannot be fixed, if you want to buy something, then discuss with the seller. TC isn't moderated, it works like a normal economy. I don't think that BC affects banning. Just explain what happened in the right way. In the news, it was already told that bots are getting blocked now by Captcha measurements.
#37630885Friday, November 26, 2010 4:58 PM GMT

well the bots are reduced,the overprice noobs wouldnt listen to people who say lower the price.Bc does affect on banning.BC pay that mean they would get less chance from banned(look at sonic,Hes OBC and He havent been Banned but he is banned for a false reason,so thats prove of false reports) Im Appreciate about let us buiild one place and play games.so i think theses problems are like the reason why people quit roblox(even Famous People)
#37632697Friday, November 26, 2010 5:24 PM GMT

Welcome to the real world Kevin. Get used to it. They can't handle everything.
#37638400Friday, November 26, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

Seriosly,J Want Little Problems not like Massive Problems,The Community is I can Ignore but the other glitches seems make the gameplay,useless
#37638402Friday, November 26, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

Seriosly,J Want Little Problems not like Massive Problems,The Community is I can Ignore but the other glitches seems make the gameplay,useless
#37638877Friday, November 26, 2010 7:06 PM GMT

SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX is not proof. He needs to have done something bad, that is reportable. Nothing with free models in it, as far as I know.
#37639068Friday, November 26, 2010 7:09 PM GMT

I never said I wanted problems, the world and ROBLOX will always have flaws. They can't fix people that can't type very well, I'm sure they're just younger people that are still learning this stuff, everyone had a stage where they had no clue how to type well or good grammar. Like I said, they can't fix every little thing, you're just getting worked up.
#37640111Friday, November 26, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

Spawntripping Glitch - Not a glitch, deal with it. Wallclimbing - I don't really know about that. lag from Older Servers - Deal with it. Overpriced Items - Deal with it, it's how ROBLOX can make money. Bad Community(Terrible Grammer,Spammers,Useless alts,Exploiters and hackers-The people who hack the site-) - People aren't perfect, and from what I see, you are definately NOT perfect. Bad Moderation - You're ungrateful, you're lucky we even have moderators, they can't fix EVERY LITTLE THING. broken event(wasnt suppose to happen on 2006-2010 events(end on halloween Event) - I don't know about this. Bots(rare manage to be undetectable) - Deal with it. Unprotected Accounts(people with a Super Strength Pass,that is very protect pass can even pass through) - This isn't that big of a deal. TC is Way off - This changes through time, you don't go around in the real world saying "UHHH NO DIS MONEYZ ISN'T ONLY WORTH .25 EUROSSSS" Overpriced noobs(sell a 7 robux hat for a 29638960935596 robux) - Deal with it, seriously people do what they want, there's plenty of other limited items that are worth less, just buy those. Exploiters Manage to get in banned Games(Removed Banned script) - That's the scripts fault, not ROBLOX's. Gears didnt work(cards didnt work for some games) - Games may have blocked that kind of stuff. Offsite ad innapropiate(Evony,etc) - You don't have to click on it, this is also how ROBLOX makes money. Bad Moderation(noobs banned for no reason) - Haven't you said this before? Bad Images pass through the scan at night time - They'll get fixed later, someone will eventually report. Rules Arnt Enforced - You've basically said this like 3 times now. Focus on Money than Players - If ROBLOX didn't have money, there'd be no ROBLOX, therefor, no players. More People who buy BC,TBC,and OBC arnt Banned(a OBC Spammer didnt get banned) - I beg to differ. Sounds like you're jealous. Useless Spaces of accounts(inactives) - What if someone didn't have a computer for like a year and they wanted to come back and play ROBLOX, we can't get rid of accounts. Chain Messages - The government doesn't go around deleting forwards, and besides they can't do anything about it. Copy and Paste Messages(even Clockwork ones) - Basically what I just said. More Glitches Cause by The updates - There's always going to be flaws, get over it. Care about Cash more than Concern About Parent Protect Their Kids account - You already said this, and I already dissed you about it. Hoax on Contest(Rule said +5 if voted is There but some are Still isnt 0) - It isn't a big deal. Contests are Filled with Free models(copying people stuff and cheat) - Get over the free models thing, they are in there for a reason, people buy food at the store without growing it you don't go up to them saying, "OMG YOU ARE USING LEMONS GIVEN TO YOU FOR FREE, YOU DIDN'T GET THEM OFF A TREE OMG. People Tab is Filled with Inactive alts - Already said this. No Updates about Forum(beside Games) - This makes no sense.... Places arnt Content Deleted(the Username is Innapropiate while the place isnt Content Deleted) - Get over it.... Careless about Events(begin on the thanksgiving Event) - This makes no sense but what I get out of it is you're pretty much saying that ROBLOX didn't give you your free hats even though in the description it said it was messed up. I hope this helps you <_<

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