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#37587674Thursday, November 25, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

We have been experiments, we were dubbed "Failures". We were supposed to be a cure for cancer... But no, that didn't happen. The data was deleted, the remaining drug was destroyed. We were kicked out of the lab...The world is bad enough, we just made it worse. T It's been two generations since that experiment, and just now, the side-effects are showing up... In our grandchildren. The army hunts them, even IF they try to help. ~Grandchildren~ "Just a less then normal day at school!" I thought. "First, all I can feel is one emotion! And just now, something just happened... I can't explain it! My grandparents warned me about "Out Bodies Changing In More Ways Then We Thought". Is this what they meant?" _______________________________________________________________________ ( CS ) Name: Appearance: 4ge(16-18): Grandchild Of The Experimental?: Is so, what emotion do you feel?: Personality: If so, what powers do you have? (One dazzling, one offensive, and one defensive. MUST RELATE TO YOUR EMOTION): Cloths: Grade(11-13): Bio (Mandatory.): ________________________________________________________________________ Rules: No RP'ing like "*walks*" or, "-walks-" Proper grammar is a must. Me, and nototo are admins. This is not a complete list. Dazzling attacks do not do damage. They are meant to distract/immobilize. Not a complete list, what I say, goes. ________________________________________________________________________ ( CS ) Name: Xabat Nafune Appearance: Pure white hair, swept fringe. . White eyes. 6'4. Long face. Thin. He's Caucasian and has little-to-no body-hair. 4ge(16-18): 17 Grandchild Of The Experimental?: Yes Is so, what emotion do you feel?: Pain... Personality: Self keeping. Little to no emotion showing. If so, what powers do you have? (One dazzling, one offensive, and one defensive. MUST RELATE TO YOUR EMOTION): Dazzling: White fire that causes extreme pain, worse then the worst pain imaginable. Offensive: Black fire that is like an acid, it dissolves its way through you, slowly. Defensive: Phasing Cloths: White T-shirt. White jeans with a chain leading from his right pocket, to his waistline.. White Shoes, with a DC logo. White hoodie, with real polar-bear fur. Grade(11-13): 12 Bio (Mandatory.): Very skilled in acrobatics. Grew up, looking like a "freak". Always being called "Whiteout" for his appearance.
#37588784Friday, November 26, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

( Bump. )
#37588794Friday, November 26, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

Name: Kai Aaragi Appearance: Raggedy shorts, tattered shirt, messy hair 4ge(16-18): 17 Grandchild Of The Experimental?: Yes Is so, what emotion do you feel?: Anger Personality: Brave If so, what powers do you have? (One dazzling, one offensive, and one defensive. MUST RELATE TO YOUR EMOTION): Explosion, Blast, and Focus Block Cloths: (?) Grade(11-13): 11 Bio (Mandatory.): Was abandon as a small child. Was taken to a orphanage and raised there.
#37588890Friday, November 26, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

( By cloths, I mean "What do you wear?" Right now, I'm imagining your character as an obese midget with a face full of zits. Also, explain your powers in a PM. )
#37588902Friday, November 26, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

(Clothes: Ragged Shorts, sneakers, tattered shirt, wristband) (Appearence: Black messy hair, brown eyes, normal teenager.)
#37588936Friday, November 26, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

( Kay. Just need your power explanation. )
#37589076Friday, November 26, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

(Get my PM?)
#37589135Friday, November 26, 2010 12:32 AM GMT

( Yes. Accepted. )
#37589206Friday, November 26, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

( Yay :p )
#37589222Friday, November 26, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

(13th grade? O.O)
#37589257Friday, November 26, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

( Yes, it's a thing at my school, if you graduate, you can stay another year just to set things for your career. )
#37589369Friday, November 26, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

( How many more until we start? ;p )
#37589394Friday, November 26, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

( A few. )
#37595739Friday, November 26, 2010 2:24 AM GMT

( Bump. )
#37596378Friday, November 26, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

Ooc; Guess I'll join...
#37596420Friday, November 26, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

( It's like your joining out of pity or something *Sadfaic* )
#37596915Friday, November 26, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

Name: Viper Appearance: Look at the decal I made called Viper(The colored one XD) 4ge(16-18): 18 Grandchild Of The Experimental?: Yep Is so, what emotion do you feel?: Insanity/humer Personality: Crazy at some points, Dark sense of humer If so, what powers do you have? (One dazzling, one offensive, and one defensive. MUST RELATE TO YOUR EMOTION): Invisibility, My hands can turn into boxing gloves and fire off like springs (XD), As a defense....eh...My scales? Cloths:LOOK AT THE DECAL XD Grade(11-13): 13 Bio (Mandatory.):Viper is completly insane (:p)
#37596931Friday, November 26, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

Ooc; Nope, im bored
#37597023Friday, November 26, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

Name: Blossom Lina Appearance: Age: Seventeen Grandchild Of The Experimental?: Yush Is so, what emotion do you feel?: Lo.ve Personality: Nice,Caring If so, what powers do you have?: Dazzling: She fires a pink-ish red heart at the foe, it makes them feel lov.ed. While they are feeling this emotion they are stunned for one minute. Offence: She fires a red heart on fire that hits her foe, the foe feels unlo.ved when hit. Defence: A pink heart shield is summoned and protects her for one minute Cloths: In decal, and you spelled clothes wrong :P Grade: 12th Bio: Shes one of the girls that loves to run. She is very flexible. Blossom has lived a life with no brothers or sisters, she liked it that way because she heard from her friends that they are trouble.(Thats all I could come up with DX)
#37597060Friday, November 26, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

I forgot appearence....silly meh XD Appearence: http://www.roblox.com/Blossom-Lina-item?id=37906427
#37597201Friday, November 26, 2010 2:48 AM GMT

ohai blue :D
#37597374Friday, November 26, 2010 2:52 AM GMT

Ooc; Hiya.
#37597423Friday, November 26, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

(Its funny how I use to hate vampires and now I dont.....I went from reptiles>werewolves>Reptile vampires>???)
#37597465Friday, November 26, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

Name: Maria Appearance: Black and White checkered shirt and pants, brown hair, black eye and a white eye. (:l) 4ge(16-18): 16 Grandchild Of The Experimental?: Yep. Is so, what emotion do you feel?: Sorrow Personality: Sad most of the time, just draws. If so, what powers do you have? (One dazzling, one offensive, and one defensive. MUST RELATE TO YOUR EMOTION): Checker spin, Checker Rope, Checker shield Cloths: Black and White pants Grade(11-13): 12th Bio (Mandatory.): A girl who doesn't talk to people much, is silent most of the time.
#37598094Friday, November 26, 2010 3:04 AM GMT

( Blue, accepted, Hido, declined. )

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