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#37633985Friday, November 26, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

When you were born you had a great life been when you soon grow up with what u have places start falling earthquakes come from no where dragons riegn over cities. ___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~~~___~ Cs: Name: Ag3: Race:(warlock,human,goblin,elfen etc) Gender: Weapon1-3: Power1:(2 for admins) Biography: My Cs: Name:Shaun Ag3:15 Race:elfen Gender:Male Weapon1-3:Long Bow Long Sword Dagger Power1:Crafting,Climbing Apperance:He looks alittle like link accept he haz pants no hat and a green shirt Biography:He lives in the forest away from some destruction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Admins Sigurd Mrvideogame Sonicv123 Jackpot210 Marshalld ___________________________________________________________________________ Rules 1.Be nice 3.No Godmodding 4. Notice i didnt put 2 5.No Ubering 7.I also skipped 6
#37668243Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:53 AM GMT

(bump nao)
#41205556Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:38 PM GMT


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