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#37721994Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry This is basically a highschool RP, but with wizards and stuff :) No characters from the books/movies are allowed, this is after Harry and the gang have graduated. Rules 1. No god-moding. 2. At least 3 sentences per post. The more the merrier, but absolutely no one-liners. 3. No spamming, I will ban you from the RP :3 4. Feel free to plan with the other rpers over pm. 5. No staff members, only students. 6. Have fun! (or else!) CS! Name: Gender: A.g.e: 11-18 Year: 1st-7th Appearance: Description. Include the condition of your student’s robes/school uniform (clean, tucked in, dirty, scuffed boots, tie, etc.) and what they wear outside of class. Bio: Just a few sentences about your family and how you got here. Wand: description of what it looks like Blood: Muggle, half, or pureblood House: slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, gryffindor Pet: Owl, rat, cat, toad, small animals like that Key 1st year: 11-12 (a.g.e) 2nd year: 12-13 3rd year: 13-14 4th year: 14-15 5th year: 15-16 6th year: 16-17 7th year: 17-18 *If you have any questions or suggestions/ideas about the rules, plot, character sheet, or roleplay in general, feel free send to me a message. =)
#37722579Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

CS! Name: Wisteria Kent Gender: Female A.g.e: 14 Year: 4th Appearance: chesnut, long, curly hair. Fair skin, brown eyes. 5'4", always wears a green ribbon in her hair. She is very clean and organized, a perfectionist, keeps everything in its proper place. Outside of her normal uniform, she tends to wear skirts and nice blouses, and dresses nicely no matter what the event Bio: Her Family lives in Kent Manor, on the outskirts of London. They were both wizards, and she always enjoyed watching them use magic, even when she wasn't allowed to. She was patient, and has enjoyed her past two years at Hogwarts and is excited to begin her third. Wand: clean, smooth wood, painted silver with a green ribbon attatched to the handle. Blood: pure House: Slytherin Pet: persian cat named Ash
#37722766Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:52 PM GMT

Name: Liam Fleming Gender: Male A.g.e: 15 Year: 5th Appearance: His robes are a little tattered, but mainly well kept, he has some Phoenix feathers on the shoulders also. Outside of class he wears jeans, a white tee, and a plaid shirt over it, also black converse. Shaggy black hair always different and will be updated each day, gray eyes, 6'0, 160 lbs, tannish skin. Bio: His parents died in his 4th year, and he then inherited their money purchased a room in the Leaky Cauldron and has lived there mainly. Wand: A sleek oak wand, with string wrapped around handle, and has designs of thorns on a vine spiraling down it. 11' in. Dragon heart string. Blood: Half, but an orphan and lives on his own in the Leaky Cauldron. House: Gryffindor Pet: Owl, Northern Hawk Owl named Harvey.
#37722965Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

accepted :D once a few more people join, we can start. ......... I completely just realized that there's already a Hogwarts thread up. Oops... *hides*
#37723016Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

Don't worry.
#37723025Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

#37724508Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

[Hmmmkay :3 ]
#37724630Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

Me and my friend actualy have had a hogwarts thread that got to over 100 pages, we can still post on it but we are bussy with other rp's. And just a heads up, most hogwarts rp's don't get past the train ride to hogwarts.
#37724662Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

[Can we have a ferret as a pet? :3]
#37724775Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

I'm okay with that, I don't mind if it doesn't last long, it'll be worth a try :3 Yes you can have ferrets :D
#37725146Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

CS! Name: Matt Gender: Male A.g.e: 12 Year: 1st Appearance: Messy Black hair, Freckles, New Robes. Bio: Was going to manchester FC academy untill he got a letter. Wand: Dragons Hartstrings, Wolfs Fang, Holly wood. Blood: Purebread House:Gryffindor Pet: Owl, Pitch Dark
#37725152Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

Name: James Kestren Gender: M A.g.e: 12 Year: 2 Appearance: Blonde hair, glasses, muddy school uniform, blue eyes, tall and thin. Bio: He was bused when he was younger and was happy when he was invited to go to Hogwarts. Wand: The wand is made of steal. It is red and has a dark green ball at the end. Blood:Pureblood House: Ravenclaw Pet: Cat
#37725402Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

Name: Daniel Bates Gender: Male A.g.e: 14 Year: 4th Appearance: Black, curly hair, with pale skin. He isn't very built, but he is tall. His robes and long, and he wears a blue tie. He wears somewhat rectangular glasses [LOLHARRYPOTTERRIPOFF] and has a small pocket wear he hides the ferret, Out of school, he wears a Blue jacket with a white shirt underneath. His jeans are long and torn at the bottom, and his shoes are always the same, black dress shoes. Bio: His father is a wizard, and his mother isn't. That's pretty much the only thing about his family. He's an only child, and his parents escorted him to the train as soon as he turned 11. Wand: A long, dark wood, with a green vine running up the bottom, with a small, ball of light in the front. Blood: Half House: Ravenclaw Pet: Ferret
#37743079Sunday, November 28, 2010 2:28 AM GMT

Alright, I think we can start :3 Anyone prefer to go first?
#37765143Sunday, November 28, 2010 12:12 PM GMT

I looked out the window at Diagon Alley, "It's nice to see the kids out getting to get their Hogwarts supplies." I said lightly. I looked at my bed, desk, chair, and other stuff, then sitting on my bed I looked at my supplies that I had already gotten, then laying down, I thought of Weasley Wizard Weases, I'd go there later to get some mischief items for Hogwarts. I then thought of my parents, I wish they were here.
#37797028Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

I laughed as my parents and I joked about Muggles, sweeping through Diagon alley to get the supplies I needed for class this year, and for my little brother, a first-year. "Can we go in there?" Nathaniel asked, pointing to a little prank shop to our left. "Nate, we can get prank stuff somewhere else. For heaven's sake, that's a peasant shop." I couldn't stand for our social status to somehow be lowered upon entering a shop run by the infamous Weasleys. "Wisteria, darling, let's not be rude." I smiled innocently. "Sorry, Father. I suppose my excitement to be starting another year at Hogwarts is making me a bit mroe irritable than usual." "Well, learn to restrain yourself, darling. You'll never make it in today's society without some self-control." I nodded, keeping my mouth shut as we walked into a small sho pthat sold books.
#37797239Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

I watched a girl walk into a book shop with a little boy and parents. "The Weasely's rock!" I shouted out the window having heard her pop off about the Weaslys.
#37797280Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

I watched a girl walk into a book shop with a little boy and parents. "The Weasely's rock!" I shouted out the window having heard her pop off about the Weaslys. Then sitting on my bed, I relaxed and slept.
#37798029Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

CS! Name: Terminus Scamander Gender: Male A.g.e: 15 Year: 4 Appearance: Icy Blonde hair, glasses, blue eyes, uniform (Never tucked in, never wears tie or undershirt part, usually just wears tyhe cloak with a normal shirt underneath), Wears Black Hoodie, Black Jeans and a neon lime green undershirt when out of class. Bio: My mother was in DA, and my father is really a nobody, I have two brothers, Lorcan and Lysander, and I get my looks from my mother, but my personality from my father, meaning I don't talk much about weird fantasy creatures. Wand: 13" Orange Redwood Wand, Unicorn Hair core. Pointed edge, metallic green handle. Blood: Pureblood. House: Slytherin Pet: An owl named Maero "Rise again and try to understand..."
#37798293Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

CS! Name: Mathildie Fonn Gender: F A.g.e: 14 Year: 4th Appearance: Mathildie has long, blonde hair that tumbles down to her waist. She has large brown eyes are is lightly tanned. Her robes include a yellow Hufflepuff tie,a grey skirt, and black robes over it with the Hufflepuff crest. Outside of school, she wears a teal colored hoodie, ripped jeans, and converse high tops. Bio: Mathildie's mother, a muggle, died of cancer when Mathildie was 2. Her father raised her and taught her stories about magic. She was then sent to Hogwarts. Wand: Mathildie's wand is 11 inches long and made of mahogany wood. The core is made of dragon heart strings. Blood: Half-Blood House: Hufflepuff Pet: A barn owl named Manchester, after her hometown.
#37799041Sunday, November 28, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

CS! Name: Pipper Doughtfire Gender: female A.g.e: 15 Year: 4 Appearance: Uniform- http://www.roblox.com/Pipper-item?id=41209454 Regular wear- http://www.roblox.com/Pipper2-item?id=41209742 If you can't see Pipper has aburn eyes, knee high shoe, and rainbow socks Bio: Pipper is sort of a silent girl but can be very nice. She has a family of an older brother and an older sister and a younger sister. Wand: redwood wand that has a fox carving in it. Blood: Pureblood House: slytherin Pet: Owl named Petite
#39649503Monday, December 27, 2010 5:51 PM GMT

Wisteria froze, glancing toward the voice that had pierced through from above, claiming "The Weaseley's rock!" Her family todded ahead of her, into the bookstore, and she stayed behind, looking around for the source of the voice. Had it been speakign to her, or was it just a general comment? "They most certainly do not 'rock'," she thought to herself. Coming to no avail of finding the source, she shrugged and dove into the hoardes of people, gathering the books on her list of neccesary supplies. She caught up with her parents after she had paid for her things. "I need to step into the agriculture shop for a moment for my Herbology class." Her mother nodded. "We're going to a few more stores, and then we'll be finished. Meet back here in an hour, and we'll head home." Nodding in confirmation, Wisteria headed off to find a store with herbology supplies.
#39653138Monday, December 27, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

Name: Cecilia Blue Gender: Female A.g.e:15 Year:5th year Appearance: Clean black robes, wears black skirt under black tank top with tie, long robes. Bio: Blonde hair with scalp dyed black, some hair black. Pale blue eyes and pale skin, was raised with Squib aunt; Always adventuring with lengends at Hogwarts. Mother was muggle and father was pure blood. A lengend herself because of brave parents. Wand:A plain black wand; but fairly powerful and strong. Blood:Half Blood House:Gryffindor Pet:Owl; Pure white with a silvery white eye color.
#39653545Monday, December 27, 2010 6:44 PM GMT

(Are we accepted?)
Top 100 Poster
#39663325Monday, December 27, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

Name: Carly Matthewson Gender: Female A.g.e: 16 Year: 6th Appearance: An unhealthy pale glow, thin figure, and around 5'4. She has large violet eyes that were once green but were changed when she charmed them into a color of her liking, and thick eyelashes. Her hair is a silvery white and it flows past her waist in slightly wavy locks. (In school uniform) Carly wears the usual Slytherin robes that are black and trimmed with green, a black blouse, green/black plaid, slightly ruffled skirt, a green tie, knee-high socks with two green stripes, and black formal shoe wear. She always wears her fingerless gloves as her own personal touch. Her clothing is clean/crisp. (Outside School) Carly wears comfortable black t-shirts, faded grey skinny jeans, large, clunky black boots that are knee-high, fingerless gloves that have been worn out on the palms. Bio: Carly lives alone with her mother, as her father died a few years back. Her father was a wizard and was often spending time in the basement, trying to create new spells in order to add a penny to his name. One day, one of his experiments went horribly wrong and he was killed. Her mother, a witch, fell into a depression after his death and dispised magic. Carly was soon disowned by her mother, refusing to swear off magic like her mother had done. Carly lives with her mother during the summer in awkward silences and stays at Hogwarts during all holiday vacations. Wand: description of what it looks like Blood: Pureblood House: Slytherin Pet: N/A

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