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#40600326Sunday, January 09, 2011 5:16 AM GMT

unfortunately, we don't even get the use of javascripts because those dang exploiters who'd use it for infinite tix + Robux or hacking into people's accounts or soemthing like that -_-
#40600593Sunday, January 09, 2011 5:22 AM GMT

Um no first off roblox didnt make lua and people who can script deserve to make scripts those who cant dont
#40600726Sunday, January 09, 2011 5:25 AM GMT

This isnt a Suggestion this is Trolling and this isn't a Suggestion get off the Forums. ~Noobs are noobs~ ~No wonder every person wants one~ Join my campiagain against spam.
#40604531Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:24 AM GMT

Shadow, you really need to work on yer grammar. God.
#40604613Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:27 AM GMT

Honestly, I learned how to script simple things in about 10 minutes. The absolute beginners guide to scripting on the wiki really helped! :D
#40604713Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:31 AM GMT

Scripting Is Hard Its hard For Me And Lots Of People But This Is A Easyer Version Of Scripting My Bro Is A Game Designer Every Played Com/mand & Conq/uer My Brother Scripted The Building Selection That Scripting Looks Nothing Like This Its Not If; A Clicked Building Make Lol Fail Script But Its True
#40604822Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:35 AM GMT

"Scripting Is Hard" Ha! That's funny, because it's quite simple! while true do script.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() wait(1) end That's for a dance floor brick. See? That's not so hard!
#40652167Monday, January 10, 2011 12:04 AM GMT

first off i dont use grammer bcuz its STUPID i do not waste time trying to find where a comma goes or adding a period so i dont have to waste time changing ur minds because u dont have a mind open to change u r seeing it black and white and i tried the scripting its not easy and u would be in the same boat as me if u did not know or could not script and the only reason u think im coming back here for no reason no im here bcuz i feel we should have a chance to be more sucessful with our places ask urself why are u reading this so u can flame again is that it if u dont agree with what i say give a logical explanation not an insult and also yes how could i memorize all the rules in a script whats the () at the end of random so if u guys just come back to flame go flame someone who cares about ur insults... i took a whole day to memorize the whole thing what did i get out of it nothing so who is stupid me trying to learn or u guys insulting me for trying to learn on this last not this is also why i dont use grammer i can type alot faster to get my point which u guys dont obviously get
#40652396Monday, January 10, 2011 12:08 AM GMT

shadow nice exuse for being to stupid to learn. you wont even bother to learn a lil gramer
#40652769Monday, January 10, 2011 12:14 AM GMT

says the guy who cant spell grammer right and im 13 yrs old and i hate using grammer outside of 8th grade pre ap class and theres with the flaming again if u just come back to a thread u HATE then just leave and im in ALL preap and im already at an 9th grade lvl so dude seriously if u know how to script and i dont i think the awnser is right in front of u and u choose to ignore it its funny because i am laughing right now at how lame this arguement is
#40653441Monday, January 10, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

Says the guy who can't spell grammar right, either. :P
#40653637Monday, January 10, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

also it looks like you guys dont deserve to script because you guys dont know how to form a sentance without a insult and cant teach how to do it to someone who cant and uses it as bragging rights. im trying to talk to you guys logically but you guys have to make me irratated and get agressive
#40653742Monday, January 10, 2011 12:26 AM GMT

dude if i spelled it wrong u did too because you spelled it the same way
#40671125Monday, January 10, 2011 5:38 AM GMT

"says the guy who cant spell grammer right and im 13 yrs old" <--- Wrong "Says the guy who can't spell grammar right, either. :P" <---Right See yer fail spelling? It's, "Grammar." Grammar is a rule. Follow it, or get the frick out. We don't deal with stupid people. It's one of the easiest forms of scripting out there. They messed with it so much that it's actually easier than the actual Lua scripting language. In the actual langauge you would have to: 1. Make everything. 2. Make a statement for the window, meaning create the window. Java is like three times harder than RBX_Lua too. Let's take a look at Java, simple create a window with a button class in Java; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Window { private JFrame Window = new JFrame("Window"); private JButton Button1 = new JButton("Button"); public Window(){ Window.setSize( 500, 300); Window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Window.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Window.add(Button1, BorderLayout.CENTER); Window.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String args[]){ new Window(); } Now you're done with the programming part, but yet it's still not a program. *sigh* So now you have to compile it, so you open up yer Command Prompt put in the cd command to yer file location. Now you must put in the Javac command. You now have a .class file and yet, you still have no program. So now you must make a MANIFEST.MF file and inside it you put in "Main-Class: Window " Yes there is a enter space for a reason. Now you must use the jar command, "Jar cvfm Something.jar MANIFEST.MF *.class" or "Jar cvfm Something.jar MANIFEST.MF Window.class" and now you are done. You still think Lua is hard?
#40671392Monday, January 10, 2011 5:49 AM GMT

well I guess varp said it all so no support. If you really want to become good at scripting you should just keep going over the roblox wiki it may seem hard at first but it will become easier to understand the more you practice with lua
#40672299Monday, January 10, 2011 6:34 AM GMT

Print("Credit Script Working") while true do local m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Parent m.Text = "[Model] was made by [Name]" wait(3) m:Remove() wait(180) end see its easy, and thats just basic crap to.....
#40674037Monday, January 10, 2011 11:33 AM GMT

ROBLOX did not make lua they only use it.
#40674347Monday, January 10, 2011 12:14 PM GMT

Lua is Lua. Lua is not made and does not belong to roblox. They have no control over Lua. Lua is already one of the easiest scripting languages. Want to learn? Start reading.
#40687214Monday, January 10, 2011 8:33 PM GMT

exactly lua is lua lua is not lua jr. lua is to be left as lua not to be made something else
#40688895Monday, January 10, 2011 9:05 PM GMT

You cant edit a Scripting Language. Wormhole.
#50494601Wednesday, July 13, 2011 5:46 PM GMT

i guess u guys have no idea what he means like i think hes saying make a script where you can make scripts easier like have preset things like change color for this amt of time or maybe even making admin commands so do u see what now were talking about so stop being so arrogant and listen with your ears instead of laugh at those who cant help and you might actually be popular as the first person to simplyfy an impossible language and i still think grammer is not any use on a internet game
#50494887Wednesday, July 13, 2011 5:51 PM GMT

Umm... how about you make your own language out of Lua to make it easy for you? Exempli gratia: null = nil Would ":delete() = :Remove()" work? -Virtualdarks

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