#41937823Thursday, February 03, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

Alice smiled "but still.. you got to admit, he looks cute playing with them" she said looking at Moon that was TRYING to carry them to bed (XD "go to bed" "no... *takes out nuke*" "....you can play...")
#42005595Friday, February 04, 2011 2:45 PM GMT

(XD. When my cat had kittens she would carry them and place them down and when she was not looking the would meow and go back playing with each other across the room! XD! Sorry....That ^^ just reminded me of it.)
#42009919Friday, February 04, 2011 5:49 PM GMT

(xD my friends cats kittens also do that =P I kept watching the mother go back and forth trying to get them back XD)
#42129894Sunday, February 06, 2011 4:17 PM GMT

(*POKES* every group and forum i'm in is dead =/)
#42184526Monday, February 07, 2011 3:02 PM GMT

(XD sry i have a 13 page essay i had to write)
#42187614Monday, February 07, 2011 5:47 PM GMT

(And... it took you 2 weeks O________o)
#42194201Monday, February 07, 2011 9:08 PM GMT

#42207685Tuesday, February 08, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

#42217997Tuesday, February 08, 2011 2:50 AM GMT

(-_- I can do a 5 page essay in about an hour...>.<)
#42230638Tuesday, February 08, 2011 4:48 PM GMT

(smarty o3o without breaks.... it takes m2 1 hour per page x3 then again... i'm not in the grade that studies such things o-o)
#42231773Tuesday, February 08, 2011 5:56 PM GMT

Name: Hope Taylor Power: Water, invisability Tools/Weapons: N/A, body is used for all skills A.g.e: 21 Looks: Soft curly black hair, gentle curly locks falling just below shoulders, thin whisps of hair for bangs on forehead. Hope has alluring pale blue eyes with a deeper ocean blue lining her iris. Her skin is a mysterious pale, light freckles under her eyes. Her lips are a soft dark pink that is sharp on her pale skin, they are full and are rarley chap. Her jet black hair is very dark on her pale skin and sticks out. Her head is a sharp shape, and is a thin oval. Her skin is soft and delicate. Her body is slim and curvy around her waist, she has a small stomach area. Shes not very bony and her legs are fairly thin and hair.less. Despite the lack of flaws on her legs and arms, she tends not to like to show off her body much with shorts and tank tops. Her eyes are full and her eyelashes are jet black like her hair and are long and she likes to gently bat them across under her eyes when she blinks. There are dark circles around her eyes, giving her a tired and mysterious appearence. Despite the lack of energy that her dark circles hint, shes acually very alive and usually has lots of energy. There are light acne spots around her nose that she always covers with a light shade of makeup. Gender: Female Personality: Nice, caring, quiet, happy, and mysterious Likes: Light flowers that have a nice smell, and things that have an interesting texture. Dislikes: Sadness, hatred, the game 'UNO' (xD) Pets: Has a pure white small bird that is dear to her heart and she is often caught talking with. Bio: Her parents died in a fire a couple years back, and she has been quiet ever since. She did not seem devestated by the loss of her parents, she never really got along with them, but she never brung her problems outside of her home. She lives in a small apartment building now with just her and her bird, but she likes to keep her friends close, most of her friends, even the ones she barely knows are close to her heart.
#42232867Tuesday, February 08, 2011 6:45 PM GMT

(Awsome =D Nyran, you explain whats going on XD)
#42235521Tuesday, February 08, 2011 8:28 PM GMT

(Whoops, shes 17, not 21.)
#42235996Tuesday, February 08, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

(lol good =P it'll be kinda akwerd then O-e)
#42246535Tuesday, February 08, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

(It reminds me of an older "Mars" good CS though.)
#42256883Wednesday, February 09, 2011 2:09 AM GMT

(XD oldy mars =P)
#42312507Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:12 PM GMT

(Lolz! And Hihi when I do my essays I have breaks....)
#42313936Thursday, February 10, 2011 3:42 PM GMT

(Sry it took me son long guys. But the Kiing is back :P And i have to use my sisters Computer because mines brand new and i dont have ROBLOX yet... BTW Welcome 'Hope' I 'Hope you have fun (( <----- LAME PUN O_O!!!)) And Alice will explain cuase you get shipped into her school where i am now enrolled to protect alice Though she'll most likly freeze me and leave me to die :p LET'S RP!)
#42316503Thursday, February 10, 2011 5:44 PM GMT

(yea... are you a witch? I'm an ice/water witch XD)
#42377127Saturday, February 12, 2011 12:39 AM GMT

(I wish crab were on....... then that'd be every one)
#42378802Saturday, February 12, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

(rp >=o)
#42420921Saturday, February 12, 2011 8:14 PM GMT

Moon woke up to his kits jumping on him "daddy, you said you'll teach us to hunt like lions... or somthing like that" a voice like Petal said, Moon groaned and rolled to his side "later..." he grumbled, being in no mood to get out of Alices bed. Snow stuffed her head in the pillow "you did promise... and I want some sleep so get off your fluffy bottem!" she muttered. The kits giggles as Moon got off the bad annoyed. With the sun on his pelt he began to wake up more, he relized a rat in the garbage "you crouch down like this...." he meowed, crouching down. The kids tried but fell to their side. Moon purred and showed them how then jumped on the rat and put his claws over it, like a cage. Then he let it go 'like that" he meowed. The kits began to try the same thing to Moon, who turned into a hawk. The kits purred and they caught him and tackled him down. Moon stood up "lets go on a walk I guess... I know you won't go back to sleep" he meowed. The kits nodded and began to bounce around purring. Moon walked to the beach, where he noticed a female cat with 2 kits, that were standing on a floating peice of wood and looking below them, He walked over "you guys can't swim... why not play in the sand?" he told his kits before sitting down beside the cat. The cat smiled at him "your kits sure are active" she commented "too active.." he replied with a purr at the back of his neck. The cat sighed " oh well... son they'll be adopted" she meowed. Moon froze " I guess your no shape shifter then" he mummbled, even if she was... her kits would still go away.... to a witch or wizard. Moon sighed at the thought, can he let the kits go when its time? Moon shook the thought out of his head and began to talk to the cat again. Suddenly a yowl broke out from her 2 kits, the peice of wood had cracked in the middle and the kits were desperatly trying not to drown. The cat yowled in fear and began to rush towards them. Moon began to swim to them too, forgetting he can shape shift. He reached the peice of broken wood before the mother. He reached his wet paw out to the kits. The first kit desperatly tried to grab on, the secound, and oldest, began to push him up, trying to get him saved. Moon reached the first kit and placed on on another peice of wood that was safe. He looked down and noticed the other kit was no where "COPPER!" the mother yowled as she finally reached the wood, she dived back in and desperatly searched the water for her drowned kit. Moon froze, was it his fault? He could of shape shifted and safed them both! The mother contuined to yowl for her son. Moon went to her "he's gone... we have to warm the kit that still is alive" he meowed. The mother nodded and walked to her other kit and began to lick it furiously. The kit stared at the water in horror, as if he didn't belive that its own brother was now out of its tiny life for ever. Moon helped the kit to the shore. His kits were waiting for him, their eyes showed fear and the ran to their dad in terror "wheres the secound one?" Midnight chocked out. Moon closed his eyes and began to walk home without a reply. The mother followed him because he offered to take her to his home for them to dry up. (got bored =P well... The kits woke up Moon because heh promised to teach them to hunt. After they learned to hunt down Moon they went to the beach... where another cat with 2 kittens was. Suddenly they heard the two kits yowling... her kits were on a wooden box in the middle of the ocean but now the box broke in half. and the kits were drowning. Moon swam to them, forgeting her can shape shift... the oldest kit helped the youngest kit get saved but drowned... the mother finally reached where they were and tried to find her son... now Moon, his kits and the cats were going homE)
#42429783Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

(Lolz...I wish you were on now! D:<) I sighed my eyes turning normal. My eyes changed to a chocolate brown a black circle circling the iris. I walked out of the town into a forest as if I was following something. I kept on walking, and walking, and walking until I reached a trail.
#42430415Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

I'm Lily, I'm a demigod who can talk to animals and I am trained in the Elemental Magics.
#42432388Saturday, February 12, 2011 11:12 PM GMT

(Is Demigod allowed? I mean isn't that like god modding or somthing?)