#38857784Friday, December 17, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

(1000 posts! Thanks!)
#38857906Friday, December 17, 2010 2:46 AM GMT

[Light] "Considering how they are still food..and I will exert more energy....so it's okay"I said. "Okay then, FIRST UP IS SPRINXMIX!"Kurai shouted.
#38858270Friday, December 17, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

-Cody "You know, I was just wondering, how did you get to be so insane?"
#38858380Friday, December 17, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

[Light] "Yea?"I said. "Well, I love food, my parents were to inventors of insanators, you know, the little bunge things that have a high chance of jumping up to 5 feet into the air?"Kurai said. "That doesn't explain anything"I said.
#38858725Friday, December 17, 2010 2:57 AM GMT

-Cody "Actually I don't know. I kinda spent half my life running from the Ruo..."
#38859008Friday, December 17, 2010 3:01 AM GMT

[Light] ".....CAN WE GET TO THE FIGHT NOW!!!!"Unmei screamed. "Ohh right, Sprinxmix, prepare to die!"I said. "You can't beat me, I'm stronger!"Sprinxmix said. "Well, then.....now you see me"I said"Now you don't" I dissapeared and reappeared on top of Sprinxmix(Note:All the Minions are 5 feet tall). "AGGHHH!!!!!!!! GET HIM OFF ME!!!"Sprinxmix screamed. "Now, time to end this!"I said as I started to chomp on him. "OHHH (Censored) NOT THE BRAIN NOT THE BRAIN, OHHH.....DONUTS...WHY THE BRAIN!!!!!"Sprinxmix Shouted.
#38859110Friday, December 17, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

I snuck up behind Cody and said "boo!"
#38859389Friday, December 17, 2010 3:06 AM GMT

-Cody "Ahh!!!" I yell and punch Diana in the face. "Oh." I say when I see it's her. "Uhh...sorry?"
#38859442Friday, December 17, 2010 3:07 AM GMT

"evil....."I mutter
#38859946Friday, December 17, 2010 3:15 AM GMT

-Cody "What was that you said Diana?"
#38872811Friday, December 17, 2010 12:49 PM GMT

Kiwi~ It's halftime, but I smell hotdogs. "FOOD!" I scream, and break through the wall. I come outside and see Light eating a giant cupcake. "WHOA!" I yell, and focus in on the hotdog. "YUMMEH YUMMEH YUMMEH!" I scream, and charge at it. It flips me over on my side, "Crap." I say. I transform into Raho, and tower above it. "BWAHHH" I say, spitting flames onto it. It is burned to a crisp, and I transform back to Kiwi. "Yum," I say and munch on its lesser burned side, "My compliments to the chef."
#38873687Friday, December 17, 2010 1:31 PM GMT

-Cody "Kiwi...you know what hotdogs are made of...right?"
#38874788Friday, December 17, 2010 2:14 PM GMT

Kiwi~ "Wait..." I ponder his question. "Err... no..."
#38895546Friday, December 17, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

"their made out of pig butts!" I tell Kiwi
#38895873Friday, December 17, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

[Light] "Glad I didn't eat Mustard."I said. "Huff..Huff....WHAT THE (CENSORED) IS WRONG WITH YOU!!"Sprinxmix screamed at me.
#38901389Friday, December 17, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

Kiwi~ I stare at Diana. I shrug, "Tastes like some good pig but to me," I say, and walk towards the cake. "Hmmm," It dashes away, so I turn into Raho and stomp on it. "Who wants flatcake?" I ask.
#38901681Friday, December 17, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

[Light] "Well, I'm hungry, I'm gonna eat you!"I said. "Choco, what does the scanner say about Lights food eating level?"Sprinxmix asks "It's 1006!"Choco Replied. "Uh...Really?"Sprinxmix said. "Yea, beat him up!"Choco said. "Yay...RAAHHH!!"Sprinxmix shouted as he lunged for me. I kicked him and barraged him. "Blargh.....ow, ouch..douch...ow....Choco!!! Save me!!!"Sprinxmix Screamed. "Hmm....no...that doesn't seem right."Choco muttered
#38904190Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:10 AM GMT

Name:slayzo @ge:(10-18)18 Gender:M Bio:Has a sword that can change elements through his elemental changes. Race:3rd dragon,3rd werewolf,3rd human. Power(s):(Not going to set a limit but don't go crazy) Can change elements in sword and can change body to adapt to element.Can sense any strong emotions of people within 10 feet. Appearance:(this is going to be long guys.so get ready to read.) Regular: Green polo with red wings and black veins hidden under. Wears black sweat pants and has short black messy hair.5'9. Fire: Large red wings with black veins,looks like a draconian. ice: a larger man with heavy ice armor and helmet.looks exactly same under ice armor. shadow: Looks exactly the same but Heavy shadows envelop body and harden,but mobility is increased and sword becomes thinner and lighter. light: Light version of shadow form. Personality: Strong will, Mostly calm and quiet at times. Other:Ready to fight if senses hostility.
#38904245Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:10 AM GMT

(more forms may be used later. will be explained when used.)
#38904885Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:17 AM GMT

("Has a sword that can change elements through his elemental changes" hmmm wonder if it changes elements...)
#38905171Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

(Ehh..) [Light] "So, ready to give up?"I said. "No, your power is 1006, you just got lucky shots....thats all"Sprinxmix said. "Uhhh...sprinx, his food eating level is actually over 9000"Choco said. "WHAT, OVER 9000!!!! Theres no way that can be right?"Sprinxmix shouted. "I thinks it's right, afterall, I can eat 20 courses in 10 minutes....."I said.
#38905338Saturday, December 18, 2010 12:22 AM GMT

(No need for sarcasm here, I am no different from you role players,except I have a different CS. I'm waiting for a accept right now.)
#38919274Saturday, December 18, 2010 3:40 AM GMT

(Sorry I was er...gone...accepted.) -Cody "I'm not really hungry anyway...just eat them."
#38935068Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:40 PM GMT

As I stand in front of the gateway, I look around and see no ruo."Hmm,so the rumors are true. This is one of the last safe places around. I'm already set up,so I guess i'll go find my room now." I say, as I enter.
#38937122Saturday, December 18, 2010 2:34 PM GMT

[Light] "I'll give you guys one last chance, take your minions and leave"I said. "Hmph, were going to kill you"Choco said."Sprinx, do Death Donut formation!" "Right.....But wait, my top is eaten"Sprinx shouted."And that insane (Censored) ate my top!!!"