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#38110030Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

If you want to find out what's wrong with the game, just listen to these people. ___________________________________________________________________________ Quote #1: “What was ROBLOX? ROBLOX was a place for imagination, somewhere where we could just come and build with friends without worrying what other people thought. Before Gear, Faces, Heads, Bodies, before the Builder's Clubs, before Shadows, Animations, the blue background you see on the site, before the spam and the clans..... ROBLOX was a place where we could have fun and just BUILD. What is ROBLOX today? It is BC, Gear, Faces, Heads.... and now Bodies. I fear that we have lost our BLOX, good users. For today, all that ROBLOX has become.... It’s just an online social network. Worrying about whose avatar looks the best...... The BUXsplosion of Hats and Gear..... Not to mention we have been overrun by more kids who never had the experience of the old ROBLOX. Over run by kids who find it necessary to spam, troll and never had the experience of what ROBLOX truly had to offer. Give me the good old days, when all we had was our imagination, some friends, and some bricks. I'm from 2007, but I was playing ROBLOX from when it first began. (I didn't have an account yet.) ROBLOX has taken its focus off of the building feature that ROBLOX has, and it's turned its attention to items and money. Don't believe me? Check the news for yourself. Almost everything now has to do with money, hats and gear. We didn't come here to accessorize, we came here to play. ROBLOX has become more of a Myspace or Facebook. We now have chatting, status updates (which I doubt ANYONE reads), best friends (I sort of like best friends), and groups. We aren't Facebook. We're ROBLOX.” ~RaptorLeader
#38110092Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

Quote #2: “What happened to the good old days when you could program something and it got used? What happened to the times when quality was linked to popularity? What happened to the bygone days where stuff was free? What happened to ROBLOX? A long time ago, there were no cars. There were no planes. There were no guns, arrows, or swords. There were no turrets. There was no lava. All those things the average user takes for granted now. All can be attributed to one group: Programmers. Now, after 2 years of the same old, we're running out of ideas. Updates, which should be HELPING the stem of ROBLOX's success, are eradicating them. We've, without warning, lost parts of the API. We've had updates that shadowed our developments. We've, overall, been neglected. ROBLOX's golden age is over. The programming societies are crumbling. They've been infiltrated, disrespected, and eviscerated. A year ago, I could say, ‘I'm a programmer,’ and command respect. Now, I'm infamous for doing the exact same things. It would only take 1 or 2 major new things to fix all this - but, alas, ROBLOX hasn't heard us. Unlike programmers, ROBLOX seems very aware of another group: Forumers. They, while they are certainly more prominent to the admins, are far more oppressed than programmers. Rather than just a few bad updates, but nothing more, they get to deal with trigger happy mod-bots, insane spammers, unpredictable moderators and a dead society. When I joined, the forums were a place of mostly intelligent discussion and stuff. ‘Off-Topic’ was where I could relax, not sift through loads of spam. ‘Suggestions & Ideas’ was a place I could debate ideas, not a place full of spammers and people who can't be civilized. ‘Scripters/Scripting Help’ used to be a place where we could discuss various topics with intelligent people, and give some help, not get discredited, spammed, and have my reputation stolen by non-programmers. It used to be you could post just about anything within reason, now if it CAN be used badly it must go. You used to be able to express your opinion in a spam free forum - now any human emotion is bannable. The society is diluted by noobs to the point where the forums are unusable. Unfortunately, there is not much ROBLOX can do to fix this. Exodus to a decent forum is the only option, and that must be on a personal level. Now, ROBLOX isn't ignorant or abusive of ALL its members. ROBLOX usually pays a lot of attention to where they think the cycle begins - Builders. Builders have it pretty good - they still have unaddressed wants and stuff, but they get basically every update. They also get most the credit and recognition from ROBLOX and other users - it doesn't matter who made the lava, or the awesome cars. They put them in a place. ROBLOX lets even the dumbest of the dumb able to make stuff. Free Models are mostly populated by stuff programmers made, and builders use. They made materials, which were already doable without the update. At the cost of programmers, they even made VehicleSeats, which truly proves they think builders will help them more. While they will get more cash lining their golden pants this way, as they are a majority, it is not permanent. Enough of the same stuff will travel down the chain - but it will eventually be that builder's are the last link. Now, I don't blame builders for all their joy at the cost of programmers, but ROBLOX is at fault for favoritism. There is basically one group - probably the least important - that ROBLOX treats like royalty. They are the masses. They probably haven't done anything extraordinary and exceptional. They probably can't program. They're probably not the best builders. They are mundane. While they form communities within themselves, as ROBLOX users, they are consumers, not producers. I don't have anything against them, but they are certainly ROBLOX's favorite. ROBLOX gives those people updates on a weekly or even daily basis - content updates. Don't the admins have better things to do than make CONTENT? Have they forgotten what user-created-content means? This group just gives ROBLOX money by the hundreds - ROBLOX gives every feature they can imagine to them. They still complain, but ROBLOX only has so much manpower, and they're not going to use it for the game. They're going to use it for the economy. Evidently, ROBLOX's programmers are not the great ‘bedroom programmers’. They are not the ‘freeware activists’. They are not the ‘free game’ they claim to be. They have their eyes set on only 1 thing - Money. They do not look at the indirect routes. They want money, and they want it now. I believe that if they ever want to better their game with not much effort, they should be giving stuff to the programmers.” ~Meelo
#38110292Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Quote #3: "I looked into the heart of ROBLOX - and through the words of Meelo - I saw corruption." ~Anonymous User ___________________________________________________________________________ Quote #4: “Please listen to this story: Meelo sat while Telamon and all the other admins sat near him. ReesceMcBlox brought her ban hammer down and silenced the room. She said, ‘Meelo, give your NBC Rights speech, then Telamon will try to balance the argument.’ Meelo stood up and said, ‘NBC are the heart and soul of ROBLOXia. They are the ones who manage to get by without money, places, and groups.’ Meelo then sat back down as Telamon stood and replied, ‘But Meelo, if the ROBLOX Company doesn’t get BC money, how will we improve and pay our workers to keep ROBLOX safe?’ ReesceMcBlox, being biased, all of a sudden shouted, ‘Telamon wins the argument!’ With that, she brought her hammer above her head and slammed it down on Meelo hard, banning him forever. He never returned.” ~thedarkness365 ___________________________________________________________________________ Quote #5: “When I joined in early 2008, ROBLOX was fun. ROBLOX was about imagination and having a good time playing classic games like Ultimate Paintball. Barely anyone who was famous used free models or ODed, and they were nice. Building was emphasized, as many different scripts were usable. You could make a good place and work hard, and you would get many visits. But jump to 2009. More people bought BC, so the admins thought it was necessary to make many things BC-only. But still, these BC-only things in early 2009 were just things like more money and a hard hat. But then, the trade system tanked. Whereas in 2008, you could get a nice 5 ROBUX from 10 TIX, now it was more like 3 ROBUX. Then, clockwork was fired because of his epic fan site ROBLOXHQ. The admins thought it was wrong to have a fan site made by an admin. Then, the worst ever occurrence in ROBLOX history happened. Yes, folks, the Hatsplosion began. 5 hats were being released every day. By then, the trade system was like 20 TIX for 1 ROBUX. Brighteyes had been hired, and that was a mistake. The daily hats all became retextures. By then, ROBLOX was starting to be about customizing your avatar over building. Then, so many graphical updates like the stupid "wood" update were causing lag, so the admins had to do something. But, they decided to make certain scripts not work. Around then, people were getting famous for free modeling. I'm talking specifically about a certain "XX" hedgehog here. About a month later, TBC was released. Now, even BC members were feeling left out. The Hatsplosion continued, and more and more ROBLOX veterans decided to get off of ROBLOX. As that happened, more 6 year olds joined. They looked for the most famous person in ROBLOX to worship, and guess what? They found a certain hedgehog. Joining his group, (which has the letters E, R, A, and F in it) they decided to take over ROBLOX. As time went on, building became harder and harder due to updates like gear, textures, and more recently, bodies. Then, the admins, noticing the popularity in social networking sites, added stuff like status, chatting systems, and more items. This leaves us in the present, where ROBLOX is nothing like the original. Blocky, epic avatars have been replaced with ‘cool’ deformed ones. Cool users who were easy to make friends with have been replaced with arrogant Outrageous Builder’s Club Members who despise anyone who has enough IQ to realize that paying insane amounts for virtual items isn't worth it...” ~Catman01
#38110405Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

Quote #6: “ROBLOXian admins clearly don't care about the game. They barely listen to players' ideas and when they do, it ends up being a BC feature. Right now, in a social class system, BC would be at the top while NBC would be at the way bottom. When NBC ask for more privileges, they are put down every time. Forumers and builders are also neglected because the forums are spam-infested and very basic. (No customizable font, font color, etc) Builders ask for more building features so their games can be awesome, but ROBLOX wastes all their money on clothing production that no one cares about. Plus, their clothing is always ROBUX; if it's not ROBUX, it's ugly and automatically considered ‘noobish clothing’. This outbreak of ROBUX clothing has crashed ROBLOX’s own Trade currency, making ROBUX worth way more than TIX and virtually making NBC the dirt that the BC walks on.” ~Superdestructo09
#38110866Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

Quote #7: "ROBLOX was created sometime in the early 21st century as a free MMOG where you could build anything online with your friends. In 2006 – 2008, ROBLOX’s Golden age was in effect and many people joined and just loved ROBLOX. They made great games and anyone who tried to stop ROBLOX was instantly banned. In 2009, though, the administrators started letting their guard down, allowing more bad people to join, making the game worse and marking the end of the Golden age. ROBLOX become less and less mature as younger and younger people joined. Currently, in 2010, ROBLOX is at the brink of its end. PGers and Exploiters roam, and ROBLOX’s administrators are working on what THEY want, not what the other people want. ROBLOX can now be defined as a dress-up site instead of a building game." ~Anonymous User
#38111676Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

O so true. *sniffs* THAT is what used to get you respect. now all you can get from a post like this is some 6 year old saying "I cba to read it sucd relle relly badd" but thank you all the same.
#38111738Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

That’s allot of quotes there, and I read them all. I've been playing ROBLOX from the start of 2010, and as I became aware of the vast array of features at offer, I became aware of ROBLOX's marketing schemes. But there is one thing that you have got to remember, ROBLOX is a business. Its developers want to earn money, and this is their chance to make some big cash. They may though, be unaware of the public’s views on the updates, for instance, when connecting your account up to a social network, it is really a way to spread the work so more public come, thus ROBLOX makes more money. Now, ROBLOX is trying to change, but every update moving further away from what gained its popularity. Sure, some people like the continuous flow of new Hats and Gear. But for those who want, and wanted to hang out with their friends and build is becoming increasingly harder. In the community, you are called a ‘noob’ for what you look like, wear, the way you talk, your abilities, and even how good you are at things. This isn’t a place that people would want to be in, and I for one don’t. I’m not saying I’m going to quit, ROBLOX is unique, sure it’s fun too, but it’s getting worse. Most people aren’t as tolerant as I am. I’m going to watch and see what becomes of this game.
#38112730Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

Final Three: ___________________________________________________________________________ Quote #8: “We don’t NEED hats. Most people don’t WANT hats. It’s just you being greedy idiots trying to make us buy your BC. Why bother? Your rival companies are upgrading their games, which soon will make yours obsolete and no one will want to play.” ~Notunknown99 ___________________________________________________________________________ Quote #9: “Site rank: 7631st.” ~Random Search Engine ___________________________________________________________________________ Quote #10: “If you want my serious advice, you should, too. There’s nothing here but wasted time. And if any moderator wants to delete that for some stupid reason like being offended, I could honestly care less.” ~BLOOXERindisguise ___________________________________________________________________________ Discuss. ~Everyone, anyone, noone.
#38120166Saturday, December 04, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

Another good quote: “Stop it, just stop it! We all knew you cared only about money and currency purchases since the TBC release! You're not adding this "expiration feature" on some very beloved, classic, and expensive hats so you have the rich lifeless noobs max out mommy and daddy's credit card on the currency purchases (That's even unfair to non BC members!) Look, all you do is recycle the same ideas for hats and gear day in and day out. The new gear doesn't even work right most of the time because you're too busy frantically shoveling it out there and slapping the high price on it. I can't remember the last time something came out priced in TIX (Other than that 250,000 TIX necklace) Proving once again your hypocrisy on how you care so much about Non BC members. You've even added a whole ‘tutorial’ place genre so you can cheapen the community to have the newcomer noobs feel welcome. Then, when they realize how much of a sub-par MMOG this REALLY is, they got to go beg papa for the credit card. You SAY you ban people for profanity, online dating, scamming, spamming, and flaming, but you don't. I'm not sure what the HELL your ‘crack-squad’ moderators are doing, but they're certainly not enforcing the rules. Why? It’s because rule breaking gives such a satisfaction to the typical 8 year old lifeless member of ROBLOX. ROBLOX thinks they're a ‘child safe’ friendly environment, but if you go on the front page, you'll find ‘Torture Chamber’, or ‘Zombie Slaughter’ or ‘Prom Dance’. Your older community is totally neglected, you add to the catalog 20 times before you add onto the building feature. With the little tools we have, that encourages free model use and game ruining. I don't think most of Studio works right anymore! Also, you added that ridiculous contest feature, which brings even more satisfaction to copiers. It's stupid voting system allows someone to claim victory with about 30 place visits. And, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT VOTING ACCURACY THING ALL ABOUT?! It brings undeserved satisfaction to useless noobs. Considering accuracy is awarding for voting for already the number one place, the contest is already pretty much concluded when the first vote is cast.” ~Zremoff
#38121114Saturday, December 04, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

I know right! Ive seen 06 and 07... then when i joined 08, People were friendly. Today, I have to argue people and this is what happens Me: You Team killing NOOB! Noob: *thinks im talking to him when im not and start insulting me* Me: * Insults back/ Noob: *Gets his OBC/BC/and TBC friend on me* Noobs Pals: *Insults me* Me: Shut up you 5 year olds Noobs Pals: Your only jealous because we have BC and you dont! Me: I dont need BC because its a VIRTUAL game you wont play forvever! Noobs Pals: Shut up you homeless kid! *insults name because i cant change it* Me: I used to like POKEMON! Them: Nuh uh! Your a five year old! Me: Ok lets stop and truce? Them: *start cussing their lungs out the ragequit* Me: Like wth did i do???? Noob: *trys to be my friend* Me: NO!! I WONT FORGIVE YOU!! Noob: *cusses lungs out then ragequits Me: *Leaves after a while* Me: *Looks at Pms*. *sees 10 pms* *Looks and finds his DAILY hate messages* *Deletes and reports without reading (Last time the noob cussed everywhere)* END And yes I have to go through this EVERY day
#38295350Tuesday, December 07, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

More Quotes: ___________________________________________________________________________ “There is so much favoritism in ROBLOX. It has to stop!” ~babysam ___________________________________________________________________________ “There is no point complaining at the updates. ROBLOX is too busy re-texturing hats they have already made and deleting religious groups instead of hardcore war groups to care. Let’s face it, ROBLOX is dead.” ~babysam ___________________________________________________________________________ “The community is generally ignorant. When a preview of an update released, everyone is excited about it, can't wait for it to happen (of course, there's 100 threads along with this), but when the time comes, everyone complains, or whines about it (another 100 threads). A newer player comes into the community, and has an error in his/her name, she/he is immediately insulted about it. One has an opinion, and wishes to express it, not realizing everyone will set the thread on fire and dance around it. All I really need to say is the community is pretty horrible. If you don't fit in, you're done for.” ~jimgo ___________________________________________________________________________ “I want to quit. It seems just about everyone who doesn't forum is immature. I mean, I see some nice people but not a lot. Also from my point of view, it seems everyone tries to criticize other people. All of this is one reason why I now forum more then go to places.” ~sonic2615 ___________________________________________________________________________ “It seems as if ROBLOX has lost all purpose anymore of being a 'building' game. It’s become more of a social network. All they’re really caring about is hats, gear and bodies to accessorize your character. I wish ROBLOX would go back to the game where it’s mainly about building. Now it’s mainly about Builders Club. You go onto the news and all it talks about is the new hats. The only new animations I've been seeing is in hats and bodies.” ~Siberith9 ___________________________________________________________________________ Discuss.
#38295630Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:01 PM GMT

#38295838Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

Heyguise, did you even read ANY of this? ROBLOX's statistics are going DOWN. More people HATE this site because of the large amounts of ignorance on this site. You're a good example of it.
#38296439Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

@Imperson HA. I am an '08er, just banned for 3 days. Telamon just got done checking the statistics, they ARE SKYROCKETING UP. What do you want them to do? Ban every player? YEAH RIGHT.
#38296849Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

My Quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have seen ROBLOX everyday and seen what it has become. I used to love going on ROBLOX everyday just to see my friends, and play a few games. I have been through the Golden years of 2006-2008 but when 2009 and 2010 filled up the site with its useless spamming, trolls, flamers, and ban-happy moderators(MSE6 and Chro!) I had to say this one thing. "I think ROBLOX has become nothing but an ignorant version of FaceBook or Myspace. These past few years have been good to last. Now these years can kiss my [censored for buttocks term with a capital A]. I miss ROBLOX of how it was, always good and no ignorance. But when I saw that day.....everyone just passed away. I think my time shall come, when I shall leave this land of none....But that time will not be soon....until it is at a dreadful doom." That inspired people to take charge of the forums in Off-Topic, ROBLOX Talk, and even the favorites like ROBLOXiWood, and RolePlaying. Alot of users changed to speak their mind until I saw the crime of the Moderation that has come...It looked like a bunny without legs chooping off a guys head with a chainsaw....That was the Energizer Bunny from Hell. So I think before the end of the year, I will try to get 200 ROBLOXians who have been good for the past 4 years to stand up and take their toll because it is time to be the most relaxed ROBLOXians and make the others stop spamming the Forums with trolls and flamers and to stop with the darned free model places. I am trying to make a difference, because I belive in the Forumers, and Gamers to change and make ROBLOX happy again so all users may join in on the fun of the classic games we have come to know and love for generations to see and favorite. ~BeastHero12, Loyal OT Forumer.
#38297287Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

I cant remember much of what Roblox was like when I joined in 2007, but now I wish I could, because todays Roblox is nothing what the old Roblox was like: Building....and having fun. Today, Everyone is all concerned if they're Avatar is *Ahem* 'Hawt enough to get a bf/gf'...Look at my avatar, unique and noone else has it, sure I've gotten complaints and hate messages about it. I don't care, it's me; not you, not your friend, not your pet, just...me, plain and simple. and before there were Shirts and pants, only T-shirts, I was still one-of-a-kind. I also wish I could remember how awesome the games were back then; but they must of been; Doom Caverns, Thrillville, Doomspire, I still play these games every now and again (unlike the rest of Roblox) But I'm sure everyone can remember what Todays games are, not even games; just copy of each others. I cant even go on the games page without seeing at least one Tycoon, Obstical Course, Build to Survive, Online Socalizing games, and more recently: Minigames. They're all copys of one original game that was (gasp!) possibly creative and fun, now reduced to a copy ridden world I say we should put two gravestones in the nearest cemetary that says 'Roblox Creativity' and 'Roblox Imagination'
#38297691Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

Normally, I would have said: 'The admins cannot make updates withing your desired 5 minutes' or 'Wrong forum!', but this. All of this. Its...all.....D: Off-topic and Roblox Talk are in ruins. There are NO serious threads to be found there. The 'Crack squad of moderators' has dissapeared. People ignore the rules. Spam attacks in the forums. Conclusion? Sadness. And the building. Its gone. Its all just.....when are they going to release group building anyway. I wish they did soon enough. Many people wait for this. I wait for this. And watch out if you are going to make THAT BC-only. There are many hats. Yes. But.....it was so much....better....when ROBLOX was still fresh D: There weren't many hats, but we were happy. Shirts and pants were ok, that was a good update. But after some time, they began concentrate too much on BC. Nowadays, most of the hats are R$. And I am almost COMPLETELY sure that new people, good people, get very sad when they see this. They don't have the right amount of money. They need to buy BC. And I remember something from Tela's twitter. 'If you don't have BC, then you are dead to us.' Wrong move. Completely wrong. Bang. No trust in the admins. Currently, he's collecting idea's on how to make BC more appealing. Aren't there enough BC-buyers? Isn't this enough? Yes, you have to keep the site running, and feed your children. But also try to think about those who want to have fun without spending money. Whether it's cheap or not. Im usually not one of those people who criticise the ROBLOX system. This changed me. This and that misarablely wrong Tweet by Telamon.
#38297703Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

My Quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear ROBLOX, Builderman, Telamon and all the admins, Do you see how much damage you have done the the Roblox community? People are quitting at this very moment because you upgraded the HUD which nobody wanted, and you're not paying any attention to the pleas by the community for the old one back, or at least an option to change between them. For once PLEASE LISTEN to the community. We need to be able to speak up. RIGHTS FOR ROBLOXIANS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Halo3madmon.
#38298019Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

I have one! why don't they make a script that if you touch it you will automatically sit down? This would be useful in making a slide. I have searched for one but could not find one.
#38298145Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

@HyprS0n1c You just managed to create an effect that equals to dancing on the gravestone of a recently passed-away relative. Right in the middle of the funeral. Screwdriver in your nose.
#38298511Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

i may not have been on Roblox forlong but i have to agree this place has become of noobs and wont stop spamming. also i have seen roblox when it first came out 2007? my friend had it and showed it to me and when i finally got my account about a year ago i was shocked to see what it was now i also called my friend and asked what it was called again just to make sure this was the same one.but back to the point roblox has turned ito crap and it does not look like its going to get better only worse
#38299084Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

Ok. A few threads in RT. 'Rolox...Or Homework', '7 POSTS!!', 'Can anyone donate 10 Robux?', 'ROBLOX OWES ME OBC 4 LIFE!' Crack squad, where in the world ARE YOU? Now OT. 'My 1001st post thread!!!', 'CHUCK NORRIS WIN!', 'CHARLIE SHEEN ROASTED FOUR KUMQUATS.' Now tell me that these forum's do not contain any random posts that are not against the rules. Then visit both forums and try to tell again.
#38300327Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

Final Quotes. Then I'll let people discuss: ___________________________________________________________________________ “The Admins don't really care about us Non-Builder’s Club members because we didn’t give them money. So we’re left with the stupid, overpriced hats. And they also think we don't deserve decent gear, so they let affordable gears expire.” ~JoeLuke001 ___________________________________________________________________________ “Being almost a 3-4 year veteran, I must say that ROBLOX has really gotten pretty bad. I mean, I used to play at least 5 hours a day, and I couldn't wait for winter time to roll around so I can get the gifts, but this year, my god. I have not even received one. And i go into the catalog and see that a good 80% of them need to be paid for. And the noobs on here, just wow. And another thing is that there is too much that you need BC, TBC, or OBC or ROBUX for. I am just saying that I really think that the Admins and makers of ROBLOX have gone out of the way of the community and have really made it all about greed. Greed because of money.”~meowth34 ___________________________________________________________________________ “ROBLOX is greedy indeed. They make everything cost ROBUX and they make NBC look like a band of hobos. They made several things BC only that aren't supposed to be. They made the Veteran's Day cap BC only for Pete’s sake. This disrespect has hit the NBC so hard that if one person gets BC, not only does he waste his precious money on something that isn't permanent, he becomes a complete megalomaniac and starts insulting NBC, putting down their opinions, suggestions, and hardcore work.” ~Impersonashun (sound familiar? :D) ___________________________________________________________________________ “This is what ROBLOX should be, (building) not a giant mess of socializing. This is ROBLOX, not RO-book or My-BLOX.” ~conner623 ___________________________________________________________________________ Discuss.
#38300768Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:15 PM GMT

Im bumping this. For Robloxity!
#38300967Tuesday, December 07, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

I will be quitting tomorrow. ROBLOX's greed has taken over. I'm not going to stay around as the site dies. I'll be building a graveyard of my best memories on ROBLOX. deltav is in charge of keeping this thread up and alive when I'm gone.

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