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#38669034Tuesday, December 14, 2010 12:47 AM GMT

In a world filled with many different creatures, there is a small group of heroes called the Peacekeepers. Some people call them the Guardians of The World, or the World Warriors. Whatever they choose to call themselves, they all share the same purpose: to protect the worlds and all who inhabit them. They all have their own unique weapons and armor. They use small, or sometimes large, spaceships to travel throughout the worlds and protect them. An evil group of people with black dragons and black robes called the Black Dragon Gang (BDG) are trying to harness the power of each world and use it for their own evil needs. BDG has tons of different minions. Their minions are all different species. Werewolves. Vampires. Elves. Weird black blobs. They have everything imaginable! But the Peacekeepers...They have something much greater. Good luck protecting the worlds. ;D ====================================================== Name: Ag.e: Allignment: Appearance: Weapon: Armor: Bio: Other: ===================================================== Name: Isaac Roten (Row-Ten) A.ge: 14 Allignment: Good Appearance: Shaggy brown hair. The back of his hair goes to the bottom of his neck, and his bangs go beneath his bottom lip, but he keeps his bangs swept to the side. He has bright blue eyes, and stands at 5 feet and 6 inches. He is very fit, muscular, and athletic. Most people would say he is very handsome. Weapon: None...Yet... Armor: None, yet. Bio: He lived with his parents in New York until they got mugged. Isaac sat, watching helplessly as his parents were shot. Once the mugger was gone, Isaac walked back to his house and fell asleep on the couch, scared, sad, and worried. He woke up on a small island with many trees, plants, and a waterfall. There were no buildings or anything else. This is where his adventure begins... ================================================ DISNEY WORLDS Space Paranoids- TRON world (the computer game) Timeless River- Steamboat Willee (spelled wrong, because of the censor...) world! Wonderland- Alice in Wonderland Olympus Colliseum- Hercules Deep Jungle- Tarzan Agrabah- Aladdin Halloween Town- The Nightmare Before Christmas Monstro- Pinocchio Atlantica- The Little Mermaid Neverland- Peter Pan Pixie Hollow- Tinkerbell (before she met Peter Pan) 100 Acre wood- Winnie The Pooh Port Royal- Pirates of The Carribean Pride Lands- Lion King Ancient China- Mulan Dwarf Village- Snow White & The Seven Dwarves Enchanted Lands- Sleeping Beauty Hawaii- Lilo and Stitch Deep Space- Stitch before he met Lilo Enchanted Rose- Beauty and The Beast Valiance- Valient Andy's Bedroom- Toy Story Monster's Incorporated- Monster's Inc. [Untitled]- Disney classics! Mickey Mouse shorts, Donald Duck, Goofy, etc. Narnia- The Chronicles of Narnia The Grand Prix- Cars Radiator Springs- Cars revisited [Untitled]- The Fox and The Hound Camelot- The Sword in The Stone PIXAR NOTE: A lot of the Disney movies listed above ARE ALSO Pixar. Anthill- Ants Paris- Ratatouille The Ocean- Finding Nemo [Untitled]- A Bug's Life UNDER OTHER CREATORS THAT I DON'T KNOW YET Pokemon world (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Orre, Almia, Sevii Islands, Orange Islands, Fiore, Oblivia, Duelist Region, Sinine Region, Battle Frontier, or Isshu) Digital World- Digimon Duelist Academy- Yu-Gi-Oh GX Domino City- Yu-Gi-Oh: Rulers of The Duel New Domino City- Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Beyblade world [untitled] Zatch Bell world [Untitled] Dragonball Z world (Namek included! Namek, their version of Earth, etc.) Imperial Lands- Avatar: The Last Airbender world! MegaMan world Vestroia- Bakugan Earth- Bakugan version Trinity Town (Made up :D) Ben 10 world. All planets included, and the Ben 10 version of Earth. Star Wars planets. Mandalor and all that. :D Earth- Marvel/DC Earth- Harry Potter I need help thinking of world names for these! Mine suck! And also, I need more added to the anime part. Theres pokemon and all that, but i know theres more i forgot... ====================================================== Isaac ran through the streets of his small, friendly town. There weren't many people or many buildings in the small town. It was a cozy little place. Everybody knew each other and cared about each other. As I said, there weren't many buildings, but yet somehow there wasn't much room to travel. The town had buildings acting as walls, trapping the citizens inside. The people could see the sky, but they couldn't see anything in the distance, as there were buildings blocking the way. There was a huge set of doors in the front of the town allowing citizens to leave, so they weren't totally trapped inside. There were other big doors throughout the town leading to other sections of the town. Alright... This 'town' is really just a district. The districts all together is the whole town. Each district has buildings acting as walls, and there are five districts. Now... Back to the story ... Isaac used all his strength to push the huge doors open. His arms were in pain, so he couldn't push the doors any further than what he needed to get through. He left District One and slid his body through the small opening that he had made by pushing the doors open to District Two.
#38670528Tuesday, December 14, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

Isaac ran to the end of District Two, to a large house. It was the only building to be a color other than grey. It was white with light blue windows. The windows had beautiful black patterns painted onto them. All other buildings in the city were grey with dark, tinted windows. Just as Isaac was about to knock at the door, people began running through the district screaming. They worked together to push the large doors open, and ran to another district. -What was that all about? ...- Isaac though, then raised his hand to knock at the door. Suddenly, the doors of the house burst open and a man in a tuxedo with a monocle, a top-hat, and a small black cane ran out of the house followed by a woman with a large case filled with jewelry. -But... I needed to deliver this book to you...- Isaac thought, then pulled a brown leather book out of his backpack. He rubbed his hands over the leather in awe. The book had no title or author. It was a journal. A field guide. Isaac sat down on a bench and opened the book, making sure that nobody was around. -Everybody went to District One, I think...- Isaac looked back at the book, just looking at the images within it. There were pictures of strange black figures, some pictures of even stranger white figures, and some pictures of weird, colorful figures. Isaac closed the book and placed it back into his backpack. -What is this book for? ... Some fictional characters? Was the person that made this book trying to make some fictional book, and this book was just that person's planning guide? ...- Isaac walked back to District One. Isaac opened the book again once he got to his house. There was a strange yellow creature with black at the tips of its ears and red circles on its cheeks. (PIKA PIKA!) Isaac kept reading. An orange dinosaur-like creature. (AGUMON!!! RAAAWWWRRR!!!) Isaac closed the book. "How weird..." He said to himself. Isaac left his house. Isaac suddenly noticed how small Trinity Town was. How trapped in the citizens were. Isaac ran to the big doors that said 'Exit,' but there was nothing there. Just black empty space. "WHAT THE- What happened!?" Isaac said out loud. Isaac felt a hand against his back and he fell forward into the empty space. "WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" He screamed. He never got to see who pushed him in. He woke up in a huge box. There were other things beneath him. They were...Plastic? "Where am I!? Is there anyone here!?" Isaac shouted. "Sssshhhh!!!! If Andy hears you, who knows what'll happen to us!?" Something said. "What? Who's Andy?" Isaac asked, confused. "You have to be kidding, right? How can you not know who Andy is? We're his toys!" -Toys? We're his toys!? What is this place!?- Isaac thought. Isac heard a door open. "EVERYONE, STAY STILL!" Another voice said, and Isaac obeyed. He sat perfectly still. "What!? Mom! You got a new toy for me!? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Andy picked Isaac up and ran down the hall, then exclaimed. -What!? I've shrunked down to the size of a toy!? Oh...No...This can NOT be good...- Isaac thought. "Not today, Zurg!" Andy said, playing with his Buzz Lightyear. "Alright, Andy! Time to go to the store! We might get you a new toy!" His mom shouted. "Another one!?" Andy asked excitedly. "Yep. Just get in the car!" "Can I bring a toy with me?" "Just two." "Hmm...I pick...My new one and Buzz!" Andy exclaimed, picking Isaac and Buzz Lightyear up, then running out of the house with him. -Oh no...- Isaac thought. When the car stopped at the store, Buzz and Isaac were left in the car. I jumped up. "Where are we!?" Isaac asked. "The store. Andy wanted to play with us! He picked us, and not Woody! Wait 'til I tell the guys back at the toybox!" Buzz replied. "Err...Alright...So we're toys?" "Yes. What did you think we were? Did you think I was an actual space ranger!?" "I dunno...I'm really confused right now..." Isaac went to the backseat's door handle and pulled it. The door opened slightly, then Isaac pushed it the rest of the way open. "Where are you going!?" Buzz asked. "Home." "Home!? Andy'll think you got stolen or something! You can't just go home! How will that be explained!? Andy wants to play with us! He'll be disappointed when you're not here!" Buzz shouted, then kept rambling on about something. Isaac just kept walking. I ran as far as I possibly could, but Buzz Lightyear grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. He picked me up and tried running back to the car with me. "NO!" I shouted, kicking and punching Buzz. His helmet was open! I punched him in the face and he dropped me. I got up and ran. He was chasing me. He was close behind. We were in the middle of the street, and a car came by and nearly hit Buzz. -Dang...So close...- I thought, still running. Buzz was still chasing me. In the blink of an eye, I was back in Trinity Town... ~What the-~ I thought. Suddenly, a black blob appeared, then another one beside it, and another one. They turned around, revealing glowing yellow eyes and a glowing purple mouth. ~WHAT THE-!?~ I thought, then a white scimitar appeared in my right hand. Taking a closer look, it was more like a wing. A dragon wing. It was white, but the inside parts were a bright yellow. I swung it around. It was ligt, and it made a whistling noise when I swung it. -I guess...I guess I'm supposed to attack these things, maybe...Let's see if they're evil, first...- I thought, then one of the blobs leaped at me, answering my question. I stabbed it with the strange scimitar, then leaped into the air. Before landing, I stabbed another blob. I looked around. They kept multiplying. There was no way I could defeat them all. I ran to the other district of the town, only to see more of the blobs. -Oh, no...Where...Where am I gonna go? ...I can't POSSIBLY defeat all of them!- I thought, then began attacking some of the blobs. (( You *could* appear here, and help me fight them... ))
#38671165Tuesday, December 14, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

Name: Jai Ag.e: around 15 Allignment: Good Appearance: (I'll add the link in my nest post) Weapon: A silver sword with a black handal Armor: A basic silver armor Bio: Now known. Other: N/A
#38671638Tuesday, December 14, 2010 1:14 AM GMT

((Note: THis isn't mine I was going to post mine but It was just so horable that a found another one here: http://www.roblox.com/anime-girl-fave-before-take-item?id=38096777 ))
#38673673Tuesday, December 14, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

(( Accepted. :D ))
#38680506Tuesday, December 14, 2010 2:52 AM GMT

(Cool, WHen do we start)
#38681366Tuesday, December 14, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

Name: Ciara Heran Ag.e: 19 Allignment: Evil >:3 Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Anime-School-Goth-Girl-2-item?id=9653663 Weapon: duel, black katanas with red and silver handles Armor: Black and silver with leather straps, and a black cloak Bio: She grew up in Wonderland, but when her family was killed by the queen of hearts, she joined BDG for revenge. Other: ..idk :P
#38713006Tuesday, December 14, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

(( Accepted. And@the first person , I already started. :P Make your intro be helping me fight the blobs pl0x? ))
#38721952Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

(derp! I'm back!..should I make a intro?)
#38724750Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:10 AM GMT

(( Yus. And if that first person doesn't come back by tomorrow, can you make a second character that's good, and that charry can come help, and be mah bestest friend and all that ? ))
#38725616Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:21 AM GMT

(OK! I'll try >.>) I watched the boy fight the black blobs from the roof of a tall building 'There's one here' I wrote down in a old, black, leather bound book and waited. slowly, the ink disappeared and new words formed. 'That's good...' the book wrote back in black ink. This didn't surprise me, I wrote to this book all the time. Every one has one, I think it goes to the commander. 'should I intercept?' I wrote down 'no no...' It told me 'wait and see what he does...' I closed the book and wondered how the book knew it was a boy that was fighting the blobs, but I didn't think of it much. I zoned out and thought of my home, Wonderland. What a beautiful place it is. Then I snapped back and continued to watch the fight. (its not as long as yours >.>)
#38727456Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:47 AM GMT

A blob jumped onto my back, and I started to lose my balance. I swung at some blobs in front of me, and they vanished into clouds of purple and black smoke on contact. Then another blob jumped onto my back, and I fell to the ground. "GAH!" I shouted in pain. I couldn't block my fall, so my chin hit the ground. My sword flew in front of me about twenty feet, then disappeared into black smoke. I tried summoning it, but couldn't. The blobs were piling up on me now.
#38727750Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:50 AM GMT

Name: The Traveler "John" Ag.e: He does not know himself, rumored to be ageless. Allignment: Unaligned Appearance: A strange man who appears to be in his early twentys, he is weirdly tall and thin. The Traveler has dark black moppy hair, some in his eyes, aside from that his eyes are a deep blue with strange red pupils. The Traveler wears a large brown trench coat with many pockets, they each seem to open up to there own universe. Under that he wears boring dull canvas pants and a white dress shirt. The Traveler wear's a black mask, at the ends it looks like silver bird feathers. Weapon: The pockets can produce a number of weird weapons, from maces to swords. Aside from that he owns a strange book entitled "The Book Of Life." it can open rifts to other worlds and dimensions. Armor: His trench coat can resist some attacks and is resistant to the elements. Bio: A strange man who traverses dimensions, he enjoys the sights of them. He is never in the same place for long, showing up for short periods of time to help people. Once he lived in a primitive world, of knights and swords. His father was a merchant, he was used to traveling. He was never in the same place for long. When he was twelve, strange raiders killed his parents and killed the caravan, but left John alive. John survived and traveled for a while before finding a town where he took odd jobs. After a few years he was working as a horse stall cleaner, a star crashed outside. He examined the scence and found a book in the rubble, unscathed by the blast. He picked it up and read, nobody knows what it said. It is rumored to be his own "Book Of Life." He dissapeared from that world forever and traveled through dimensions exploring looking. And for some reason he never seemed to age, he soon found his trench coat and the mask after traveling a few dimensions. He only goes by "The Traveler" now, he calls himself John to close freinds. Other:
#38728291Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

(( Accepted!!!! Judging by your bio, you look pretty experienced in roleplaying? ))
#38728380Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

(Huh... this reminds me of Kingdom Hearts... except for all the useless video game worlds and anime worlds.)
#38728693Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

(Pocket weapon finding I can only do three times a day, the pockets are unopenable after that for a day.)
#38728853Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

(this is good, people are joining!) I saw the blobs take down the boy, but felt little pity for him. I gave off a shrill whistle and a large, black dragon landed near the boy. The dragon was pure black, but in the sun light you could see streaks of rainbows, just like oil.
#38728895Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

(I am a bit of a role player, I have not found one to play in for a few weeks.)
#38728929Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

Name: Sintag Ag.e: 19 Allignment: Good. Appearance: Brown hair with a purple feather, white glasses that annoying always reflect light, and then the typical armor and items. He also holds a pole which he uses with his telekinetics to smash through a single, heavily armored troop with ease. Weapon: His powerful mind grants him the ability to freely move objects, including enemies. His fists also pack a suprisingly long reach, being able to strike foes at a distance. Just not for too long, though. Armor: White armor with a red streak on the left shoulderplate. Spiked gloves designed to intensify his telekinetics to enable his punches to go very long-range. Bio: He finished his studies three years early, and then he focused his powerful mind on aiding the World Warriors with new ships and armor. Because his mind has developed enough ships for the team and then some, he's since focused his telekinetics towards his combat abilities. Other: He rides a ship that runs almost exclusively on standard stardust fuel, although he has been known to occasinally use decaying plasma to power the weapons to insane amounts of power, save for the fact that it consumes more fuel doing that.
#38729716Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:14 AM GMT

The Traveler- I drifted through the place in between dimensions, it was blank and white. It looked like blank paper, just like the blank pages at the back of the "Book Of Life." I floated through the air with boredem and thought about which dimension to travel to. It was hard to pick, most of them were facing conflicts nowadays. I was waiting for a opening that "The Book Of Life." would create for me to go to a new dimension. I can choose freely unless something horrible is going on. To my suprise I saw a rift in the distance, rifts inbetween dimensions looks like ever changing pages. This one had bold lettering and it blinked in red ink, "URGENT." I chuckled and thought about what the hell brought me to this?! I never could remember my past. I have been wanting to know recently, "How could a normal person become like this?!" I thought to myself. I sighed and floated towards the rift, the words flew around me and sealed, I became living ink and I absorbed into the page. "I love how these rifts teleport you." I thought with a smirk before my vision faded.
#38730132Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:19 AM GMT

Name: Geo Darkwood Ag.e: 15 Allignment: Good, even though he looks evil. Appearance: Has dark brown hair, black eyes covered by his black sunglasses, and tan skin. He wears a black coat, and black and white checkered shirt under his coat, and blue jeans. Has blue and white sneakers. Weapon: The Blade of Black and White. It has it's own rhyme: "The Blade must be carried with two, for shall it will fall in horror for you. Darkness and Light will keep this stong, but that doesn't mean your power isn't wrong. Don't let this blade go to the wrong hands, or your faith in your soul will be in bands." Pretty much, you have to carry it in two hands, because it is a two-handle blade. Darkness and the light will give it a short boost, but it hurts the user. And if anybody else but Geo uses the blade, lets just say the results won't be pretty. Armor: None. Bio: Geo has been exploring the lands, and he lives in the Black-and-White Land (Can you accept this idea for a world? It's like with all the old Mickey cartoons and stuff.) He found the Blade of Black and White which has even made Mickey Mouse somewhat scared. Other: Friendly, but not afraid to destroy you,
#38731191Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

(( Accepted. And Mew, post a reply pl0x? Isaac's like, dying. >.< ))
#38731328Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:32 AM GMT

(I DID! look about 6 posts up ^^^^^^^)
#38731601Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:35 AM GMT

(Oh oh oh I wanna help. :P)
#38732289Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:42 AM GMT

(( Ooh. I just saw the top part. And everybody's accepted so far. )) I struggled to get out of the blobs, but failed. I finally managed to summon my scimitar, though, and I got rid of a couple blobs. But then they jumped on my arm and I couldn't use the scimitar. :P

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