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#38744655Wednesday, December 15, 2010 4:55 AM GMT

NathanaelR2, you have a made a genious idea, full credit to you! CS: In A: [What knid of building?] N.ame: Colony/Camp Name: Genre: [What kind of Apocalypse?] Power/Difficulty: Traits: [2 To pick] Terrain: Difficulty/Power: 1[Difficult]: Having only you and about four other people. Almost no supplies. 2[Moderate]: Yourself and about ten people. With a few supplies. 3[Mid Level]: Yourself, and about fifteen people. Pretty average supplies. 4[Easy]: Yourself, and about twenty people. Fair amount of supplies. 5[Easiest]: Having yourself, and about thirty people. Enough supplies for an easy start. Traits: ~1~ Trusty: People will work 'till they almost literally drop for you. ~2~ Constructionist: Anyone you command in the feild of construction works two times faster. ~3~ Medicine Man: Doctors, Medics, and other medical staff work with only few mistakes. Medical Anomolies are notified... ~4~ Biologist: You have knowledge of many edible plants and animals. ~5~ Scientologist: You have knowledge of things science related. ~6~ Enforcer: Peopel don't trust too much, but your troops fight much better. ~7~ Scout: Some events are seen by scouts ahead of time. You only get five scouts. They are unreplaceable. ~8~ Champion: Melee fighter's are more skilled, and are quicker with decisions. ~9~ Gun Slinger: Any troop with a gun is more effecitve, but only by a bit. ~10~ The Negotiator: It is easier to have allies, yet, still difficult. However, bribes are slightly more effective. ~11~ Moraleist: Peoples morale is much higher, but, one crushing defeat, and people high tale it. ~12~ Advisor: A person amongst the population is more intelligant with decisions. Only one. If he/she is killed, you get no more. ~13~ Truth: Lies are usually seen. But, still difficult. Avaible Terrains: Forest: Resources are common, but usually are guarded. Many chances for; wood, stone, and water. Animals are common. NPC colonies/camps rare. Mountains: Resources are rarer, and are always guarded. Many chances for; stone, metals, and moderate chances for water. Animals uncommon. NPC camps/colonies uncommon. Cities: Resources are common, sometimes guarded. Many chances for; Too many to list. But water is very difficult to get. Animals legendary. NPC colonies are common. Town: [Towns can go into either a forest, mountain, or plain!] Chances for everyday resources here are pretty average. Rarely guarded. Animals; depends where you are. NPC colonies/camps are uncommon. Plains: Flat areas. Resources like water, wood, and stone are easy to spot. NPC camps rare. Animals are uncommon. [Things to remember!] - Player ISRPs can interact if in the same area. - Difficulty effects people, supply findings, and other camps. -The harder the difficulty, the more useful the people are. [Please Read...] Only two or three will be made... Don't post if I say that no more will be made.
#38746476Wednesday, December 15, 2010 6:14 AM GMT

In A: [What knid of building?] A barricaded resturant. N.ame: John Standlers Colony/Camp Name: Riders of the Apocalspe Genre: [What kind of Apocalypse?] L4D please. Power/Difficulty: 3 Traits: [2 To pick] Trusty and Constructionist. Terrain: Cities
#38750564Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:30 PM GMT

In A: [What knid of building?] Bunker N.ame: Deimos (unknown last name) Colony/Camp Name: New Hope XV Genre: [What kind of Apocalypse?] L4D Power/Difficulty: 3 Traits: [2 To pick] strong and quick Terrain: wasteland
Top 25 Poster
#38751045Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:54 PM GMT

In A: Hospital. Name: Michael Hennels Colony/Camp Name: Mudd-Runnerz Genre: Zombies, sluggish but still alive. Have very basic intelligence, but are angry and hungry beyond all rationality. Waterborne and airborne, but all surviving people are either carriers or simply immune. Power/Difficulty: 1 Traits: Trusty, Medicine Man Terrain: City.
#38784013Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:17 AM GMT

CS: In A: Wallmart N.ame: Bane jordan Colony/Camp Name: Camp kenivo Genre: Nukelear Warfare/10 years after Nuke Power/Difficulty: 2 Traits: [2 To pick] Trusty,Medcience man Terrain: Desert area.
#38784337Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:21 AM GMT

In A: [What kind of building?] Office Building N.ame: Aaron Price Colony/Camp Name: Mercy (I Heart L4D references.) Genre: [What kind of Apocalypse?] Zombie Power/Difficulty: 2 Traits: [2 To pick] 9 & 4 Terrain: Urban Jungle
#38784529Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

No more will be made, sorry. Happy holidays!
Top 50 Poster
#38784549Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

I have observed, this, unlike many, IS a true ISRP. Most people just make dungeon crawlers. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#38784583Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:24 AM GMT

But you gave me the link....
#38784750Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

I'm making it now :3 I saw yours. It'll be done shortly!
#38784781Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

In A: Baracaded Hotel N.ame: Zachary Holofriz Colony/Camp Name: New Boston Genre: Zombie,the zombies are rather human like nad will only attack humans and infect them if severly hungry.They have a moderate appetite Power/Difficulty: 1 Traits: Trusy,Medicine Man Terrain: Town in forest.(If ok,if not,City)
#38785250Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

(Sorry, your a wee bit too late. Have a nice day.) Oh, and thanks for the nice comment NathanielR2, I watched yours :P
#38791598Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:35 AM GMT

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#38792704Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

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#38793589Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

CS just in case: In A: Small general store, that was raided, so there aren't many supplies. N.ame: Derek Colony/Camp Name: (Haven't thought of one yet.) Genre: Zombie, no things from l4d, only regulars and animals. Power/Difficulty: 1 Traits: 9 and 10 Terrain: Town, Forest 1/2 mile to the east, city 57 miles north, and mountain 39 miles south-east.
#38793717Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:58 AM GMT

#38807071Thursday, December 16, 2010 5:57 AM GMT

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#38811610Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:31 PM GMT

He said "No more being made today."Hmmmmmmmmm?If a spot opened,it would be me.I made my CS before you 2.Fact win.
#38847925Friday, December 17, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

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#38847982Friday, December 17, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

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#38848086Friday, December 17, 2010 12:59 AM GMT

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#38848165Friday, December 17, 2010 12:59 AM GMT

Thanx,I am smart :>B and no,he does it in order.
#38848367Friday, December 17, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

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#38848371Friday, December 17, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

Where?And he didn`t say anywhere here that he reserved one for you.FACT WIN)
#38848453Friday, December 17, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

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