#39379551Thursday, December 23, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

Ooc; I won't I'll just make my character VERY hostile.
#39385785Friday, December 24, 2010 12:46 AM GMT

Ooc; No offense, but this is a god. (Nearly) Immortal, extremely hard to kill. Alex turned to glare at the one shouting. "This is a GOD! A minor one... But still a god! Don't mess with him!" Alex said under her breath. "I CAN HEAR YOU THIEFS! I won't fall for your lies! I know you are here to steal my precious jewels!!!" The god shouted. "I AM LEWEJ!! GOD OF THE GEMSTONES!!! MY JEWELS ARE PRECIOUS TO ME!! NO THIEFT WILL STEAL THEM!!!" Lewej shouted, red beams suddenly firing from his eyes in the direction of Alex, narrowly missing her and singeing the ground where it hit.
#39385874Friday, December 24, 2010 12:47 AM GMT

Ooc; Well, technically, not from his eyes, from his rubies-in-place-of-eyes ripoe's? 0.e
#39386147Friday, December 24, 2010 12:50 AM GMT

"You might be a god but dude, you're a hermet!" I told him. Ooc; Casey is insane remember that now. :3
#39386450Friday, December 24, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

Ooc; Casey, when you said "Started stabbing it in the eye" It kinda scared me...
#39387075Friday, December 24, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

Ooc; Ooook then. Bic; Alex rolled her eyes at Casey and ran as quietly as she could away from Lewej, realising that he must have extremely sensitive hearing, Alex figured that talking would mean getting roasted, she mad a; SHHH! Motion with her hands, and then motioned for everyone to follow her, and to get as far away from Lewej as possible.
#39387977Friday, December 24, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

"Lewej, we do not mean to steal. We are demi-gods, and we were almost killed by my father Hanex. we simply wish to pass by. we promise not to take anything, and we will allow you to follow us." i said, hoping to get on teh gods good side. maybe he could help us?
#39388397Friday, December 24, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

Ooc; :DDDD Lynk, did you just purposely make the plan even better? XD
#39388892Friday, December 24, 2010 1:22 AM GMT

Lewej turned in the direction of Siad, his face showing a mix of anger and calm. "Are you trully the children of gods?" Lewej asked skeptically. "If so, you should have no trouble beating one of my minions!" Lewej said, laughing. "COME! JEWEL BEAST!!!" Lewej shouted. There was a short pause, before a large roar came from behind him, and what looked like a large lion covered in gemstones came out of the darkness. "If you defeat this, I might believe you are the children of the gods. If not, well, too bad for you!" Lewej said proudly, sitting down to watch.
#39389033Friday, December 24, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

(no, i didn't. i didn't know your plan, lawl. watch? if he has no eyes... how can he "watch"?) "oh crap." i said.
#39389039Friday, December 24, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

Ooc; I just realized I didn't put when she transforms to Divine form..
#39389257Friday, December 24, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

Ooc; Okay. I figured it out. Nevermind. Thanks Blox :D
#39389308Friday, December 24, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

Noelle "Really? Reaaallly?" I muttered to myself.
#39389416Friday, December 24, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

"well, here goes nothing!" i said, and picked up a rock and threw it. "BRING IT!" as it hit the lion in the face. it roared and looked at me. "well that backfired..." i said.
#39389607Friday, December 24, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

Ooc; Well, I guess more listen. Bic; Alex gulped and backed up against a wall, she attempted to fire some stars at the beast, but they where merely deflected by it's gemstone armor. "Umm... Guys?" Alex said nervously. "I can't do anything! Help!" She said as the beast drew closer to her, growling.
#39391030Friday, December 24, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

i looked at the monster. obviously nothing would hurt it... i was mad. we couldn't kill it! how were demi-gods supposed to do this?! i was angry at all of this. were we MEANT to die? why would we have to DIE for no reason? we didn't do anything! and that THING was impenetrable. i wanted to cry, and i wanted to kill... then i started to glow. "wha-?" i said shocked, and after a few seconds the glow got brighter, and brighter, and all of a sudden i was EXTREMELY tall, with a large sword in my hands. i radiated power, and fear. i felt like i was on top of the world! i took a few steps towards the monster and realized i moved extraordinarily slow, but i was covered in thick armor. i grinned. "BRING IT, LITTLE CREATURE!" i yelled, and swung my sword at it.
#39391771Friday, December 24, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

Alex gasped as Siad transformed, he was now wearing armor, and he was HUGE. "S-Siad??" Alex gasped in shock, looking him over, how did that happen? Thats when Alex remembered Kleu mentioning something about divine forms, this must be what she had meant. "GO SIAD!" Alex shouted, figuring, if she couldn't do anything against the beast, she might as well cheer him on, though she figured it would have no effect on Siad, she could tell it was making Lewej worry.
#39392502Friday, December 24, 2010 2:04 AM GMT

i started walking towards it, swinging my sword around in huge arcs. "come here little cat!" i said, inviting it to come forwards towards me. "come and taste my blade!" as i slowly came closer to it.
#39392604Friday, December 24, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

Gabriella let out a small squeak of fear as the lion's mighty paws came crashing in her direction. She cringed and held her hand in front of her. Out sprayed a gray misty substance, onto the lion's eyes, and the jewls near them. The jewels began to wore down as the lion shut it's eyes momentarily to rid itself of the quickly hottening mist. Gabriella took this oppurtunity to run. "Siad!! hit it's face!"
#39392879Friday, December 24, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

it closed it's eyes and it stopped moving, giving me time to get close to it. "hey there kitty cat! time to die!" i said and jabbed forward with my sword. it punctured the jewel-covered hide, and gave it a nasty cut, but it had heard me and had dove. the cut was deep, but not fatal, and i cursed. "get back here!" i said, and in anger i threw my sword. the sword spun and got a lucky hit: the blade hit the beast in it's ribs, and punctured through to the other side. it went through the entire rib cage, and the beast stopped. it howled, and fell over, dead.
#39393090Friday, December 24, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

once the thing was dead, instinct made me throw out my hand, calling the sword. it wrenched itself free of its late victim, and flew to my hand. in one smooth movement i caught it and sheathed it on my back. i turned towards Lewej, and said: "the beast is dead." and i returned to normal form, in my original clothes, without the armor, normal sized, no sword. i was really weak, and collapsed onto the ground.
#39393130Friday, December 24, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

Lewej stood up and gasped. "Y-you DID IT." He said in shock.. "But wait..." He said, walking over to Siad. "I sense Hanex in you.. I haven't seen him for a long time, but there is no mistaking it! You are his son!" Lewej said in shock. "My apologies, all of you. You see, as god of the gemstones, my treasure is very dear to me, being as large as it is, many try to steal it, so I have grown very unkind to unknown visitors.." Lewej said, smiling a bit.
#39393283Friday, December 24, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

i managed to regain a little strength. "heh. kinda why i said "my father tried to kill us" earlier. no problem, Lewej." i said, then: "can i get a little help please?"
#39393427Friday, December 24, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

Lewej looked in the direction of Siad, a confused look on his face. "Help? With what?" Lewej asked, eyebrows raised in confusion.
#39393477Friday, December 24, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

"oh, sorry. just a little... tired. guess transforming took a little outta me..." i said.