#66493954Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:46 AM GMT

march 23: i just invented a time machine!! and go back in time when i understood how the space time continuem works and give time machine to my past self
#66516825Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:32 PM GMT

March 24: My past self returns and gives me back the time machine. I return to the present. Unfortunately, where I ended up was under a falling lourde...
#66746341Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:21 PM GMT

March 25: I'm lonely... I am bumping this up.
#66813328Sunday, April 22, 2012 5:55 PM GMT

March 26: My family and I seem to be the only people not under a Chuck Cunningham syndrome. Bump to cure from the C. Cunningham Syndrome!
#66926417Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:30 PM GMT

March 27th I was just playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii on my nintendo wii while it was storming. I was just about to beat Bowser when suddenly BOOM THE POWER SHUT OFF BECAUSE OF THE STORM!!! I ran outside with apparently a golf club to throw at the storm. I started yelling at the storm then I got electricuted by lightning since the golf club was metal. Even worst of all the storm killed all my saved games on my Mario game so now I have to start all over. Why did the world do that to me.
#66927279Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:42 PM GMT

March 28th I went on a boat ride but the boat accidently drove into THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE!!! First, the boat's controls got messed up, then there was big mysterious eerie fog that rolled in, finally the boat just sank. So now I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. Well atleast there are fish such as dolphins, and sharks to keep me company. Wait SHARKS?!
#66927672Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

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#66927927Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:53 PM GMT

March 30th It's still storming so I decided to sneak through the sewers to get home and come through the toilet. Wow it was so dark in the sewers. But I didn't see where I was going then I fell into the dirty sewer water. Worst of all, I accidently found a super secret lab and the guys who worked there decided to taze me. Finally I managed to find my way back but however, have you heard about the alligators in the sewers? Well they're real and one attacked me. I finally got home and crawled in through the toilet. Turns out someone was using the toilet and I got a horrible suprise. But atleast I got home without being electricuted.
#66928900Tuesday, April 24, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

March 31st There was a contest to see if anyone could capture bigfoot. The reward was $1,000,000 and that is a whole lot of money. So I went in the forest and went after Bigfoot. I heard a twig snap behind me then I looked and saw BIGFOOT!! I was so scared I ran out of the forest screaming and back to my house.
#67077010Friday, April 27, 2012 10:07 PM GMT

April 1st. Someone asked me if they could give me a billion dollars. I said yes, but it was a senior prank!
#67077542Friday, April 27, 2012 10:15 PM GMT

April 2nd So I went to the bank to get some money. But there was a bank robbery there. Apparently for no reason, the guy robbing the bank decided to shoot me then throw the bag of money at me so when the police came, they thought that I WAS THE ONE ROBBING THE BANK!!! Now my parents have to get me out of jail tomorrow.
#67078277Friday, April 27, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

April 3rd: The police let me out. Unfortunately, someone other than the guy robbing the bank, who was Bella from earlier, was framed as well.
#67078447Friday, April 27, 2012 10:29 PM GMT

April 4th: I got on ROBLOX and was flamed for having been in jail a day earlier. I think I have stalkers..
#67130444Saturday, April 28, 2012 5:30 PM GMT

April 5th: I jumped in some water, with sharks. The Floodcheck made things worse.
#67135911Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:56 PM GMT

April 6th I went to the pet store today. I was looking at the cats. For some reason, some guy gave me a fish. Then suddenly a cat started screeching at me and jumped on me then starting clawing. Worst of all the cat had rabies. I hated that cat so much because it sent me to the hospital. One day I hope to get revenge on that cat.
#67136564Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:05 PM GMT

April 7- I was swimming with my Penguin friends, but then an Orca attacked me. Now I have a broken arm.
#67136725Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:08 PM GMT

April 8, An alligator bit my leg off. ~happybeanz123~
#67136781Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:08 PM GMT

April 8th Ok so I went fishing today. Nothing could go wrong. But then, I caught another fish and then suddenly that cat that attacked me at the pet store a few days ago came back. Once again I got attacked and scratched and clawed by that stupid cat. Now they even put me in a newspaper with a article saying "Boy gets up by weak cat." Now everyone is laughing and making fun of me. Ok tomorrow that cat is going down.
#67136878Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:10 PM GMT

April 9th above.
#67154065Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

April 10: I lure that cat from earlier with a fish, and then I throw said fish in the water, causing the cat to jump in the water. The cat can't swim. Plus, I get in the newspaper article "Boy gets revenge on weak cat".
#67159971Sunday, April 29, 2012 12:59 AM GMT

April 11th Ok I got rid of that cat but when I got home from the store, I saw the ghost of the cat and the ghost said that he came to haunt me forever. Great now I got a ghost cat haunting me for the rest of my life T_T.
#67161060Sunday, April 29, 2012 1:16 AM GMT

april 12th i broke my neck and im parilized but i still have to go to school :*(
#67179932Sunday, April 29, 2012 7:46 AM GMT

april 13th: A girl from my class named ana showed my a american football and... I guess you all know what's gonna happend! Then she said: Hey come here try to kick this football and im not going to take it away from you! Me: Ok! This thing should i have never had done! Beside almost everybody was watching! I tryed to run so fast i could! And then she took the ball away and i flew mid in the air! And to the ground! While i was screaming: AAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!! And everybody laughed! And in the newspaper there was a new title of me named: Is this boy Charlie brown in reality? Man my life sucks.
#67198696Sunday, April 29, 2012 5:03 PM GMT

April 14th: Edd Gould's ghost was out to get me :(
#67204989Sunday, April 29, 2012 6:25 PM GMT

April 15th I hired the ghostbusters to get rid of those two ghosts haunting me. The ghostbusters captured the ghosts and I finally got rid of the ghosts forever. But unfortuanly, the ghostbusters said that catching a cat's ghost and a ghost named Edd would cost 1,000,000 dollars. So now I'm out of cash and have no idea what to do.