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#38870762Friday, December 17, 2010 10:24 AM GMT

Starting Story: An alien ship crashes on Mars. It then gets found by some Scientists and Military..they call in some teams to examine it (you). The game begins with another alien ship just found in orbit around Mars. Rules: 1 No killing You cannot kill another person without permission. Blowing up another ship is alright unless the other person does not escape. 2 Follow the events If you want something to happen, make events to lead up to it! To change your team (teams explained further down), make some events to lead up to it! 3 Follow all ROBLOX Rules! 4 No God Modding No one is invincible No one can heal in like five seconds. When you get killed, you are removed from the roleplay. FOR EVER. When you take control of other people's characters without permission. You should know the rest. 5 Admins The ONLY admin for this game is Mryesname543. But I might say you can become one. Admins: The admins control what the aliens do. You CAN: Board alien ships (it's hard to take control.). Attack aliens. Please let the admins control our side of big battles (if any). You control yours. The Teams: (You could change your team.) Military: Want to kill all hostiles (admins) and keep everyone safe. Scientists: Wants to research things. Or study any alien tech. Civilans: Wants themselves to stay alive. Special Talent: Pilot: An EXPERT pilot. Science: Expert at researching and studying things. (Best use if you're a Scientist) Engineer: Expert at repairing and building. Medic: Better at healing people. Handling Explosives: Better than others at handling explosives Faster to learn how to use alien explosives. Weapon Speclist: Better with any type of weapons. Faster to learn how to use alien weps. Stealth: Better at spying or going on missions when you can't be noticed by anyone else. Disadvantages: You need to choose ONE thing you CANNOT do from the Special Talent list. So, that means you cannot do them AT ALL! Character Sheet: Name: Special Talents: Gen.der: Team: Disadvantages: Homeworld (Mars, Earth): Ways of transport: Stargate – A round device, used to get from one palnet to another. (You can not go to Mars and then back to Earth or the other way around.) Wormhole – Something in space to get from one place to another faster. Not like a stargate, you don't have control of where they form or when they open and close. Space ships – Used to get around in space. (Only way to get to and from Mars from Earth or the other way around.) Sorry for the long post.
#38920096Saturday, December 18, 2010 3:52 AM GMT

(I like a custom Character Sheet. =D) Name - Cole Porter A.ge - 22 Special Talent - Weapon Specialist Disadvantage - Stealth Appearance - White T-Shirt, Blue Jeans, Blue Eyes, Brown Hair, And A Scar On His Left Shoulder Team - SSF (Special Space Forces) HomeWorld - Earth Species - Human SpaceShip - Galaxy Ripper Descrption: The SSF is a special team that is in the military. The SSF soldiers were hand picked by generals. They are armed well. They protect Earth from alien invasions. Cole is a skilled trooper. He shows no mercy to the aliens. Cole has experienced two years as a SSF trooper. Cole is a Christian, so he doesn't use swear words. He's one of those strong silent types.
#38924994Saturday, December 18, 2010 5:14 AM GMT

Accepted. But please change your team to one of my choices! :)
#38929200Saturday, December 18, 2010 7:26 AM GMT

Nevermind about changing the team! :)
#38945084Saturday, December 18, 2010 5:07 PM GMT

(Thanks! Shall we begin?)
#38968222Saturday, December 18, 2010 10:51 PM GMT

Depends on this: Do you want to be a admin untill MorgaIsCewl gets back, if he comes back? If yes: We need to wait for someone else. If no: We can start.
#38988686Sunday, December 19, 2010 3:33 AM GMT

(I guess I'll be a temporary admin until Morgan arrives. Thanks!)
#38988750Sunday, December 19, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

(No problem. I'll see if any of my friends want to join.)
#38989345Sunday, December 19, 2010 3:42 AM GMT

(I don't have any friends that forum besides you. Do you think Morgan would think I'm cool too?)
#38989437Sunday, December 19, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

(Probably. Same with my friends. No one forums. I'll try, though.)
#38989663Sunday, December 19, 2010 3:46 AM GMT

(The last time I RP'ed with Morgan, he always had to correct me becuase I didn't know much about foruming back then. He always had to say stuff like "Uhm, Grahamson, I have to accept your CS first.". XD)
#39015109Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:31 PM GMT

(I don't think anybody else is going to join any time soon. I think we should just start RPing.)
#39039544Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Sparks Special Talents: Engineer Gen.der: Male Team: Scientists Disadvantages: No good with explosives Homeworld (Mars, Earth): Mars Let's begin ! :-)
#39039614Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

Accepted and we will! Begin!
#39039944Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

Sparks is in his engineering research lab on Mars when he hears the news about a second alien ship approaching. This one is BIG ! He starts making calls to other researchers to see what more information is available. An expedition has already left to examine the crash site of the first shoip, but Sparks is not in it :-( He wonders if they know about the second ship approaching ? Sparks makes a call to Mars Defence to see what the military is doing...
#39040103Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

(Yay!!!) I stand in the hanger, watching the engineers put gas in my Galaxy Ripper. One of teh engineers walks up to me. "If you're going to go into space, you'll need your weapons and armour. Go to the armoury." the engineer sais. I walk to the armoury and grab a Plasma Blaster, a few grenades, and my Plasma Pistol. I put on my space suit. I might need it. I grab my lazer sword. I walk back outside and get in my Galaxy Ripper. I start everything up. The hangar opens and I fly into space.
#39040150Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

The second alien ship starts to come down and land on Mars...it looks very different to the crashed one. Much bigger, too.
#39040612Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:02 PM GMT

I set my ship on auto pilot. I walk into the lounge room on my ship and turn on the TV. I watch a channel called "Space News". "On mars, another alien ship has landed. It's larger than the crashed one and looks different." the news lady sais. I walk back into the co.ck pit and drive towards Mars.
#39040874Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

I can't get through to Mars Defence - are they offline or destroyed ? Reports that one ship - the Galaxy Ripper - has managed to take off, but that's all. I get a call that a new team is being assembled to meet the second alien ship - and I'm in it ! I've been asked to help examine any tech on board. Not sure at the moment where it's going to land.... will it be near the first crash site ? I wonder what it's doing here. maybe I should try to contact the first team...
#39040966Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

(cool-o, im joing)
#39041075Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:07 PM GMT

The alien ship lands. RIGHT next to the other one. Then something comes out from the second alien ship. It's trying to take important parts out of the other ship. Another door opens from the second ship. Some aliens are coming out.
#39041242Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

I finally make it to Mars. I land. I hop out of the ship. I load my Plasma Blaster and walk over to a soldier, assuming he has a plan. "Do we blow the ship up or what?" I say, a bit quiet.
#39041427Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

"Well, if they use lethal force, kill them. If they don't try to kill us, don't shoot them." the soldier sais.
#39041681Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:15 PM GMT

grahm has good, C.S., I am using same format Name - Nikita Krushenekv A.ge - 35 Special Talent - Science Disadvantage - Stealth Appearance - lab coat, glasses, white skin, wiry build, blue eyes, brown hair. Team - Sciencists, Astronomy division HomeWorld - Earth Species - Human SpaceShip - (umm, does own one, he just uses one the scientists provide) Descrption: is this like bio? N/A he does like to talk about his past.
#39041708Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:16 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Adam Simons Special Talents: Weapon Specialist Gen.der: Male Team: Military Disadvantages: Handling Explosives Homeworld (Mars, Earth): Earth

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