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#39264802Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:14 PM GMT

In the lush, beautiful world of Valeden, the natives have lived long, peaceful lives for centuries. Living in small farming communities and large towns with castles. This changed however, with the discovery of steam power. This sparked a wave of invention and science, as the people of Valeden went from one discovery to the next, airships, trains, gunpowder. It wasn't long before these simple farmers became bloodthirsty soldiers, fighting for their king's to steal the land of their neighbours. This sparked great evil, which taints the battlefields of Valeden, spawning evil creatures that thrive on destruction. The various kings and presidents ignore these creatures, and continue to wage war on each other. Will you put a stop to this madness? Or rise up to try and take what is rightfully yours, no matter the cost... the age of myth and magic is over, let steel reign. Races Humans: The main species of Valeden, bold, arrogant and impulsive. The humans are one of the more warlike, and the most divided species on Valden, capable of good and evil, they often take little interest in the consequences their actions might have. Elves: Native to the islands surrounding Valeden's main continent, the Elves are wise and noble, if not self-absorbed. Experts with magic, they naturally feel out of place in this technologically advanced world, but they are trying to get back into it, as they were once used to being on the world stage. They are ecologically mindful and frail compared to other species, but many have died thinking their magic is old and useless. Dwarves: Stout creatures fond of drink and industry, they make their homes in mountains and underground caverns, which naturally brings them into conflict with the goblins. Second only to humans in their temper and ability to wage war, they really come into their own with mining and invention. They mostly keep to themselves, leaving only for expansion or diplomacy. Goblins: Small, green-skinned and red-eyed. The goblins used to be slaves to the orcs, large greenskins of myth who were exterminated by the humans. The goblins have a natural affinity for weapons, and are excellent tinkers. Cowardly alone but fearsome in hordes, they often live underground, surfacing only for their favourite hobby, Dwarf Fortress smashing. They have no problem with using underhanded tactics, and have a somewhat twisted sense of humour. Notes 1. Standard roleplay rules apply. 2. What I say, goes. 3. Technology is steampunk, i.e. Steam powered tanks. Technology used should not be anything invented after world war one. Medieval weapons and magic are also present. Sheets. Character sheet. Name: A.ge: (optional) Race: Weapons: Items: Appearance: Nation: (optional) Faction: (optional) Role/Rank: (If needed) Bio: (optional) Faction sheet. Name: Leader(s): History: Type of faction: (Pirates, traders, etc.) Location: Goals: (What they want to do.) Nation sheet. Name: History: Government system: (Monarchy, etc) Location: Goals:
#39265441Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:23 PM GMT

(Tagged. Might join later.)
#39265583Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

'Tis beautiful. If you do not mind, I will be joining soon.
#39266009Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:29 PM GMT

Of course, anyone can join, I was worried this was going to be ignored, steampunk doesn't make a common appearance on these forums.
#39266099Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

(Steampunk is epic. Why wouldnt people join?)
#39266411Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

(Well, indeed, the thought of a soldier in heavy armor and a clockwork machine gun alone is cool.)
#39266854Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:40 PM GMT

#39267159Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:44 PM GMT

Name: Aaron Price A.ge: (optional) Race: Human Weapons: Old Machinegun? Shoot me if I'm wrong. Items: Med Kit. Appearance: Black pants, Grey shirt, Black Military jacket, Gas Mask, Metal plate on chest, Black hair, Brown eyes, Tanned skin, Black gloves, Grey boots. Nation: (optional) Put me in whatever nation your in. Faction: (optional) Whatever your in. Role/Rank: (If needed) Captain Bio: (optional
#39267291Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:46 PM GMT

(Hmmm...looks cool...gonna join for sure)
#39267584Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

(Though I really wish I could be one of those dark creatures..)
#39267727Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

(My sheet's coming along, if you're wondering.) (You can become one, If I think you're responsible and your character is suitably warlike and evil.)
#39267866Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:53 PM GMT

(nice...I'm good at evil...let's see which evil being to be...one sec I have a list)
#39268048Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

(oh...ummm do you want me to send the species desc to you via PM?)
#39268329Wednesday, December 22, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

Character sheet. Name: Malcolm Strongarm A.ge: 24 Race: Human Weapons: Clockwork Revolver. Steel Sabre. Items: Appearance: Blue Lyrai Officer uniform. (Think American civil war uniform.) Black boots, black gloves. Pale skin, brown hair, small moustache. Nation: Lyrai Kingdoms Faction: N/A Role/Rank: Major Bio: Born and raised in the Lyrai central provinces, son of a farmer, Malcolm showed great expertise with mechanical equipment. When the war came he joined the Royal Sappers, but was quickly promoted due to heroism. Now he commands his own airship, the SS Mercury Nation sheet. Name: Lyrai Kingdoms History: Numerous kings came together and united their territories in the year 1702, following an attack by goblin hordes. They pushed back the goblins, and since then, have held together as a strong nation. Government system: Council of Kings. (Each king commands his own kingdom, they come together to decide how to run the Lyrai kingdoms every year. Location: Surivae, a continent to the west. (Think Britain, only larger, and less rainy.) Goals:
#39268460Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

(If you want, most of the demons are just randomly mutated hellspawn, but your character has to be non-demon for now. He has to die while doing a very evil act.)
#39269537Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

Name: Stuvord of the Early Star A.ge: Twenty-four. Race: Nomadic Dwarven. Weapons: An iron-tipped hatchet and a a double-ended throwing pick. Items: A set of random food rations consisting mostly of mutton, and an engraved canteen full of rum. Appearance: Clothes- Stuvord is fitted in a silver lock helmet with two half horns on the sides. With that, is a silver breastplate , a leather robe that creates sleeves for the breastplate, and leather leggings with loafers which are almost too small for his feet. Physical- Stuvord's height is around four foot three, an average size for most dwarves around his age. His weight is over average, even for a dwarf. Most likely his weight is around the three hundreds. His hair is orange, long, and bedraggled. His facial hair, on the other hand, is well kept together under his chin, hanging down almost to his waist. Faction: The Guild of Dwarven Miners. Role/Rank: Faction warlock. Bio: Stuvord got his name for being born on the first day of Winter. Since then, he has been a runt in his home village. He has always been the small one who was afraid to fight. But there was one thing about being a runt that was good- being picked on so often made him tough. The other children beat him into what he is now, a fat, battle-hardy warlock. With his strength, however, he was chosen to lead the Guild of Dwarven Miners, after his father, the last leader, had passed away. To the current times, he had reigned as the strong leader of prospectors aplenty. Faction sheet. Name: The Guild of Dwarven Miners Leader(s): Stuvord of the Early Star History: It started out with Stuvord's father going out to mine for his village. While on the way, he found a band of dwarven outcasts in the caverns he was mining in. They mentioned belonging to a group of dwarven prospectors in a village miles away, and agreed to group with Stuvord's father after have being asked to. With that, the Guild of Dwarven Miners was born. Type of faction: (Pirates, traders, etc.) Location: In the lower parts of a mountain north of Valeden. Goals: They have no real goals besides mining for their home villages.
#39269562Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

(Well then If all I need to become the evil thing I wanna become is die while being very evil then this'll be easy...) Character sheet. Name: Isaac Uraih A.ge: 190 Race: Elves Weapons: Machine Bow(basically a crossbow where you can hold the trigger down and fire multiple times), dual curved daggers Items: Canteen, Black Robes, black boots and gloves with red trim Appearance: 6'3", black eyes, black hair and pale skin, He carries his twin daggers on opposite sides and the machine bow across his back. His entire body is covered with his black robes except for a slit across his eyes. Nation: none(merc.) Faction: none(merc.) Role/Rank: Assassinations Bio: After selling out his village to humans looking for revenge for a hunting party we slaughtered, he wandered the land, killing generals, presidents, or on-the-rise buisnessmen for money. After a while he desided that murder was to his liking and also that, being an elf, he would need something to cover his ears, so he bought the robes to hide his identity. The boots and glooves came from a particularly talkative sergeant that sold out his leader for the price of me only half-way skinning him. (How's that for cruel? Tried to model after this race I made called the "Dark Ones" which are basically Dark Elves =D)
#39269615Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

( Am I accepted?)
#39270043Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

(All accepted, let us begin.) Malcolm watched from the SS Mercury, below, explosions and yellow tracers dotted the muddy battlefield below. The Lyrai army was dealing with a rebel company who took over a nearby fort, which was slowly crumbling from the SS Mercury's cannons. This was just a mop-up-operation.
#39270254Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

The Captain walked up beside the Major. "Sir, they are almost defeated" I said.
#39270308Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

(Mind if I start near there?) I sit off to the side of the battle, watching the explosion and listening to the screams. I laughed. It was beautiful. When a small group of troops broke off towards me I grined a toothy grin under my robe and shot them in the faces, three were shot in the left eye, two were shot in the right eye, and one was shot right between them. I sighed,"I need to get beter aim..."
#39270555Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

Stuvord tried kicking the rocks in. "It's no use, boys. We're stuck i' hurr fer good." he announced. The other dwarves cried out in despair. They were caved in a rock cavern after a long expedition. Stuvord's friend, Dudley, had only enough water to last the small group a month.
#39270828Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

(Of course) Malcolm nodded, "We shall make an example out of them..." he was interrupted by the sound of the cannons firing, as another tower collapsed. He watched as the traitors began crawling out of the trenches for a last-ditch counter attack. He shouted to the gunners. "Bring all machine guns to bear on that target!" he said, pointing at the traitors, almost immediately, the sound of gunfire and steam filled the air.
#39270886Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

(I mean, I don't mind.)
#39270889Wednesday, December 22, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

I walk towards the bodies and begin looting them. I mutter,"Bloody soldiers, never carry anything valuable..." I then look across the landscape, I'm sure my bretheren would hate to see such destruction but to me it was beautiful. The craters, the blood, the smell, and the screams all came together in a beautiful tapestry of death.

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