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#39345833Thursday, December 23, 2010 5:36 PM GMT

hello, love or hate warrior cats? i am a true warrior lover, but ive seen many hate posts all over the forums and comments on warrior related games coming from those whos never read them or judge them by the sound of it. Warrior cats isnt about a soft like of a kitty where everything is nice and happy, its absolutely the oposite. its about 4 groups of cats that are in clans that are rivals and arent afriad to get there paws drenched in blood. here are some quotes from the books proving that. dont continue reading if your a warrior cat lover and hasnt read all the books yet, these are major spoilers. Bluestars prophecy: As moonFlower exploded from the den, Hawkheart lunged at her and snatched her up with his powerful front paws, then flung her like prey across the clearing. Bluepaw saw the shock on her mothers face as she landed hard and struggled to find her feet. But she wasnt fast enough. Hawkheart pounced on her, ripping with his teeth and claws. (skips afew) Bluepaw gasped as her mother wrenched herself from hawkheart and landed a searing blow on his muzzle. But the medicine cat didnt even stumble. Instead he lunged again and grabbing moonflower by the throat, sent her skidding across the blood-slicked clearing. -pg 131-132 A car was roaring straight at snowfur. Without slowing down, it slammed into her body. Bluefur heard the Dull thump, then the howl of the car as it thundered away, leaving snowfurs body lying like a wet leaf at the edge of the road. (later on they had to explain the death of her to her kit) -page 351
#39345853Thursday, December 23, 2010 5:36 PM GMT

i can add more too.

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