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#39364466Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

Youhave finally gotten a band together. The only thing is, the Battle of the Bands is in a month. You have only that long to write three songs (in case you make it all the way to the final). But if you win, you can get the chance to record a whole album with Tower Records. Will you win? +o+ Rules: No Godmodding No Ubering No Killing You Must Be Accepted No Leets No Mythical Creatures No Superpowers Romance Is Allowed, But Keep It G Two Sheets Are Allowed You Can't Name Your Band After A Popular One Try To Limit Cover Songs Try To Keep It Rock (As In No "Marching Band Instruments") Story Chat Preffered One Intrusment Only +o+ Character Sheet: N.ame: A.ge: (11-19) G.ender: Band Name: Instrument: Instrument Appearance: Personality: Appearance: Bio: +o+ Mine: N.ame: Geoff Small A.ge: 15 G.ender: M Band Name: The Small Town Instrument: Drums Instrument Appearance: Red drumset, white outlining, rising sun on bass cover, snare drum, three toms, four cymbals excluding hi-hat. Personality: Creative and outgoing, but can get frustrated with writers blobk. Appearance: brown shaggy hair, brown eyes, healthy shape, Yankees baseball cap, band tees (As in Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones tee shirt), ripped blue jeans, black shoes. Bio: Has a stash of drumsticks under his bed. N.ame: Katlyn Small A.ge: 14 G.ender: F Band Name: The Small Town Instrument: Bass Instrument Appearance: Flying V Jet black bass with "small town" drawn on it in silver. Personality: Tries to find the easy way out of things Appearance: Straight brown hair that goes down shoulders, brown eyes, healthy shape, wears what she calls "lazy clothes" whenever in her house or at band pracrice, but she has a stash of skinny jeans and punk chick clothes in closet, black converse Bio: If you walk into her room, there's a shelf with 382 CDs in alphabetical order by band. We'll wait for two to begin.
#39364597Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

Ooc; Can I join but make my character the lead singer in your band, The Small Town?
#39364671Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

Go right on ahead.
#39365918Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

Waiting for sheets...
#39366174Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

Name: Jennifer Summers. Age: Fifteen. Gender: Female. Band Name: The Small Town. Instrument: Lead Singer. Instrument Apperance: Silver with silver sparkles all over it. It has 'Jennifer Summers' engraved in it. Personality: Bubbly, Kind, Enjoys Writing and Singing, Can be sensitive at times. Apperance: Jennifer has long blond hair, past her waist, Jennifer has blue eyes, and fair skin. Jennifer wears a white top that says 'Total Babe' on it, in gold lettering and a blue denim skirt, just above her knees. Jennifer also wears a blue denim jacket, and black converse. Bio: Jennifer is the lead singer in The Small Town. Jennifer had lost her father at a young age, due to a illness, and also lost her baby brother when he was afew days old. By the time Jennifer was three, she moved into the neighbour hood to try and start a clean slate and forget the past. Jennifer started a new life, and made lots of friends, and now gets very emotional talking about her father and brother.
#39366522Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

#39366648Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

Ooc; Please can we start? To give others time to join, we could do it where we all meet up. (If your 2 chars are brother&sister then you meet me, somehow, It will give us somthing to do whilst others join)
#39367229Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

(Okay) [ Geoff ] I was walking around the neighborhood with my iPod, listening to Queens of the Stone Age. I was still wanting to get a band together, but my sister could only play the bass. The guitar is what we really needed. We could get a singer later, but, y'know...there are other bands without singers. [ Katlyn ] I hated this movie. So much. I turned off the Expendables and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a snack and went downstairs, the tab for "Testify" in my hand.
#39367376Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

Character Sheet: N.ame: Brooke O'Mason A.ge: 15 G.ender: F Band Name: Jackdragons Instrument: Lead Guitar Instrument Appearance: A Squier Jagmaster, with a teal flame decal. It is her third electric 6 string. But on acoustic, she has a mahongany guitar that is the same size as her electirc. Personality: Fiesty, creative, artsy, a leader, cool, but nice at times., a bit of a punk. Appearance: Long, light brown hair tumbles to her mid-back. She has piercing green eyes, tan, and stands at 5"6 She wears a red tee shirt with dark pink stripes, rippe ddark-wash jeans, and black converse Bio: Kelsey is an independant, artsy, fiesty, and punky girl who is a free spirit, hates, school, and often is restless and gets in trouble. She dreams of becoming a female Slash when she is older. Jackdragons is a metal band. Character Sheet: N.ame: Maddy Bjorn A.ge: 16 G.ender: F Band Name: Jackdragons Instrument: Lead singer along with rhythm guitar. Instrument Appearance: Her micro phone is a metallic silver with pink skull details on it. Her rhythm guitar is a "flying V" style rhythm guitar that is pure blood red. Personality: Kind, quiet, thinking, careful, shy, except on stage. Appearance: A short strawberry blonde bob, large brown eyes, pale, tall, wears fishnet leggingsd, jean short-shorts, and a pink tank top. Bio:Maddy i`s a quiet artsy kid, and although she and Brooke are very different, they became close friends.
#39367470Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

[ Jennifer ] I was sat on my window ledge, I had the window wide open. I saw a boy, walking around the neighbour hood. I shrugged, turning on a song. I started singing along to it, leaning out the window. I hoped that nobody would hear me singing.
#39367557Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:42 PM GMT

#39367967Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

[ Geoff ] I continued to walk on, but my iPod ran out of batteries. I swore under my breath, and took of my headphones. Then I heard her singing. I turned around and heard her. "Hey!" I yelled up to her. "How'd you like to join a band?" I asked.
#39368094Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:48 PM GMT

[ Jennifer ] I pause, thinking about what to reply. I turn off the music and stop singing. "Sure". I shout back down, still sat on the window ledge.
#39368263Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

[ Geoff ] I smiled. "We just need a guitar now" I yelled to her, continuing to walk. "Practice at 5:00 today, kay?"
#39368636Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

[ Jennifer ] I smile, still sitting on the window ledge. "Okay". I shout to him. I stand up, a lace pillow nearly slipping. I place it back down and walk to the clock checking the time. '4:20' the clock flashes, in neon red lettering. I stand up, starting to check that I look good for practice. I start to brush my hair, making it look okay. I keep glancing in the mirror, I finally think that I look fine, I glance back at the clock. '4:30' it says, I stand up, walking back to the window ledge. I sit down, on a pink laced pillow, I smile, feeling contempt. I turn on some music and start singing again.
#39369249Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

[ Geoff ] I finally make it back home and find my sister sitting on the staircase, playing her bass. "Good news, little sis'. I got us a singer." I said, smiling. [ Katlyn ] "No way!" I yelled with excitement. I put my bass down, got up, and hugged my brother. "Oh my god, you are the best!". "I know", he said. "When's practice?" I asked him. "5 o' clock!" he said. [ Geoff ] She look panicked, running upstairs and getting her hair ready. Although her clothes made her look poor, she looked pretty with her make-up on.
#39369402Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:01 PM GMT

(Cna I be the lead guitarist for your band? PWEASE)
#39369607Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

(Go on ahead)
#39369665Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:04 PM GMT

[ Jennifer ] I looked in the mirror, hoping that I looked pretty. I smiled, as I glance back at the clock. '4:47' it flashed, its neon red letters hurt my eyes once I looked at it for too long. I pick up my brush, making sure that my hair was perfect, once again. I did not want too lose this, that young boy seemed nice and I hoped that I would get the part as lead singer.
#39369921Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

ame: Cody FOrsman A.ge: (11-19) 14 3/4 G.ender: M Band Name: The Small TOwn Instrument: Guitar Instrument Appearance: A red guitar with a Bob-Omb (LOLz) on it and the name Cod Forsman scratched on it Personality: Nice, Advnetouous, curious, helpful, timid Appearance: Borwn Shaggy hair, black T-shirt, Brown cargo shorts Bio:Well theres not that much to say
#39370144Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

[ Katlyn ] "Do you think we should, like, put up a table or something?" I asked Geoff. "I mean, we need a place to sit..." [ Geoff ] "Don't worry about it, we can just sit around, y'know?" I said. I got my drums ready to play. I had my iPod close by just in case things got boring.
#39370195Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

(are I accepted?)
#39370250Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:10 PM GMT

#39370460Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

[ Jennifer ] I curl my hair, and change my outfit to somthing new. I always curled my hair if I was going out. I glance at the clock '4:55'. I pick up my small bag, with my things that I need in, including my iPod and some other items. "I'm going out mum". I shout, as I walk down the stairs. I walk to the front door, opening it and she replys, "Okay sweetheart, have a good time!". I smile, and shout back "I will". I walk out the front door, and to the place that the boy walked in to. I think that was his home, I glance at my phone '4:59'. It flashed, I sighed, and knocked on the door. The second I knocked, it turned 5 o'clock, exactly. I stuffed my phone back in my small bag and waited for somebody to awnser.
#39370570Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

(:D ThX) {Cody} I walked along the sidewalk, playing my guitar. It was a broing day, as I was going to play my video game once I got to my house.

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