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#39469844Friday, December 24, 2010 10:57 PM GMT

(Hey, you see about one of these.. every half a year.) You're a stick figure. You've come to fight in the stick figure arena. That's about it, but there's some information. If you 'die' in a fight, you're not actually dead. You're just unconscious and need to wait a while before fighting again. If you do have a power/ability, try to make it original. In the arena, there's also a sort of restaurant. You can make up your characters, or you can use them from a stick figure game/video you've seen. - RULES - No ubering. No meta - gaming. (controlling one's character) Both story and chat mode are allowed. Use common sense. Refrain from trolling. Try to have fun. - CHARACTER SHEET - Name: @.g3:(Can be anything, really.) Appearance:(You're a stick figure. Put your hair, color, ect.) Weapon(s):(Nothing uber.) Powers/Abilities:(Try to make them original.) Bio:(Not needed, but sheds some backstory on your character.) (All credit goes to Supersonic 2000)
#39471120Friday, December 24, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

Name: Mark @.g3: 20 Appearance: A blue-black stick figure with unkempt brown hair. Weapon(s): A sonic yoyo! Powers/Abilities: He can use his yoyo for mobility, and he can also glide for a short time. Bio: His sister is sick, and he's poor, so he went into the arena to earn money for treatment & medication.(The yoyo was a gift from his friend.) Is this OK?
#39504978Saturday, December 25, 2010 2:20 PM GMT

#39505180Saturday, December 25, 2010 2:26 PM GMT

Name: Samma @.g3: 34 Appearance: A tall black stickman with claws and horns. Wears ripped clothes. Weapon(s): Claws, minions. Powers/Abilities: I can summon up to seven zombies armed with their fists and three mini demons armed wih shortswords at a time. I have Dark fire that is weakened by regular fire but gets bigger when hit by water. Bio: Samma is a demon from hell that was the strongest demon so he diecided to go to the stick world for some real competition. So he went, with his claws, zombies and mini demons.
#39505817Saturday, December 25, 2010 2:42 PM GMT

Name: Violet @.g3:17 Appearence:a tall black stick figure that has ripped pants and a blue t-shirt and has long brown hair Weapon(s): no weapons look at powers/abilaties Powers/Abilities: i can control water Bio:Violet's mother became poor because her fauthers drug addiction. her mother died and her father couldn't take care of her so she was put in a foster home. but she didn't like it there so she ran away. in order to get money she came to the arena (is this good?)
#39506653Saturday, December 25, 2010 3:10 PM GMT

(Accepted. Now start!) I walk in through the lobby and watch the current fight. It was a blue stick versus a green stick. I decided not to and to go find someone to challenge. Then the smell of raw meat came to my nose. I stormed into the restaurant but then went quiet. I snuck into the meat room and ate half the supply. Some guards come to get me out, they were armed with tazers. I got a tazer to the stomach and let out a cry. I woke up in a jail cell.
#39507622Saturday, December 25, 2010 3:35 PM GMT

I slept at my friends house last night. she set a alarm for me to go to the arena. the alarm went of and i wolk up with a gun pointed at my forhead. it was her boyfriend mike. he never liked me but he never took it this far.he made me get dressed and pushed me out of the house. i dont like using my powers outside the arena. but i was fine. so i made my way to the battle. ( do your and my stick know each other? )
#39531445Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

(No. And don't type like that, use proper grammar. Also you're already in the lobby.)
#39594054Sunday, December 26, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

#39594453Sunday, December 26, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

http://www.fluidanims(DOT)com/rhg/Nocturna (DOT)=.
#39594512Sunday, December 26, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

(Sorry for crappy demo but atleast you can see him in action. Btw I made him myself.)
#39594666Sunday, December 26, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

@Typhoon yours is like Luther: http://www.fluidanims(DOT)com/rhg/n8ster
#39598813Monday, December 27, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

(Accepted, start whenever.) I grab the bars of my jail cell. A guard turns around and aims his pistol at me. I decide to shoot some dark fire but the bars were made a real fire, stopping it quickly. I decide to cut through it but my sword is gone. Thats it, I summon three of my mini demons and five zombies. They end up in the cell like me. All but one zombie who kills a guard but gets shot by the other.
#39604564Monday, December 27, 2010 1:34 AM GMT

(sorry) I walk into the arena. I was to fight another stick figure named Angis. He just had a gun and a bow and arrow. He had jeans and a white T-shirt. He quickly grabbed an arrow and shot at me. I didn't see him shoot but, i heard it ripping the air while it flew. I jumped to the right and it only ripped the sleeve of my shirt. All of a sudden i felt a surge of power in my veins. " Your quick," Angis said," But are you quick enough?" He shot 3 arrows One on my left, one on my right, and one at me. I dropped to the ground makeing all 3 miss. I made a ice spike and threw it at him. It hit his chest and he fell. He was dead. I was able to go to my next fight alive.
#39655027Monday, December 27, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

(Someone in the lobby must challenge you before you enter the arena.) I bend over and drag the dead guards body a bit closer to the cell. I grab his keys. I open the cell and killl the other guard quickly. I race through the halls and run into a stick. He had a sword and a three buddies, two had pistols one had a rifle. I could tell the one with the sword was the leader because he was the bigger. "Hey!" he yells and shoves. "You shouldn't have done that." I say in a hoarse but scary tone. "What do ya gonna do about it? Cry to your devil mother?" asks the stick. "I was thinking of killing you, but instead I challenge you to a fight!" I reply. "Fine but since you challenged, I get to choose where we go. How about pillar place?" he says. I nod and we get teleported to the arena.
#39655241Monday, December 27, 2010 7:07 PM GMT

(Plus sticks don't die in the arena they are just unconcious and they are teleported to the hospital so they can fight again later.)
#39664036Monday, December 27, 2010 9:00 PM GMT

(im sorry)
Top 25 Poster
#39666289Monday, December 27, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

#39666403Monday, December 27, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

name:vinngah @g3:25 aperance:hood and cape half cyborg face weapon: laser sword, knife,demon abilty:summon demons and fire bending back story:when he was born his parents were kill by the stick arena army then they took him and tryed to burn him alive but somthing swooped in and got him only half his face was burned so this person put a cyborg mask on him later he studied magic to get his revenge on the stick arena
#39715973Tuesday, December 28, 2010 11:30 AM GMT

#39717454Tuesday, December 28, 2010 12:47 PM GMT

Name:Jack Weapon(s):Ray Power Hair:Pointy Dark Blonde Hair. Texture:Little Buff. Speed:fast,82% Inteligence:***** 95%. Power:725
#39745651Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

(what you mean thread ended?)
#39747171Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

Name: Bob @.g3: 50000 ( Can't i be creative =3 ) Appearance: Black. Weapon(s): Shuriken, Tomohawk, Longsword. Powers/Abilities: Small shoopdawoop blast Bio: he was born and frozen then thrown into an arena.
#39751347Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:23 PM GMT

#45844915Wednesday, April 20, 2011 1:29 PM GMT


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