#39646202Monday, December 27, 2010 5:06 PM GMT

"I don't know but I'll just dig it out" I reply Ooc;Should we make it so that they know each other?
#39646232Monday, December 27, 2010 5:06 PM GMT

I saw one of the prisoners run at a guard, 3 guards shot him in the stomach .Then some guards with dogs let go of their leashes and the dogs ripped his entrails out.
#39646261Monday, December 27, 2010 5:06 PM GMT

Ooc;In the middle of a conversation "Hey It's my free time!"
#39646265Monday, December 27, 2010 5:06 PM GMT

Annod: Free time didn't interest me. I sat down in my cell and simply thought about what has happened. (Do I have a cell-mate?)
#39646304Monday, December 27, 2010 5:07 PM GMT

ooc; yeah, were like partners who are trying to escape, but still trying to make a plan.
#39646418Monday, December 27, 2010 5:08 PM GMT

♣Finn♣ "No time for you. I am taking you to a high-security cell with another prisoner (Horavonen)."
#39646438Monday, December 27, 2010 5:09 PM GMT

@horanoven yeah, a big black guy who looks like he wants to rip your head off.
#39646495Monday, December 27, 2010 5:09 PM GMT

I looked away when I saw the first gunshot. Ugh, I hated seeing these sights.
#39646497Monday, December 27, 2010 5:09 PM GMT

Ooc;Ok I released my self from his grip and walked to jake."So the plan is simple okay,wait you still have your single cell right?"
#39646502Monday, December 27, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

(big guy, eh? this should be fun...*small, sinister laugh goes here*)
#39646541Monday, December 27, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

ooc; BTW when I said "yeah, were like partners who are trying to escape, but still trying to make a plan." i was talking to coolness34
#39646586Monday, December 27, 2010 5:11 PM GMT

"No, i got paired up with some girl"
#39646675Monday, December 27, 2010 5:12 PM GMT

♣Finn♣ I looked around in the high security side of the prison which was probably full. They called me and told me to take some prisoner to the asylum for a prison break-out and he started slitting the throats of guards.
#39646720Monday, December 27, 2010 5:12 PM GMT

"I still have my rights even in here" I shout to the guard."This plan is now over, we need a new one"
#39646760Monday, December 27, 2010 5:13 PM GMT

I said to jake
#39646785Monday, December 27, 2010 5:13 PM GMT

Annod: I look at the big guy in my cell. I remained silent, then return to thinking. I had nothing against this guy...yet.
#39646842Monday, December 27, 2010 5:14 PM GMT

♣Finn♣ I drove the patient to Riverdale Asylum: Home of the Criminally Insane.
#39646992Monday, December 27, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

Ooc;Tie in
#39647000Monday, December 27, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

A guard shot someone in the head to get attention then yelled "FREE TIMES OVER, EVERYONE BACK IN YOUR CELLS!"
#39647036Monday, December 27, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

♣Finn♣ I chained the patient up and then I carried him to a cell.
#39647083Monday, December 27, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

I got up, and brushed myself off with a flick of my hand. I pulled my fingerless gloves up, and headed back to my cell.
#39647112Monday, December 27, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

"Yeah, new plan." I sat and started thinking when a guard hit me in the face with a tun stick "Free times over!" he said and threw me against a wall. I started running back to my cell.
#39647117Monday, December 27, 2010 5:17 PM GMT

Annod: I 'see' people returning to their cells. The big guy is leaving me alone too, strangely. I expected him to try something before now.
#39647140Monday, December 27, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

♦Jess ♦ I went back to the prison. There was a prison riot near the West Wing. I rushed there and grabbed the prisoner and took him to Riverdale Asylum.
#39647177Monday, December 27, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

"I'm going to do something to get myself moved into your cell" I whispered to jake.