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#42018658Friday, February 04, 2011 9:40 PM GMT

3 dropships with smoke jaguar symbols on them were flying above soll and capons location. there hatches opened and 6 smoke jaguar summoners dropped from the dropships. ( smoke jaguar summoner ) " Attention all millitia and smoke jaguar units! we are here to help you defend the city agienst hostiles!"
#42019127Friday, February 04, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

kota kota looked at sattr and with a smile showed him the explosive device " i can end this right now and destroy capon and his dropship.....- kota looked at the sky and saw several smoke jaguar helicopters flying by "what the?"
#42205231Monday, February 07, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

*the dropship has landed and there is not much else to do so capon falcon makes his mech fall down his mech explodes he ejects out and at a angle the ejection sends him right at his dropship and lands in front of it so he climbs on bord and he gets ready to take off* (capon falcon) next time clanners... *the dropship takes off*
#42248369Wednesday, February 09, 2011 12:10 AM GMT

the smoke jaguar summoners shoot several missile salvos at the dropship but only 5 missiles managed to hit the dropship causing minimal damage 3 smoke jaguar helicopters start to persue but a large building falls on them. destroying them. kota " is soll okay?"
#42263136Wednesday, February 09, 2011 4:02 AM GMT

Sartrr (sartrr) I havent heard from him since we got split up, but he was still in mostly one piece. At any rate, I'm sure the landing party will find him. Can you walk? We need to get to RV alpha at the pass. Soll *Soll is slammed to the ground with Capon's mech in a shower of endo-steel shards and broken glass. An ammo explosion in the torso causes the mech to erupt into a ball of flame. Soll desperately begins to drag himself from the inferno, his armor blackened from the flames.*
#42315440Thursday, February 10, 2011 4:54 PM GMT

OOC: im crossing the dividing line *immediately capon falcon gets a few mechwarriors and gets ready to hot drop down to the planet in a thor an owens and two cauldron borns they get ready to jump out. the dropship is starting to fire ER PPCs at the summonors* (capon falcon) they wont stand a chance... get ready to jump!
#42320831Thursday, February 10, 2011 8:26 PM GMT

a smoke jaguar dropship is headed straight for banhammer the pilot ejects just in time. the dropship crashes into banhammer in an explosion of flames (you decide the outcome) kota "i can walk" kota starts limping towards the pass. this could take a while smoke jaguar sargeant the sargeant and 4 infantry found soll. "get up soldier" smoke jaguar mechs the smoke jaguar thors and summoners shoot missile salvos and ppc blasts at the area were the mechs are supposed to jump out of the dropship.
#42413963Saturday, February 12, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

(im so so so so sorry guys but i cant go on roblox anymore. (thanks to my mother) she is moving away because she dosent care about me and my dad and she loves my big selfish sister. im so sorry.)
#42431503Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:56 PM GMT

Sorry, you'll be in my prayers. :C And you will always be remembered on ROBLOX as being completely awesome.
#42431883Saturday, February 12, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

(you will not bieleve what just happened to me. due to some wierd events involving my awesome father. i wont have to leave my house! dads are cool)
#42563676Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:04 PM GMT

the smoke jaguar thors continue to fire salvo after salvo of missiles and lasers. 5 smoke jaguar helicopters shoot missiles at the dropship from above.
#42577757Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

Soll *Soll flutters in and out of consciousness, unable to overcome his injuries.* Sartrr "Hold on sir, let me see if I can get an airlift. *Sartrr opens up a comm channel to one of the passing helicopters.* "*SHHHHHHHHKKK*is Kosstar of the 4th armored infantry local defence. Think *SHHHK*ive us a hand?"
#42608287Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:12 PM GMT

helicopter pilot "copy that" 3 of the helicopters landed next to soll and sartrr.
#53355042Sunday, August 21, 2011 11:09 PM GMT

Name: Juan Hos Clan: Smoke Jagaur Mech: Shadowcat. Armed with twin ERPPC's, a Large pulse laser and 5 double heat sinks. Sphere (Inner or Outer): Outer Personality: Smart, experienced, and stealthy. He likes to stalk them and blow their legs off. Rushing forward isn't his style. Bio: CLASSIFIED Known to have served on the planet Tranquil around the time the Erideni Light Horse invaded. After he lost multiple battles against the Light Horse he was demoted, however this did not last long. Known to have more the 30 kills. He is a force to be reckoned with. DO NOT CROSS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
#56086318Sunday, October 09, 2011 1:46 PM GMT

i dont think this is a Beta anymore.

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