#39941222Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:07 PM GMT

Support + Im using my iBloxy06 account because i was bored but ill go as Bloxy06 later on. Support anyways.
#39941272Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

if all those people quit roblox would be no more
#39941317Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

Support! Because This is a free website but BC is not.
#39941594Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

@Bloxy06 (me) I forgot to add "BC is not free." sorry.
#39942523Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

#39943517Thursday, December 30, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

Re: No Bc only place petition! Posted: 12-30-2010 01:54 PM No Bc only place petition. Shotokan546, the no-life model/script maker Snakehunt, the furious Cheeselime, the non-egocentric Bballer13sn, the founder and monarch of BASOR PiezRus, the guy in the suit Zlimez, the befreinder Updownleft8, guy on the boat Bickaboo, the sk8er Pizzaman123321,pizza is awesome Robo625, guy with the ._. face Shootemup2010, the smileyfacer Cjslick, the 09 liker Todojaw, the signer Trooperman, the trooper 07lchris, the politically intelligent Superz590, the 16th signer Dogwood123, 17th signer Awsomdk, the guy with the stocking Cobalt10, the supporter Zack8774, teh guy in the epic suit Mageofpower, top 100 poster xXSlicerXx, veteran Marioking9, weilder of 1337 W7ftw, the waffle TheDevilWarrior, the pumpkinface Grandlord98, for all NBC LittleMurph, guy with a scary axe Papey, ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAORRRRRR Cheese793, rocket user Sydrasydra88,30th signer o0pedro0o,31st signer x001, 32nd signer Speckli, general agreer Penguinman4562, the penguin bandit Elitefunnate, sadfacer DJG228, blueman Manmancarlwaa, smileyfacer Drizzles239, 38th signer Tycoonownerz2000, 39th signer Synoaran, 40th signer Ivanztz, 41st signer Deathrange07, former bc Deathx69, 43rd signer Nooblet68, the nooblet Renagan, 45th signer Aboy5643, the 46th signer Kisaki, the 47th signer Didiyo, the 48th signer Nephylym21, the 49th signer elementalmaster,the master TrickyMasterDuke-Pwn Master and Former BC TBC and OBC 1204 Bloxy06, 53rd signer
#39950998Thursday, December 30, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

#39951128Thursday, December 30, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

I made a post on getting rid of BC places so if you sign this please sign mine!
#39952413Friday, December 31, 2010 12:00 AM GMT

lol, a fake guest
#39952875Friday, December 31, 2010 12:04 AM GMT

Free Games at ROBLOX.com - Windows Internet Explorer LIES!!!
#39953477Friday, December 31, 2010 12:10 AM GMT

I freakin support all the dad gum way. FREE games at Roblox.com. NUU! -pointehead -the man with the most pointed head in the world -P.S. Roblox, people are rage quitting. Do you want to lose your people? DO YOU?
#39953583Friday, December 31, 2010 12:11 AM GMT

#39953596Friday, December 31, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

-Signed - A Roblox veteran. I've been around before Stealth Pilot even existed. Never have I seen anything as bad as this.
#39955415Friday, December 31, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

Signed, A Roblox Veteran Since 2008. Malkinman71. I HATE BC GAMES. Get Rid Of Em!
#39955558Friday, December 31, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

#39955832Friday, December 31, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

BC only ftl(For the Lose)
#39955981Friday, December 31, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

DUDES!!!! You guys should start making sensible Threads... Like, to be able to make Some servers BC only and some NBC for a game, not make a whole game BC OR NBC only... Doing what i just said would be easier than just filling the forum with these kinds of threads...
#39963782Friday, December 31, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

Sensible? How is that sensible? This is a petition to stop game segregation.
#39963814Friday, December 31, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

Re: No Bc only place petition! Posted: 12-30-2010 01:54 PM No Bc only place petition. Shotokan546, the no-life model/script maker Snakehunt, the furious Cheeselime, the non-egocentric Bballer13sn, the founder and monarch of BASOR PiezRus, the guy in the suit Zlimez, the befreinder Updownleft8, guy on the boat Bickaboo, the sk8er Pizzaman123321,pizza is awesome Robo625, guy with the ._. face Shootemup2010, the smileyfacer Cjslick, the 09 liker Todojaw, the signer Trooperman, the trooper 07lchris, the politically intelligent Superz590, the 16th signer Dogwood123, 17th signer Awsomdk, the guy with the stocking Cobalt10, the supporter Zack8774, teh guy in the epic suit Mageofpower, top 100 poster xXSlicerXx, veteran Marioking9, weilder of 1337 W7ftw, the waffle TheDevilWarrior, the pumpkinface Grandlord98, for all NBC LittleMurph, guy with a scary axe Papey, ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAORRRRRR Cheese793, rocket user Sydrasydra88,30th signer o0pedro0o,31st signer x001, 32nd signer Speckli, general agreer Penguinman4562, the penguin bandit Elitefunnate, sadfacer DJG228, blueman Manmancarlwaa, smileyfacer Drizzles239, 38th signer Tycoonownerz2000, 39th signer Synoaran, 40th signer Ivanztz, 41st signer Deathrange07, former bc Deathx69, 43rd signer Nooblet68, the nooblet Renagan, 45th signer Aboy5643, the 46th signer Kisaki, the 47th signer Didiyo, the 48th signer Nephylym21, the 49th signer elementalmaster,the master TrickyMasterDuke-Pwn Master and Former BC TBC and OBC 1204, number guy Bloxy06, 53rd signer Pointehead, the man with the most pointed head in the world FinalFayte,veteran Malkinman71, veteran N1310, 57th signer
#39964656Friday, December 31, 2010 2:01 AM GMT

It is sensible because it doesen't make people fight about it. By the way: Petitions will never work There really isn't anyway of changing it Leaving roblox doesen't really have an effect on the community because you are just 1 person in a crowd of millions of people.
#39965130Friday, December 31, 2010 2:05 AM GMT

*signs it* I, Badandy agree to removing BC only places because they are not fair to the Non-BC players, I was once a Non BC and In a month I will be once again and I don't want to be restricted from playing my Favorite Games.
#39995031Friday, December 31, 2010 12:57 PM GMT

@marios We can atleast try to get noticed. There are right now... about 20 petitions like ours. Atleast one of them has to get noticed by the forum mods.
#39997675Friday, December 31, 2010 2:12 PM GMT

I know, but i am not really sure they would work... Why do you guys even care about a game you will probably quit when you reach 14 or 15
#39998779Friday, December 31, 2010 2:34 PM GMT

No Bc only place petition. Shotokan546, the no-life model/script maker Snakehunt, the furious Cheeselime, the non-egocentric Bballer13sn, the founder and monarch of BASOR PiezRus, the guy in the suit Zlimez, the befreinder Updownleft8, guy on the boat Bickaboo, the sk8er Pizzaman123321,pizza is awesome Robo625, guy with the ._. face Shootemup2010, the smileyfacer Cjslick, the 09 liker Todojaw, the signer Trooperman, the trooper 07lchris, the politically intelligent Superz590, the 16th signer Dogwood123, 17th signer Awsomdk, the guy with the stocking Cobalt10, the supporter Zack8774, teh guy in the epic suit Mageofpower, top 100 poster xXSlicerXx, veteran Marioking9, weilder of 1337 W7ftw, the waffle TheDevilWarrior, the pumpkinface Grandlord98, for all NBC LittleMurph, guy with a scary axe Papey, ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAORRRRRR Cheese793, rocket user Sydrasydra88,30th signer o0pedro0o,31st signer x001, 32nd signer Speckli, general agreer Penguinman4562, the penguin bandit Elitefunnate, sadfacer DJG228, blueman Manmancarlwaa, smileyfacer Drizzles239, 38th signer Tycoonownerz2000, 39th signer Synoaran, 40th signer Ivanztz, 41st signer Deathrange07, former bc Deathx69, 43rd signer Nooblet68, the nooblet Renagan, 45th signer Aboy5643, the 46th signer Kisaki, the 47th signer Didiyo, the 48th signer Nephylym21, the 49th signer elementalmaster,the master TrickyMasterDuke-Pwn Master and Former BC TBC and OBC 1204, number guy Bloxy06, 53rd signer Pointehead, the man with the most pointed head in the world FinalFayte,veteran Malkinman71, veteran N1310, 57th signer Badandy11, 58th signer Fun fact! Telamon keeps on tweeting that only "1%" of the games are bc only, but in fact there are 56! 1% of a big number can sometimes amount to a big number, Telamon!
#39998870Friday, December 31, 2010 2:36 PM GMT

RAT and other groups are taking advantage of this and turning their bases into BC only! Because we all know most groups cannot defend their base even with admin, vip doors, vip tools, and code doors! (which is pretty odd......)