#40124510Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:36 PM GMT

Btw for the post that I just posted, it was for your post above your last one. And can't you live without gear, tix, hats, etc.? And if you want to play a game that's BC only, build your own! Don't make excuses that you can't script, or you're too lazy. The people that built great games learned how to script, and were determined to finish their place!
#40124811Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:39 PM GMT

you guys are all idiots. except those with sense. OOOOOOOHHHH 1% OF ALL ROBLOX GAMES ARE BC GEUSS WHAT WHO GIVES A BRICK. Think about it. Have any of those updates actually AFFECTED you? By looking at the list of features NBCs had since '08, have any of them been removed? NONE. infact, you've gained features. be happy with what your with, admin's not removing ANY features because whiney NBCs think by spamming the I&S with complaints. GO HOME.
#40124891Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

This is their career,It pays for their life. House Water Bill Electric Bill Food Furniture You play this game for free...You Should have less. Imagine this.You are Own a sandwich shop owner. But Every monday you sell 1 free sandwich to people.(For Popularity) The Idea was a hit and you get 10 Customers.(They leave after the 1 free sandwich) All the other days you get 2 -3 Customers. Your angry because your losing money. So you Stop selling free sandwiches. The people are mad...But They are hungry so they buy some sandwiches. The Creators are YES Trying to make this LESS of a free game.They depend on roblox for all their needs. They are also testing BC Only places for the month. If It does turn into Pay to play...It's cheap...6 Dollars a month? Shovel a driveway,Mow a lawn,Rake some leaves. Ive earned 20 Dollars Mowing a lawn. Another Ten Shoveling snow. Then I Bought Builders club for 6 months. You People are Lazy if you cannot go outside and shovel a driveway..
#40124912Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

@Medic Thank you.
#40125615Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

no Bc members are closer to dirt than nbc... we walk on it...
#40127040Saturday, January 01, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

you may not just walk on it, but no, if you can't afford BC, you must LIVE on it.
#40184880Sunday, January 02, 2011 2:47 PM GMT

Nightfox, if you are against this chat go join in with other forums who agree with you. ROBLOX gets paid monthly by hundreds of BC, TBC and OBC. They're pretty loaded by the looks of it.. I understand BC'ers may think NBC users are not thankful for the features they already have but we actually are. There is enough features for us but too many restrictions. How long will it be before NBC members can't post or make forums? There is no point arguing with us. On all three sides, there is many good points. BC'ers say BC only places are good because they take the noobs away.. But that means the Non-Nooby NBC'ers will have more noobs and won't be able to hang with BC friends in good places.. My friend used to be BC and he always kept bragging about his fabulous gear and hats or how rich he was.. Fun.
#40185142Sunday, January 02, 2011 2:53 PM GMT

Oh and making your own game is a crap suggestion. BC'ers have all the tools, we have plain bricks. We can't actually make a BC only game.. It's BC only. If any of you disagree with Princess, make your point and leave.
#40186047Sunday, January 02, 2011 3:14 PM GMT

Telamon says NBC leaving roblox saves them money, and buying BC gets them more money. They just don't care how we feel anymore. All they want is money..
#40188838Sunday, January 02, 2011 4:10 PM GMT

@Im I'm not saying that you build a BC-only game. I'm saying that if that game is like, for example, Apples to Apples, then you should build your own Apples to Apples game. And besides, almost NOBODY agrees with me, because they're all to stubborn to realize it. And actually, my dad agrees that Roblox needs more money.
#40189637Sunday, January 02, 2011 4:23 PM GMT

#40190232Sunday, January 02, 2011 4:33 PM GMT

Guy saying Roblox is not rich, YOU ARE A MORONIC SOMETHING I CAN'T POST! THEY HAVE 10 MILLION USERS, if 1% are BC, paying 5.95 per month, then that is 100,000 * 5.95. This equals $595,000. IN ONE MONTH. They earn millions every year! This excludes OBC, TBC and Robux buying, and therefore I win and Roblox and their workers are earning MILLIONS. You mgiht say that is gross profit, yes , it is. Roblox was not started by 5,000 people like, say, WoW. It was started by a few programmers who emplyed more, therefore they are earning TONS!
#40190746Sunday, January 02, 2011 4:42 PM GMT

Thanks for proving they are loaded, Munno. And, Night, I don't agree with you because your wrong in my opinion. Not because I'm stubborn. You should respect our opinions and point of view..
#40191679Sunday, January 02, 2011 4:57 PM GMT

@night, ROBLOX dosen't need more money. It could run COMPLETLEY on donations if it was managed properly. You're a noob. Get off these forums.
#40195358Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:47 PM GMT

Roblox...needs money. 5 million dollars...that's not a lot for a company. Fine, how about this, NONE of us are right. THERE! Because we're all kids anyways, what do we know?
#40195464Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:48 PM GMT

5 million dollars is NOTHING for a company. My dad makes a lot every year, but he says he still needs more to run the company! He had to lay-off a few workers so that he could keep his business up.
#40195584Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:49 PM GMT

BTW There are 10 million users, but half of them are ALTS. So %1 of 5 million is BC. That's NOTHING.
#40195662Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:50 PM GMT

God, there are so many facts that can prove your statements false. Yet I'm too lazy to post them.
#40195783Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:51 PM GMT

ok, on you+tube dayrenx posted a video of telamon saying nbc's quitting saves roblox money WTH!
#40195992Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:53 PM GMT

He means that he wants NBC'ers to become BC'ers. Thus making them no longer NBC'ers, so he calls it quitting.
#40196057Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:54 PM GMT

Okay, I'm fine with the whole BC only places thing now, I guess. But seriously, what I really want is the original GUI and working scripts back.
#40196155Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:55 PM GMT

@Im Btw on your post about me going to other forums where people agree with me, what's the point of going to another forum that does that, when nobody else will agree with you? I go to people that disagree with me, to try and change their minds. I get nowhere if I talk to people that agree with me.
#40196396Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:57 PM GMT

Wrong. NBCers can do a lot, but they just haven't figured it out yet.
#40434986Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:57 PM GMT

@ Night, what I meant was we have made up our minds.. stop arguing with us. I'm never going to agree with you if you keep arguing.. Princess proved a very good point.. Your facts and what your dad says means nothing, does your dad work for Roblox? No. Just seriously get off this forum.. I cba with you. This was made because Princess was upset about the updates and we understand that.. It does no good for you to come and insult people because they are expressing their points on forums? You might say your just simply expressing your points, but make your point AND GET OFF THIS FORUM. The only reason I'm still writing on this forum is because Princess is my friend and asked me to and your so wrong. I've had enough with arguing with you... I have better things to worry about then roblox n you. I was upset about the updates on the first day and a few days after, but now I'm over it, sort of. So really, be mature and stop this..
#40435038Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:59 PM GMT

@ Night, and another thing. Just because your dad is a business worker/owner whatever does not mean him or you are experts about companys.