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#39915840Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:33 PM GMT

One, who cares if I am complaining, its because ROBLOX turned "Free Games" into " BUY (O)(T)BC TO PLAY OUR GAMES :D"! This is stupid! I don't care if other people pay and I don't care if its 5 bucks, you guys with (O)(T)BC always say "omg naub its only 5 dollars woah wtf u nub!" Well guess what?! Some families pay for better things over a crappy pixel game, our families pay for electricity, they pay for water, they pay for food, they pay for shelter, they pay for everything! Can't ROBLOX understand the fact that some families don't pay for pixels but they pay for their LIVES?! I mean it started in 2009 when gear came out. They started making gear for NBC then they thought "Oh we dont care about our users anymore lets make gear really expensive so noobs like NBCS can't use it haheheheh", well then you thought what you want but NBC make up HALF of this community! Without NBC, ROBLOX would never be a great game, so what if we got guests, and so what if we got noobs, it doesn't matter! ROBLOX only cares about the paying people! So what if you pay and you get more benefits, it doesn't matter, everyone should have equal rights! Then 2010 happened when the new bodies came out! Everyone, even NBC's were excited to wear bodies. Then the first test body came out, the bear. Then bodies became BC only, and then NBC members got NOTHING. They barely get any hats! You can just go to the Featured Hats in the catalog. How many TIX hats? Barely nothing! I bet in 2012 we'll start looking like friggin' HUMAN BEINGS, but I guess that will be Builders Club too, and what will we look like?! THE SAME BLOCKY CRAP FROM 2008. ROBLOX will never take the fact that we still exist! They barely do anything for guests, like they barely even do anything, for NBC we're just floating parts in the middle of nowhere, but (O)(T)BC, they are the most liked! And the currency we get...oh my gosh I can't believe the CURRENCY WE GET. 20 tix for 1 robux. 20 tix is 2 days, just for a friggin' piece of crap! Why does only ROBUX matter now?! 06ers must remember when the days were like "If You Can Imagine it....You can Build it!" but its more like "If You Can Imagine it....Then Buy (O)(T)BC to do it!" ITS STUPID ITS DUMB AND ROBLOX IS JUST GREEDY! I don't care if you say "Tl;Dr"! IM JUST PROVING MY POINT. Don't you see my point?! Think, in probably 3 years, you'll need to pay just to get on the site!
#39916125Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:35 PM GMT

I skimmed this. Same garbage in all the other nine year old flamers threads. Roblox needs money, right? They need to get money with p2p features. And if you think that BC is not worth it, THEN YOU FAIL AT LIFE FOR MALKING THIS THREAD. I'M GOING TO RANT HERE, IF YOU REALLY THINK THAT BC IS NOT WORTH IT, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER TO RANT ABOUT WHAT BCERS GET. GO OUTSIDE AND LEARN WHAT CONTRADICTING YOURSELF IS.
#39916312Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:37 PM GMT

WHO SAID THAT I THOUGH BC WAS WORTHLESS?! I'm making this thread because we get almost no features. Ya, ya, so what if its 5 bucks?! I made this thread so people know that we should get atleast like 0.1 more features!
#39916888Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:41 PM GMT

I totally agree. Roblox is NOT where it was before. I once went on the site from 2007, and when I looked in the catalog, there was about, maybe 30 hats, and 50% was tix and 50% was robux. LOOK AT ROBLOX NOW. -_- P.S. Don't say "Well you just joined a little while ago!" True, but I also have an account from 2009. EARLY 2009. APRIL 13 2009. I think I made my point.
#39917098Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:43 PM GMT

@Theinventor Thanks for supporting and thats the same day my alt was made, April 13th 2009! but he got deleted D:
#39917283Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:44 PM GMT

#39917695Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:47 PM GMT

Interesting....XD I just checked - Since you can make your place only BC now, (But only for BC -_-) I configured my place - It said: Builders Club Only *NEW* Choose the minimum Builders Club membership required to enter this place. Current Ticket Bonus for Builders Club Only Places: 2x Tickets ONone ^^^^^^^ OBuilders Club ^^^^^^^ You see THAT??? They're trying to BRIBE us into making our places for BC only. -_-
#39917993Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:49 PM GMT

Out of the new:"ROBLOX is committed to creating great content for our free players" I'll believe it when I see it, RobloTim! Honestly, can Roblox make good updates anymore? Half-3/4 of Roblox has hated all of the recent updates.
#39918109Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:50 PM GMT

#39918148Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:51 PM GMT

#39918441Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:53 PM GMT

"you guys with (O)(T)BC always say "omg naub its only 5 dollars woah wtf u nub!" Well guess what?! Some families pay for better things over a crappy pixel game, our families pay for electricity, they pay for water, they pay for food, they pay for shelter, they pay for everything! Can't ROBLOX understand the fact that some families don't pay for pixels but they pay for their LIVES?!" -OP Yep, that REALLY looks like you do not disaprove of BC. Also, a rule of S&I is "Do not put threads askinbg for BC features for NBC" Sticky was torn down, but it it still set in stone. Rule breaking thread is a fail. Lemme go bump my counter to all these fail rants.
#39918621Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Well, sorry Mr. Sticky Fat Pants. I never saw the sticky.
#39919121Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:58 PM GMT

Well I understand The Problem Of Free Games But Still It Doesent Mean We Have To Seperate The People Seperate Eachother Is coming back to Segergation on Roblox between Non builders Club And Builders Club. Its sickneing Because No One Wants To Come To A Segeragated Game. So I Disaprove this Act of Diffiance And Racisim
#39919276Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

"Also, a rule of S&I is "Do not put threads askinbg for BC features for NBC" Sticky was torn down, but it it still set in stone. Rule breaking thread is a fail." I know that the WNTS DID exist, but without the current proof of it, the rules are void. From the words of BeepBoopBop, the S&I's most logical forumer:"Since WNTS is non-existent, it's rules are now invalid due to the lack of evidence of it ever existing in the first place."
#39919324Thursday, December 30, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

I Say keep Roblox Simple Like The Good Ol Days!!! Whos With Me?
#39923385Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

@Buddy What kind of crack are you on? I never said anything about seperating anyone and I was never racist... Do you even know what racist means? And do you know how to read?
#39924334Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

@Raheem Ah yes.. I remember the noob you were 1 year ago. Badmouthing my place and causing general unrest. Look where you are now... disagreeing with a thread that should take more notice. As for the topic, roblox is getting more greedy. This is all a scam for more players to get BC. The problem is some players CAN'T get BC because of their parents. They simply are not allowed to. I am such a player. Raheem, please take notice of this as you continue to spread negativity around roblox. It has done you no good so far. And yes, I do want BC, but I cannot obtain it because of my parents. And I will continue to fight back against the increasingly unfair amounts of BC/TBC/OBC related stuff. What will they think of next? BC only building tools? Only time will tell if this free game has turned into a stereotypical money-hungry mmo.
#39924701Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:43 PM GMT

This has nothing to do with racism and it is not a rant. This is a well off company turning greedy and hoping to earn even more money in this capitalist economy. This is not a rant because it is real, roblox will continue on with this nonsense until virtually everthing is bc only. And the roblox commmunity will slowly overflow with corruption.
#39934726Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

I agree! The stupidest update was BC only places! I loved Apples to Apples but now its BC only!! Soon enough you will need BC to LOG IN!

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