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#40035486Friday, December 31, 2010 9:57 PM GMT

Before you flame, READ! I use dividers to divide the sections(visually easier) #1 The story Many people have quit roblox because of the 12/30/10 update/ bc only places. Think of this like halflife. Each new update take away 50% or more players including bc's. If this keeps on going, Roblox will be no more. No more players, no more membership players, etc. The mods could be laid off. I know they dont want to loose all of their hard work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #2 Misfits! This is a building game, not a social networking/fashion show gimmick! Talking to other players can help Autistic kids and clothing will make your character look less nude but it has gone a little too far. - The facebook connect thing, if they pay for it, it is a waste of money. This is building! - They have way to many hats! Way to many! Way to many! Repitition helps get my point across. Work on the game! Stop waisting your time with hats! Some more interesting gears would be nice. Some more faces and heads would be nice as well! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #3 Rumors I have read rumors about something called "Pay to Play" Lay off with with the BC features already! If they still have that Free online games up if this update cames, It would be consided false advertising and they could get sued for that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #4 Money They do need money, but as I said before, they are loosing bc members. They will loose 20 bucks from me if they add the pay to play thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #5 Ideas -Take a Poll/Survey -If they ever back up the older versions of roblox, they can get rid of their worst features/updates so more people would play/ buy bc -Listen to Some of things players suggest, it will make their day and improve the game -Work on updating the game, not the site/BC Please list more ideas if you can! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #6 Fun I thought they wanted children to have fun. They are kinda loosing that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #7 Any supports/ sugestions?
#40035732Friday, December 31, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

I agree, it seems like they're adding too many BC features and continuing to do so would result in a total loss of all players. Also they could add a survey to see what players think of the updates BEFORE they implant them. ☻Think, It's not illegal yet
#40035797Friday, December 31, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

Thanks early 08er!
#40036052Friday, December 31, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

go to the post id 40035113 to see more details of this situation
#40036142Friday, December 31, 2010 10:04 PM GMT

I Agree...Some people actually CANCELED their BC.....(TBC, and OBC too!)
#40036272Friday, December 31, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

I could add it on a comment to this. It will add onto mine. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=40035113
#40036545Friday, December 31, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=39942358 Here is a good thread that adresses some of the same topics as mine.
#40036588Friday, December 31, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

I'll try to counter point-by-point. 1: Where are you getting those numbers. 50%, really? I don't think so. You forgot to mention that hundreds of people join ROBLOX every day, as well. 2: This is a SOCIAL building game. You're supposed to chat and make friends. If you were building by yourself, that would be boring. You realize the people who make hats are not the same people who work on big updates, right? They are both worked on simultaneously. But since big updates take longer, they release hats in between to give us something to do. 3: That "rumor" was started by some idiot who lied about Telamon's Twitter. Pay no attention to it. No, they would not get sued. 99.9% of the games are still free. What SHOULD be changed is the individual place tag, which says "PLACE, a Free Game by USER." That should be changed ONLY for BC-Only Places. 4: Where are you getting these numbers? How do you know they're losing money? I think the opposite is true, which is great! 5: That's what surveys are for, I agree with you here. But a lot of the time some of the suggestions ARE for the site, not just the game. They can update the site a lot faster, which is why we see more site updates than game updates. But they DO work on them. 6: According to whom?
#40037646Friday, December 31, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

Ok, that helps alot as contructive criticism. I wont understand what a company does untill im part of one. 1.But evey 14 years, 50% of the carcass has decayed. Its keeps on doing that auntil it is all gone. But if alot of players are join, finding out about some update that is for bc(if they dont have it) they quit. 2.Yes it is a social building game, but its adding to many out of site features. 3. Ok, i will never understand twitter, you give out your personal info! 4. Half life and the nuber of the players in games have decreased or im not seeing. 5. Ok. Site is faster and game is slower, I see that. How many people are working at that company? It wil never be Valve but they could use some extra help/ 6. People who joined this game? Like me?
#40037845Friday, December 31, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

I learning more things about companies/roblox/stuff every day. Please correct me if im wrong on anything.
#40038350Friday, December 31, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

Thank you for your reply. I'll keep up this format. 1: I mean where are you getting the information that says ROBLOX IS decaying that fast? 2: I only count Facebook Connect, and the different payment options, which actually make it easier to buy BC. 3: I don't have one, I'm not sure of the exact mechanics. 4: You've actually kept track? Is this just among your ow friends or is it a general observation? 5: I'd have to check that out. It might be in the Jobs section. 6: OK, and at the same time, many people like or don't mind the new features.
#40039718Friday, December 31, 2010 10:42 PM GMT

1. Well the immature players are quitting. 2. Still not social networking, its a MMOG(Massivley Multiplayer Online Game) 3. Yep 4. General observation. I think they mights have messed up showing the most popular games thing 5.Ok 6. Same thing with 1(not about the people who dont mind it.) I am slowly changing my mind, there will be less noobs on this game but some of my nbc frieds wont be about to join BC only games with me.
#40041186Friday, December 31, 2010 10:58 PM GMT

I do this again: 1.Those numbers are obviously fake.Like what,only 1% of ROBLOX games are not free.THAT SURE IS BIG. 2.What's faster to make?Game engine codes or poly'd hats?What is easier to pay?What is easier to hirer?Most people don't even pay for the facebook thing. 3.RUMORS,THOSE AREN'T FACTS. 4.Of course they need money,they need the site alive.They're not wasting it on planes or cars or any luxury.That's another reason why they make hats and add BC features,to keep the site,their lot,and their employees. 5.Old ROBLOX was only good for it's community.You'd be surprised at the games back then.That being the majority of people's idea,as it IS suggested A LOT on the forums.Voting won't even help.People are getting what they want.Builders and scripters don't get want they want.People suggest hats,site features,and old ROBLOX. 6.It's called an opinion. If you're gonna blame anyone,blame the community.They have A LOT members,not too many that are paying.For that reason,they need to coax users to purchasing BC.People wanted more hats back then?We got them.People wanted more site features back then?We got them.ROBLOX just did what people say.They did all of this for the community.If this WERE to happen,people would want the stuff like before back.It'd shift back and fourth.You could just ignore the updates and just play.
#40051167Saturday, January 01, 2011 12:39 AM GMT

Things your still needing to know happend since this update 1)Since I use to have a old account(back in 08') easier to understand that this use to be non-bc features. There and before you check ejob those are just public, we might not even know how many people MIGHT(notice that I Capitalize it) own BC places so the numbers should be what they are. Why are you going like "Why are you using these numbers" you guys look like you are threating the author then asking. It is true more members are joining. 2)I do agree this is also a Building/Socializing game but since they put down a BC feature which strictly avoids new players and players that don't have BC, this avoids two different types of people(meaning one person who is BC, and one whos not). Fashion actully shows the person's personality and uniform shows what they support for. People want the Bc place feature to get rid of noobs (cause some people think non-bc people are not noobs) but actully I went to one bc server on a game the present adjs(when I mean that I mean APPLES TO APPLES and I don't care IF ITS JUST ONE GAME OR SERVER) and many people were choosing cake instead of the real word matching the adj(its judging but still it makes you look stupid if you choose the wrong one on purpose). 3)Twitter works as a daily thing(which I think is boring) like saying whats happening in your life(if you haven't noticed roblox has that feature) and the idiot who posted that rumor might be lying just cause of scaring people off, rumors are gossip that might be lies or the truth depending on the person. 4)Of course they are loosing money, they make more hats for a reason, people wear hats as they think its some way of telling "Look, I saved alot for this hat" they may add updates that are useful or useless but thats to attract more people. 5)Games back in 08 were so fun if only the first update that appeared let me go through the fire wall. 6) Opinions Opinions, they are how the person feels about it. Sure so updates are lame and discriminating it gets me mad too.
#40052021Saturday, January 01, 2011 12:48 AM GMT

#1: "With each new update 50% of players are taken away including BCs" Source, please, or else it's false. #2: First part is illegitimate here, because all suggestions here must be directed at the ROBLOX development team. Facebook connect doesn't cost anything, facebook doesn't cost anything. A hat takes way more than game content updates. #3: Telamon has said ROBLOX will always have a free player option. #4: Why do we care that you're not gonna keep paying them $20 for OBC? #5: They do publish polls. You just don't see them. #6: Yes, they do want children to have fun. And most if not all of them are.
#40053170Saturday, January 01, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

I Support and i like the part roblox get sued so thats their punishment.
#40053802Saturday, January 01, 2011 1:08 AM GMT

I disagree. note the features added HAVE NO EFFECT on NBCs and the only effect is on BCs. if it dosn't affect you then why support this? let the thread die
#40057058Saturday, January 01, 2011 1:43 AM GMT

Its dead.
#40104585Saturday, January 01, 2011 4:41 PM GMT

really its like 50% robloxs ault for making the feature but its the noobs who make there places bc you may get two tickets for every player but there are like 75% player not playing your games
#40104775Saturday, January 01, 2011 4:44 PM GMT

i might hack so all shirts places hats pants gear hads faces and body stay but roblox goes to when it was just made graphics will stay but no robux biuldersclub or noobs that dont play will be deleted
#40109467Saturday, January 01, 2011 5:43 PM GMT

People quit for immature reasons,Official reasons, and fake reasons: Official:People who say who are being stalked around by members of their own group or other people are more likely to quit then say some feture is ruining the game, others who say other friends are quiting is in between it, and others say that they rather play another game than roblox, and hackers. Immature reasons: People who quit cause they have an update ruin a game that they love so much, too many noobs, oders, or even the best of friends fighting causes them to quit. Fake Reasons: Say it in the comments section saying "I'm quitting roblox and before you go can you go to my place The link is :(some random URL)" Or just to get attention Official and Immature reasons are posted on their profile Fakers post it on the comments.
#188354037Saturday, April 30, 2016 10:21 PM GMT

i agree
#188354089Saturday, April 30, 2016 10:22 PM GMT

that would be usefull xd
#188354122Saturday, April 30, 2016 10:22 PM GMT

mhm i agree

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